Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Rotweiler has dry skin(dandruff and losing hair)?

My girlfriend has her rotweiler/husky dog who is 10 and she told me he is not scratching but is losing patches of hair and has bad dandruff.She wanted to know about any ideas to help him that isnt to expensive..Any suggestions?

Rotweiler has dry skin(dandruff and losing hair)?

Rotties generally have good skin, but Huskies need omega 3 fatty acids for their coats and skin. these are available in many food items. This supplement is great, and if you read the 'letters; they are genuine%26gt; http://springtimeinc.com/product/88/2

switching to Canidae dog food could really make the difference%26gt; http://www.canidae.com/ingredients/thefi...

Canidae or Solid Gold are rich in the omega 3 fatty acids, and are available at most pet supplies (local, not chain)

Rotweiler has dry skin(dandruff and losing hair)?

sounds like mange

Rotweiler has dry skin(dandruff and losing hair)?

It sounds like he may be having an allergic reaction. Has she recently changed his food? Rotties have been known for having food allergies. If she has changed his food, she needs to change it back. I would take him to the vet and have him checked out. That is the only way to be sure.

Rotweiler has dry skin(dandruff and losing hair)?

my dog used to do that to.

mine is a pittbull, rots and pits and labs are the kind of dogs thet needs to be washed often and they drink alot of water. they do lose alot of hair but it grows back, when i bruch my dog lots come out, but thats just the dead hair fallinf out so new ones come in. dont worry just wash your dog more and have clean water for them to drink at all times.

Rotweiler has dry skin(dandruff and losing hair)?

It sounds like he may have a allergic reaction to something or mange. Take him to the vet before it gets worse.

Rotweiler has dry skin(dandruff and losing hair)?

Go to a pet smart store they have good stuff and staff will help u. U r allowed to bring leashed dog.

Rotweiler has dry skin(dandruff and losing hair)?

COuld be thyroid problem. Dog need blood test.

Rotweiler has dry skin(dandruff and losing hair)?




Rotweiler has dry skin(dandruff and losing hair)?

mix olive oil or an egg w/his food. Remember Avon, their product, 'skin so soft' is excellent for dry skin, dogs or their humans, i use to use it on my terrier. works great. or something w/avocado in it. if none of that works, get to the vet.

Rotweiler has dry skin(dandruff and losing hair)?

Possible causes may be fleas,poor diet or the mange. Try frontline spray if it is caused by fleas. The dog could have a skin fungus. if you give the dog bathes all the shampoo may not be rinsed out,dry conditioners. is the skin dry and cracking ? always try oitments and conditioners. the dog may not be scratching so it rubbing or rolling?

Rotweiler has dry skin(dandruff and losing hair)?

As the dog reach senior stage, his immunity defense will get weaker and weaker.

Use mild shampoo. Strong shampoo will cause dandruff.

This is a natural method that works for both humans and pets. When bathing your dog, use apple cider vingear (which u can get from supermarkets) for final rinse. 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar and 2 cup water.

Add flax seed/fish/olive oil into his food.

Doxie's tail is lumpy and losing hair. What could it be?

Her tail is lumpy bumpy and is losing hair. There's one place that has a white spot. Any ideas on what could be causing this?

Doxie's tail is lumpy and losing hair. What could it be?

He has growths or tumors on his tail and that is also why he is losing hair..

Doxie's tail is lumpy and losing hair. What could it be?

It could be a skin irritation or it could be something so simple as a skin allergy to either the dog shampoo you are using or it could be to fleas. I had a dog like that too. Wound up that she had lots of skin allergies and had to be put on medication. Sounds like your dog needs to see the vet. Report It

Doxie's tail is lumpy and losing hair. What could it be?

Could be what vets call a hot spot, a skin irritation. Check with your vet to be sure.

Doxie's tail is lumpy and losing hair. What could it be?

take the animal to the vet.

