My hamster is 2 1/2 years old and has in the past month or so been losing hair. I mean he is dramatically losing hair. It's thin around his face, almost gone on his tummy, and it's thin on his back. There are patches on his back where it is gone.
Also, he is sleeping all the time and he seems to be drinking a lot of water. His pee also smells pretty bad.
Does anybody know what is wrong with him and what I should do? I can't take him to the vet because I live in a small town and there isn't a small animal vet. The vets around here don't deal with anything smaller than cats. The closest vet that would take care of my hamster is an hour away and my parents don't believe that it is worth it to drive that far.
Is there anything I can do?
Why is my hamster losing hair and drinking a lot of water?
its getting old and losing its hair. it drinks water more becuase u hardly give it any and it wants to savore the taste.
Why is my hamster losing hair and drinking a lot of water?
Prepare yourself for the worst Sara. Sounds like your old buddy is nearing death.
Why is my hamster losing hair and drinking a lot of water?
Hamster hair loss is common with old age. If its drinking a lot of water and its pee smells bad, he or she is probably dehydrated. I'm sorry to say that this comes with old age, and truly there is nothing you can do...
Why is my hamster losing hair and drinking a lot of water?
All hamsters,Guinea pigs, and furry rodents shed
fur all year round. And they drink a lot as well it not a bad thing because I've had a lot of guunea pigs.
Why is my hamster losing hair and drinking a lot of water?
Keeping it clean and always providing fresh water is a good start. Look into getting some vitamin treats for it and make sure there are no fleas in the house... if it is getting flea bites from any where it can be very hard on them. tempt it to eat by offering favorite foods... high in moisture not dry. That will aide in preventing dehydration. If your feed supply store has "electrolites" as a suppliment you could try that... by drinking them it will rebalance the animals system... it may help... best of luck
Why is my hamster losing hair and drinking a lot of water?
this happens to most hammys that reach an old age,
he is just old, all old animals drink lots of water and all my past hammys lost hair when they got to about 2-3 years old,
2 1/2 is a good old age for a hamster but mines lived for about another 6-8 months once they started losing hair so you have a while yet with him
hope he gets on okay! =(
Why is my hamster losing hair and drinking a lot of water?
Losing hair and drinking a lot is a common sign of mites. You can get a spray or mousse for rodents (my mouse specialist uses one for ferrets but they do exist for rodents) and use it carefully following directions. Try not to get it on their faces near their eyes, noses, and mouth. Rub all over the hamster well so the skin is wet. Do this over your bed because the little guy might panic and jump. Make sure it can dry quickly, like with as heater on or keep it in your hands.
If it has any cagemates they must be treated too. And you must do it again in two weeks because the spray does not kill the eggs which will hatch later.
Of course, like others have written, it might be old age. But the concurrent water drinking makes me think of mites.
Why is my hamster losing hair and drinking a lot of water?
Im sorry to say but it seem to me that your going tolose your hamster soon :( This happened to my friend and she lost t a few months later :O :(
These are all common symtoms of oldage. My hamster is going through this now and he is around 3 years old. The older hamsters get the worse there urine smells so you must clean your cage more often. Like most mammals (including humans) the older they get the more they sleep. You also might notice that he is slower then he was in his younger years.Also all mammals will drink more in there old age because sometimes there kidneys start to fail.Hair loss is quite common in hamster in there old age. You do not need a vet in this situation. I don't think he has mite or is molting. When your hamster comes to the old age stage you know you have been a good owner because you've cared for him and loved him long enough to get to this stage. Remeber there always comes a time where an animal has to leave you, just think he lived a long and happy life and now he is in heavan. That always cheers me up.
ReplyDeleteO yes and I don't think he is nearing death I think you may still have 6 months to a year with him.