Saturday, August 1, 2009

Mary Kate is anorexic but doesn't seem to be losing hair. Why!?

What does she use!? Is there anybody anorexic out there that knows the remedy to hair loss? i want to be anorexic but i dont want to lose anymore hair! i know ive been really skinny before, but i believe i was really healthy. i was a distance runner and ran everyday, no diet needed, lost about 15 pounds. i was 85 pounds and had a full head of hair, it was thick, dark and healthy. and then i stopped running and gained all my 15 pounds back! i tried to lose it again by not eating, i went down to 90 pounds and started losing hair! why is it that when i was 85 pounds-(or less b/c of muscle frm exercising) i didnt lose any hair but at 90 pounds i lose hair?

Mary Kate is anorexic but doesn't seem to be losing hair. Why!?

Mary Kate has money = she probably has fake hair installed.

I think she looks very sickly with every bone in her body showing. If you want to look like that, trade places with a starving child. They'll welcome the food you dont want to eat :/

Mary Kate is anorexic but doesn't seem to be losing hair. Why!?

Vitamins B5, B6, and B12 might help prevent hair loss.

I really, really recommend taking up running again instead of not eating... You will be fit instead of "skinny-fat" and will keep your hair!

Mary Kate is anorexic but doesn't seem to be losing hair. Why!?

you don't want to be anorexic do you? that is not lose a lot more to anorexia than weight or hair...

Tell your parents that you need help with this or your school nurse or counselor...wanting to be fit and wanting to be anorexic are two different things. Mary Kate has a staff hairdresser and probably hair extensions and/or a weave do not try to be like them at all..

There are many medical risks associated with anorexia. They include: shrunken bones, mineral loss, low body temperature, irregular heartbeat, permanent failure of normal growth, development of osteoporosis

If you are anorexic, you may have trouble conceiving a baby and carrying it to term. Irregular menstrual cycles and weak bones make it more difficult to conceive.

One percent of teenage girls in the U.S. develop anorexia nervosa and up to 10% of those may die as a result.

Mary Kate is anorexic but doesn't seem to be losing hair. Why!?

Anyone who thinks she looks good being so thin is obviously in need of glasses. It's sickening.

Mary Kate is anorexic but doesn't seem to be losing hair. Why!?

Try home remedies at

Mary Kate is anorexic but doesn't seem to be losing hair. Why!?

lets find out wether or not that is her hair..

Mary Kate is anorexic but doesn't seem to be losing hair. Why!?

the anorexic is the big problem loss is trying to let a person know that there's something wrong......stateing you want to be an anorexic is like me saying that i want to be a foolish

if that isn't looked into you won't have to worry about your hair

go see your doctor

Mary Kate is anorexic but doesn't seem to be losing hair. Why!?

She has fake hair extension(like all famous people)

Mary Kate is anorexic but doesn't seem to be losing hair. Why!?

don't stoop to being anorexic --- if you did it right the first time, then work hard and do it right again this time.

mary kate has a lot of money to hire hair stylists to make her hair however she wants it

Mary Kate is anorexic but doesn't seem to be losing hair. Why!?

dont stop eating, it slows down your metabolism. start running again. its better for you.

Mary Kate is anorexic but doesn't seem to be losing hair. Why!?

hello mary kate famous rich and ya!

Mary Kate is anorexic but doesn't seem to be losing hair. Why!?

You need to RUN to a doctor or therapist, or failing that...go find a police woman. The BIG word in your story is WAS. Bet you're doing diddley-squat NOW! Get yourself LOCKED up til you find out how to LOVE yourself for who you are...not what you WEIGH! omg gET REAL... YOU ARE so LUCKY TO BE ALIVE AND YOU HAVE SUCH A life AHEAD OF YOU. tOUCH BASE WITH LIKING YOURSELF. tHE WORLD DOESN'T CARE WHAT YOU WEIGH! wE CARE WHO YOU ARE. lOVE AND hUGS, gINA c.

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