Doxie's tail is lumpy and losing hair. What could it be?

Our doxie has a lump towards the end of his tail. He is 2 years old and we believe the bump in his tail may have happened when he was being born, or first born. Not sure about losing hair though. Does she chew and dig at it? If it seems bothersome, I would have her vet check it out. Good Luck!

I'm losing hair every time I comb or wash it .Help?

it is normal. every male or female lose 100 hairs a day! believe it or not! so it is normal, they regrow! It is proven in this website that I am saying the truth


I'm losing hair every time I comb or wash it .Help?

my friend!!!

thats my problem too....


i dont have to loose 5 points..

I'm losing hair every time I comb or wash it .Help?

I think it could be something wrong with ur hormones.. go to the doctor and have a check up or something.. Or if u have just had a baby then i think its normal.. but ifnot then i think u should see the doctor about it because it could be because of hormones

I'm losing hair every time I comb or wash it .Help?

its normal for everyone to lose 20-25 hair a day. but if it exceeds that number then maybe you should see a doctor.

I'm losing hair every time I comb or wash it .Help?

Some hair loss is normal, but it sounds like yours may be above the normal limits.

You don't give more information about your condition, but a doctor will be able to know the answers to the question you raise based on a physical examination and a history. There are a number of endocrine troubles that show up as hair loss and there are other things that can cause it too. Once you have the picture of what the cause is, then a treatment may be available.

What do i do about my chihuhua losing his hair if i dont have extra monery to take him to the vet?

I have three kids and plenty of bills to pay, and my husband lost his job recently (Really bad timing). The dog started losing hair around his face at first about two weeks ago, now there is alot gone from his face, and on his body there arent patches missing, but it just looks like its thinning. He doesnt act like hes miserable or irritated. I feed him pedigree little champions and started giving him vitamins since the hairloss started happening. What should i do? I barely have enough to cover the bills, groceries, and gas money. Im sorry, but i have to take care of my family first before the dog, but i feel so bad : (

What do i do about my chihuhua losing his hair if i dont have extra monery to take him to the vet?

It may be a lack of vitamins, (espcially Omega 3, my cat had the same problem and vitamins cleaed it up). Try calling some veterinary offices, some will offer advice or help over the phone without charging, of course some will not. Best wishes to you and your family.

What do i do about my chihuhua losing his hair if i dont have extra monery to take him to the vet?

If he seems to be acting okay, just wait to take him to the vet after you get back on you feet. He needs to see a vet for diagnosis, so in your situation, just wait until things improve and your husband finds another job, etc.

What do i do about my chihuhua losing his hair if i dont have extra monery to take him to the vet?

Go get some oatmeal dog shampoo and give him a bath really good that might work.

What do i do about my chihuhua losing his hair if i dont have extra monery to take him to the vet?

since you dont have a pic i cant answer to the best of my ability but it kinda sounds like hes shedding

What do i do about my chihuhua losing his hair if i dont have extra monery to take him to the vet?

Sorry to be blunt.... you shouldn't have a pet of any kind if you cannot care for him and are having trouble paying your bills. It it not fair to the animal and sets a terrible example to you kids. Give him to a home that will be able to give him proper care.

What do i do about my chihuhua losing his hair if i dont have extra monery to take him to the vet?

When I was in a similar situation with a really sick dog, I went to a local animal shelter (funded by private donations) and asked them if they had any suggestions. The shelter immediately made an appointment with a local vet, and paid the bill through a special fund they had for just that purpose. After I got back on my feet, I gave them a big donation to replenish that fund.

Anyway, make some calls. There may be an organization that could help you.

You didn't mention how old your dog is. An older dog can develop thyroid problems that could cause the hair to thin. If the dog is younger, I would suspect the possibility of mange, which does need to be treated by a vet. Sometimes dogs just lose hair as they get older. On the other hand, it could be a symptom of a more serious problem. Only a vet can tell you.

