Saturday, August 1, 2009

Why is our cat losing hair?

Our cat seems to be losing a large patch of fur above his hind leg. It started out about the size of a nickel, but now it's about 3 inches in diameter. He doesn't appear to have fleas or any other parasite problem, so I don't think it has anything to do with that. I did a little research on feline hair loss but nothing seems to match. He doesn't have any type of lesion or any symptoms of increased lethargy, only this one patch of missing hair. Anyone have any ideas as to why this is occurring?

Why is our cat losing hair?

Oh I feel your pain here. I have a tortie cat that does this. Yes, take the cat to the vet, but be prepared to never have an answer to this question. We were told by multiple vets that the cat was probably allergic to something but there was really no way to figure out what. But - here are some things that other cat people I know have had (the cats, not the people) that kind of fit what you're talking about.

Flea allergy disease. The cat is allergic to fleas, you may not even see a flea on the cat because the cat only needs like one flea bite before they have a reaction and start loosing hair. They generally get scabby before they lose the hair.

Ringworm - don't really need to say more on this one.

Protein Molecule Allergy - I mention this one because even though I think it's kind of rare, if there really are no fleas (and it is winter) this one is possible. What happens here is the cat is allergic to the protein molecule (food) and they for whatever reason begin to lick their hair off. If this is what happened you might mention it to the vet and have them test the cat. Kind of a long shot, but worth a mention. It's fixable, you just have to buy special food.

Stress - I suspect this is the root of my own cat's hair loss. I have known cats that are sort of "ball of nerves" cats and they can become fixated on grooming and will literally lick a patch of hair off. If your cat has been on edge recently or just has this type of nature then this could be it.

At any rate, unless it's an identifiable allergy, the vet will probably give the cat a steroid shot and the hair will grow back.

Good luck.

Why is our cat losing hair?

No, but your VET would!

Why is our cat losing hair?

well after i got my cat fixed, she started losing some of her fur...especially around her belly...but i think its perfectly normal for cats to shed...hope your cat gets better :D

Why is our cat losing hair?

Does he scratch or bite at the area? He may have an allergy or dry/sensitive skin. Some cats try to fix their own health problems by cleaning more frequently. Yours may be so fixated on trying to get the problem to stop that he is pulling his hairs out. I had a cat that had a skin rash during the summer and the vet equated it to "hot spots". We would wipe him with a medicated wipe (I don't remember the name) and also put a vitamin in his food for skin/fur conditioning. It seemed to help.

Why is our cat losing hair?

If it' an indoor cat maybe it's allergies, good luck at the Vet.

Why is our cat losing hair?

Probably an allergy or an area of irritation, the cat could be pulling it out with their teeth. my cat seemed to have no fleas but she kept pulling her hair out on her spine by her butt, and after the third trip to the vet the blue light revealed one single flea that was driving her nuts. she has a flea sensitivity so one flea drove her nuts. put her on the flea program and she stopped pulling her hair and it grew back.

Why is our cat losing hair?

Just a thought here but it might be ringworm? since you have an appt with your vet shortly you'll soon have your answer. Off the top of my head tho, it can be a possible allergic reaction to something specific that may have touched that area (since you say that there are no other spots?) or he may have gotten into something that was caustic that caused the spot to show up. but my best guess would be ringworm. the spot will change color when you shine a black light on it - your vet will probably check it that way plus take a skin scraping. Mange is probably not a possibility but the skin scraping will make sure of that too.

good luck - I assume that your cat doesn't show tenderness or anything regarding the spot - so you soon will find out what the mysterious spot is all about.

Why is our cat losing hair?

I just took my cat to the vet 2 days ago for the SAME EXACT THING - he said it was allergies due to the weather changes - he gave him a shot of some type of steroid and it's already clearing up.......if you can't get to the vet, try a benadryl

Why is our cat losing hair?

It is allergic to something......... Go to the vet to find out..............

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