Bought June 2nd, My long haired guinea pig is losing hair on the back of his neck. He gets Vitamin-c daily (a slice of orange). What can I do to stop the hair loss?
Long haired Guinea pig losing hair?
You need to take your guinea pig to a vet pronto! What's happening is that he has a mite problem. Or even a fungal infection if it's that far along. You can treat mites with three doses of Ivermectin, which can be bough at feed stores. You have to dilute the ivermection accordingly to your guinea pig's weight though.
You only give him a slice an orange a day? First off, orange is a very sugary substance for a guinea pig. You should give him leafy greens (no ice burg lettuce), bell peppers, cilantro, a carrot, and a tomato at least on every day.
I'll attach a link about hair loss and mite management, as well as a guinea pig diet sheet.
Long haired Guinea pig losing hair?
Look for any scabs or red sores. Take him to a vet. Bathe him in guinea pig shampoo. My piggy was losing her hair on her back from the stress of losing her room mate and getting a new one. After a few weeks of washing her her hair grew back and shes fine now.
Long haired Guinea pig losing hair?
Take it to the vet and find out what kind of treatment he needs. The Guinea pig could have hot spots on the back of his neck. Try to get him a appointment at the vets.
Long haired Guinea pig losing hair?
First the obvious: Try changing his bedding. There are many different kinds to choose from at your local pet store.
I had a guinea pig with this problem. I was taking him to a vet to treat it, but it wasn't getting better. It got to the point where he was starting to have seizures because he was scratching himself so violently. My thought at this point was, "Are you serious I have to put a guinea pig down for what started as hair loss?!" I figured as one last effort I would give this a shot:
Go to this web site:
There is a recipe under the "skin problem" area which a mixture of natural oils you can find in a health food store. Not all health food stores carry each of these items, so call before you go. The mixture cost me about $40.... much less than what I was paying the vet to solve the problem. Much to my surprise it worked beautifully for my piggy, it was safe and painless. He did smell a bit like a salad for a while though! A small price to pay for a healthy pig. It gave immediate results for my piggy after dealing with this problem for months. This works for mites or fungal infection. There are testimonials there from other people who it worked for other than myself. Good luck!!
Long haired Guinea pig losing hair?
First and foremost is to figure out what type of bedding your using. If its pine cedar or any type of wood chip then thats the reason. You need to get him out of it fast and clean out his cage of any reminise of this bedding. It can also cause upper respitory infections. Then if thats not the case call you local pet store and tell them the problem. Most of the time they are ready and willing to help and they know the answer. Then if it comes down to it take him to the vet. If he has cabs then the most probable cause is fleas or mights! I hope hes okay!
Long haired Guinea pig losing hair?
It is most likely mites. The guinea pig that I adopted had the same problem. He lost all the hair on his belly and sides. Mites can't be seen by the naked eye or on skin scrapings. They can be dormant for long periods of time and pop up for no reason. Your vet can treat her with ivermectin or you can do it yourself. Check out for all the info you need. Please treat her. Mites can cause serious problems and are painful for the guinea pig.
Addition: Mites will not neccessarily cause scabs or ANY other symptoms. It is a very common occurance in guinea pigs that can become serious if untreated. Read up on how to treat her and do it. Even if it turns out not to mites, the ivermectin won't hurt her any way. Only good can come of it
Long haired Guinea pig losing hair?
Its not the Vitamin C issue. If it were a defiancy of that, he would have Scurvy. What most likely your problem is is he has mites. Just bugs crawling on his skin. And he is reacting by scrachting it, thats what is taking the hair off. Get some Revolution, or take him to the vet. Revolution is a product that kills the bugs, it is used for cattle. But with cattle, you pour the whole bottle on the cows back, with this, you use one very tiny drop on the guinea pigs ear. You can find it at a Feed Store for horses %26amp; cattle.
Long haired Guinea pig losing hair?
Sounds like you have been using wood shavings for bedding. First off..STOP! Use Carefesh brand. It is the best for them. Bathe him in baby shampoo and then coat him in vegtable oil. It smothers mites and will not hurt them if they groom. Leave it on for 24 hours and bathe again. Once you have changed the bedding and used this process, if it has been mites you are good to go. Good luck and email me if you have any more questions.
Long haired Guinea pig losing hair?
I am recommending you follow the advice of MemphisGal %26amp; GailtheGuineaPg. They are correct %26amp; gave accurate information! Please be sure to visit the page about diet on Guinea Lynx. A good diet will help keep your piggie's skin (as well as the rest of him!) in top shape when you get rid of those pesky mites.
Best of luck.
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