What do i do about my chihuhua losing his hair if i dont have extra monery to take him to the vet?




What do i do about my chihuhua losing his hair if i dont have extra monery to take him to the vet?

well stop buying the vitamins and save that money to take your dog to the vet. why will people spend hundreds on home remedies before seeking vet advice. and office exam at most usually runs $30 or so. i understand taking care of your family, but how much have you spent on vitamins that aren't working? plus you are feeding a canned food that is costly. feed a higher premium dry food. your dog will need to eat less of it to get the nutrients it needs. and you will save money this way. plus it's better for the dog. look into your local humane society and see if you can get an appt there, often they are much cheaper and can help your pet. i understand financial trouble, but it's not your dog's fault. surely you can figure out a way for an extra $30.

I am losing hair... any good sugesstions?

Find a good polish. ~

I am losing hair... any good sugesstions?

massage your scalp with wheatgerm oil

I am losing hair... any good sugesstions?


I am losing hair... any good sugesstions?

It's only hair not your life.

I am losing hair... any good sugesstions?

Have you tried selling it on Ebay? Seems a popular thing to do these days

I am losing hair... any good sugesstions?

I have been researching hair alot these days, and it is normal to lose between 50 - 100 hairs a day. I think that seems like a lot. A lady at work told me this, but I don't think I will ever do it. She told me that it is good to put an egg mixed with olive oil and to put this mixture on your head with a bag over it for about 3 hours. She said after a couple of months of doing it, you will start to see new hair growing.

I am losing hair... any good sugesstions?

You may want to see your doctor and have a blood test done to check for an underactive thyroid. I had this same problem and now I take a small pill (levothroid) daily and it has cured the problem.

I am losing hair... any good sugesstions?

There are a number of reasons for hair loss such as not getting enough vitamins and nutrients, stress, age.

Go to familydoctor.org/081.xml for causes and treatments.

I am losing hair... any good sugesstions?

Take 2 tbls. apple cider vinegar in a glass of water 2-3 times per day. ACV has 93 vitamins and minerals. I am 50 with long beautiful hair (finally). Nails will grow out too. Read the long hair and apple cider vinegar websites for more info.

I am losing hair... any good sugesstions?

I was told that it depends on how often you wash your hair. Sometimes i go 2-3 days with out washin mine, and i lose a lot when I do that, other wise i have no problems

I am losing hair... any good sugesstions?


Are you losing hair?

idk but whenever I run my fingers through my hair.... strands always fall out.

Are you losing hair?

Yes, every time I wash it... :(

Are you losing hair?


Are you losing hair?


Are you losing hair?


Are you losing hair?

I am not so old....no way. O...somethin is wrong with yours.

Are you losing hair?

Perhaps I am actually finding more of yours!!

Are you losing hair?


Are you losing hair?

yeah and why?

I think my guinea pigs are fighting, one is losing hair...why is this? Answers would be great!!?

I had three guinea pigs, one was definitely a girl, the other two I'm pretty sure are boys. The girl died a few weeks ago, and the past few days I've noticed that one of the guinea pigs has bald patches. I'm not sure if they're fighting, and one is pulling the other's hair, or if it is just losing its hair naturally for some reason. The places where it is losing its hair are in almost perfect small rectangles. I feed them well, plenty of water, and they have a nice hutch with plenty of room...as far as I know. I also bathe them regularly.

Anyone know what is going on?


God bless

I think my guinea pigs are fighting, one is losing hair...why is this? Answers would be great!!?

unless both males have been together since they were babies and never seperated for any length of time there is a high chance they will fight.

Unless you have seen or heard any squabbling cos they are loud i would assume that its a mite. This mite lives in the hair follicles of the skin and can cause irritation but usually there are cuts on the skin from were your G.P has been scratching. Course of injections will sort this........

If its not that hair loss is a sign of stress, possibly from the death of the female.

