Saturday, August 1, 2009

Long hair miniature dachshund losing hair?

She's losing some hair near her tail, just above it, about the size of a half-dollar. There are no sores of any kind, no redness, no anything. She's also not been chewing on herself. Anyone have any idea what may be going on?

Long hair miniature dachshund losing hair?

Could be allergies to fleas or other things-especially at this time of year. I would reccommend feeding a nutritionally sound food and adding a skin and coat supplement that has fish oil in it. Of course check with your vet to make sure that there is not other health issue going on that would require medication but if everything is ok then take a look at changing diet and adding a supplement. A great source for food and supplements that really benefit your dog is listed below. I have three japanese chin and one poodle mix and i feed this food plus the skin and coat supplement. Before i was feeding this food and supplement they were always scratching from the dry heat in my house. That has completly stopped and their coats are beautiful.

Long hair miniature dachshund losing hair?

Is she old? One of my mini dachshunds lost hair on his tail because he was old. You should ask your vet.

Long hair miniature dachshund losing hair?

could be mange have a vet check her

Long hair miniature dachshund losing hair?

I have a Doberman that does the same thing and it is Contact flee bite dermatitis. Simply put she is allergic to flees and this year they are bad every where because the flees are building up immunities to the pesticides and they do not kill them anymore. I always have to take Kyra (that is my dog)to the vet and they give her a shot of steroids and the hair grows back.

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