Saturday, August 1, 2009

Hi im only 17 and im losing so much hair at the front (male pattern bldness)?

im losing hair and im only 17, is there any way that i can grow it back? it is also getting thin and you can see through my hair and before i used to have thick hair. im also losing hair on my eyebrows so does that mean anything?

Hi im only 17 and im losing so much hair at the front (male pattern bldness)?

Well, if it wasn't for the eyebrows I would say you probably have an early case of alopecia areata. But, you might be suffering from alopecia totalis, where you lose all the hair from your head (including eyelashes and eyebrows). This is very uncommon, you probably don't have this. I would recommend seeing a doctor about this, but if it is early male pattern baldness or alopecia totalis there isn't anything they can really do about it.

Hi im only 17 and im losing so much hair at the front (male pattern bldness)?

That can be a symptom of polycystic ovarian disease, if you have any of the other symptoms go see your gynocologist soon. You can google the full info on it, but some of the other signs are: irregular periods, overweight, unusual hair growth (such as on face or chest) and acne.

Hi im only 17 and im losing so much hair at the front (male pattern bldness)?

My son is 19 and is getting a receding hairline, I know it comes from his father, most of the time that is heriditary, now the eyebrows, I've never heard or seen that so I don't know. Have you been on any medications lately? they will cause it too. You can try a product like rogain or something like it, it's a hair stimulate. Don't wear hats thats one of the worst things to do, your hair can't get oxygen.

Hi im only 17 and im losing so much hair at the front (male pattern bldness)?

prenatal vitamins (or bioton)

and mane n tail horse shampoo

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