I think my guinea pigs are fighting, one is losing hair...why is this? Answers would be great!!?

Well males and males are not a good pair but it depends how long you have had them it could be because of old age!

I think my guinea pigs are fighting, one is losing hair...why is this? Answers would be great!!?

Might be mites

I think my guinea pigs are fighting, one is losing hair...why is this? Answers would be great!!?

hi there

i had the same problem withe mine and i had 10 girls and 4 males ,they were separated as i did not want any more babies, they were all ok for some time and ten noticed bald patches appearing on 3 of them did everything to clear it up but lossed them, it is a disease called scurvy and it is not good as it will go through the lot of them and sadly they die,also if not that it could be mice and they carry deadly diseases, mice can get into the cage no matter what you do to get food and mice can get through the smallest wire as they flatten themselves out, you could take them to the vet to see what is really wrong, if they are about 5 to 6 years old , they are near their life span, i hope they come good for you as i love these little creatures a lot, just thought of something else it may be what you are bathing them with, i used baby shampoo,as it is very mild on their skin and does not irritate them. the best of luck

I think my guinea pigs are fighting, one is losing hair...why is this? Answers would be great!!?

they need a daily supply of vitamin c veggies every day!!!! Please use the web to find out how to properly care for them!!!

I think my guinea pigs are fighting, one is losing hair...why is this? Answers would be great!!?

Guinea pigs do not lose hair because of stress, and males who have not grown up together can live together just fine, with an appropriate sized cage.

Your guinea pigs are losing their hair because of mites, fungus, or scurvy. They need an appointment with a guinea pig savvy vet.

They are fighting, more than likely, because your cage is too small. Any pet store cage on the market right now is too small for a guinea pig to live in. Two males will do best in an area at least 10 square feet. They need two of everything, 2 houses, 2 food bowls, 2 water bottles, etc.

Go to guineapigcages.com for info on how to build an appropriately sized cage cheaply, and get them to the vet for their hairloss.

As a guinea pig rescuer, we've successfully paired hundreds of unrelated males with each other. It's all about personality and living area, not about gender.

ETA: "why they're fighting"

Guinea pigs establish a dominance hierarchy. IE, who's the boss, who's the second pig, who's the third pig, and so on down the totem pole. When one pig is removed, the rest of the pigs will start squabbling to try and re-establish a new hierarchy. If one won't back down, they'll keep squabbling. More space, more bowls, and more hideys can help them work it out, as they'll feel less defensive if they don't feel like they have to constantly guard a water bottle or a food dish.

I think my guinea pigs are fighting, one is losing hair...why is this? Answers would be great!!?

Maybe itz juss gat sum stress from the other guinea pig dying

I'm male and have been losing hair. How do i grow hair or stop losing it?


I'm male and have been losing hair. How do i grow hair or stop losing it?

Are you losing it all over the head or in just one particular place? Is it making you go bald?

I'm male and have been losing hair. How do i grow hair or stop losing it?

Go out and enjoy the rest of your days with your hair.

I'm male and have been losing hair. How do i grow hair or stop losing it?

Go to a hairdresser and get the NIOXIN hair care system - cleanser and scalp treatment. I know a couple men who swear by it - and it smells really sexy. The bottles are $15-$20 each.

But really - only do it for yourself. Balding men are very sexy - don't let those fools on tv convince you otherwise.

I'm male and have been losing hair. How do i grow hair or stop losing it?

Most of the time it閳ユ獨 genetic. Some time its cz lacing of vitamins specially vitamin E. One effective method I get benefit with 閳ユ悤ry to keep it shorter its might help.

I'm male and have been losing hair. How do i grow hair or stop losing it?

yu dont

My friend seems to be losing hair, what she do to stop it?

She is a teenager and has started losing hair. Does it mean she is unhealthy?

My friend seems to be losing hair, what she do to stop it?

Tell her to see her doctor to rule out physical problems. Stress is one of the main factors in losing hair in young women. Talk with your friend, help her alleviate some of the stressors she may be facing.

My friend seems to be losing hair, what she do to stop it?

She needs to go to the dermatologist. Could be allergic to hair products or could be her thyroid. Either way..she needs to have it checked out.

My friend seems to be losing hair, what she do to stop it?

Is she getting enough protein in her diet? That may be one solution.

What about stress- is she under a lot of strain? That may be one cause of the hair loss.

My friend seems to be losing hair, what she do to stop it?

It could be hereditary or it could also be diet. Has your friend changed her eating habits? If so she may not be getting enough of the vitamins needed for healthy hair. She should try a supplement like a one a day vitamin.

My friend seems to be losing hair, what she do to stop it?

If she is dieing her hair all the time then STOP!!

My friend seems to be losing hair, what she do to stop it?

has she gone to see the doc?

has she been using pantene products?

does she eat a balanced diet?

My friend seems to be losing hair, what she do to stop it?

Eliminate stress, eat right and use the right hair products. If taht fails, see a professional. Do it now!

I m losing hair only from the front part of my head plz help?

Unfortunatly, there's nothing to be done about this. Alopecia is balding. You can try things like rogane or hair plugs/implants. Other than that, it's just your time to begin losing your hair.

I m losing hair only from the front part of my head plz help?

stress, stress, stress go see a dermatologist and take vitamins. Try deep conditioning as well.

What is the cure for losing hair?

I am 23, and I am worried that I might get bold like my dad.

Is there any cure or med to stop losing hair???

What is the cure for losing hair?

dude i aam losing my hair too. I just shaved the whole thing for a while but i hated it. Now i am just accepting what is happening to me

What is the cure for losing hair?

I'm not joking but if you get castrated, you won't go bald. Balding is caused by testosterone.

What is the cure for losing hair?

Right now, the only cure is DEATH.

What is the cure for losing hair?

shave it off!

What is the cure for losing hair?

Castration will prevent baldness. No Lie! its testosterone (specifically, DHT) that causes men to lose hair (women too - but we produce it in our adrenal glands)

What is the cure for losing hair?

nothing, its genetic and if its in your genes, your gonna lose it!!!

What is the cure for losing hair?

Rogaine, Minoxidol,

What is the cure for losing hair?


What is the cure for losing hair?

The best thing you can do!!!! Is get ready buddy..YOU ARE GOING TO BE BALD......

It's in your genes.....

What is the cure for losing hair?

hair plugs and transplants... other than that not much

What is the cure for losing hair?

i have been told by my Dr. that one of the main reasons people start to "shed" their hair is due to not having enough iron in their system. no guarantees but it may help

What is the cure for losing hair?

there is no cure or we would not see all the bald men running around it is in the DNA you can maybe stop damage from your hair, but now days bald isn't looked at like it was years ago a lot of guys shave their head and wearing a baseball cap is in look at Kenny Chesney he is HOT!! but bald as a baseball!

What is the cure for losing hair?

Hair transplant, wig, or be bald. Those are really your only 3 choices!

What is the cure for losing hair?

stay young and learn to spell

What is the cure for losing hair?


What is the cure for losing hair?

if it" hereditary, just accept it. anyway there are other ways (that are safe and are prescribed by doctor) to follow.

but if it's about your shampoo, don't stick to one brand for life. having a variety of shampoo will make your hair immuned about other ingredients.

and smile. don't think about it.^_^

What is the cure for losing hair?

nope its just a part of growing up

What is the cure for losing hair?

Don't wear ball caps all the time.

Rogain .

Stay away from fatty food .

What is the cure for losing hair?

I guess, the first thing to consider about losing hair is PREVENTION. Most men don't even bother about losing their hair (men are not so beauty conscious like women). Many men even shave their head. For CURE, in tropical lands like the Philippines, they use coconut milk.

Help! My Cocker Spaniel puppy is losing hair around his eye!?

Recently my Cocker Spaniel puppy started losing hair around his eye. Where the hair is gone, it's now pink and bumpy/scaly. He isn't scratching it and it doesn't seem to bother him, it just looks bad. We bathe him about once every 2 weeks and he is a very clean indoor pup. I'm not sure what it could be and we are a little low on money right now so I was hoping someone help me out if they have seen this before.

Help! My Cocker Spaniel puppy is losing hair around his eye!?

i under stand your low on money but really it would be best if your pup could see a vet no one can tell you what the rash is without seeing the puppy, the rspca are very cheep and you can pay them when you can afford it x

Help! My Cocker Spaniel puppy is losing hair around his eye!?

its probbaly a hair loss diease

Help! My Cocker Spaniel puppy is losing hair around his eye!?


Help! My Cocker Spaniel puppy is losing hair around his eye!?

go to a vet site

Help! My Cocker Spaniel puppy is losing hair around his eye!?

Take her to your vet, it could just be an eye irritation. I had a Cocker and it sounds like something she had. But any time you aren't sure just take her to the professionals! Good Luck to your Cocker.

Help! My Cocker Spaniel puppy is losing hair around his eye!?

Ir your dog is loosing alot of hair than you should be very conserned! He might have a disease! Go to your local vet just to make sure its ok!

Help! My Cocker Spaniel puppy is losing hair around his eye!?

It sounds like mange. Little bugs that get under the skin and irritate it. Depending on what variety it is, you still need to get medication for it. The vet will have to take a scraping to find out what type it is. Without treatment it will only spread.

"demodectic mange symptoms include thinning of the hair around the eyes and mouth and on the front legs that evolves into patches of hair loss approximately one inch in diameter. This mange may correct itself within three months or may require treatment."

More info:


Dermasil for cure:


Help! My Cocker Spaniel puppy is losing hair around his eye!?

probably the diet. think back and try to remember if you started him on aonther brand of food.

Help! My Cocker Spaniel puppy is losing hair around his eye!?

The vet is the best place to find help for this problem. This is really something that your vet should examine.

What could be the reason for losing hair and whitening beard at an early age such as 24?

I am a 24 year old man and have lost almost 50% of my hair and I have been losing it since I was 15, my scalp also has a dense layer of dandruff and recently I have noticed that my beard is also whitening. I also look older than I am. This could be because of depression and smoking, I dont drink. The reason for depression could be again because of the same reasons probably from the age of 15. Please recommend some solutions. HELP!

What could be the reason for losing hair and whitening beard at an early age such as 24?

You just answered yourself in your own qustion!!

stress and smoking are major factor!!!

Good luck, I myself smoke at times of stress, I say you should excercise and eat healthy food, It will impede the process!!

What could be the reason for losing hair and whitening beard at an early age such as 24?

I'm 22 and my hair is almost completely gray...

Why do you need us to tell you something you already know? you said it yourself, you are depressed... in my case, the trigger was stress...

so,go to some psychologist, it's nothing to be ashamed of...

What could be the reason for losing hair and whitening beard at an early age such as 24?

A good friend of mine, (22) his hair turned silver and began falling out at the age of 17. He was told by a doctor that it was due to a thyroid problem......a combination of medication for the thyroid problem and hair regrowth treatment has helped him immensely.

What could be the reason for losing hair and whitening beard at an early age such as 24?

sorry guy. i lost my hair at an early age too. it just happens to some people. there are proven methods to inhibit hair loss like rogaine (however you spell it) and such, but i really didn't use them too much. in the end i just started keeping my hair shorter and shorter. of course i would wish to have it still, but i didn't want to constantly fight to try to keep something for the rest of my life, or have my self esteem tied up completely to my hair, especially when i was losing it. i do know that beards will make you look older. try shaving it off to look more youthful. you are only 24. try to seek some help for other possible underlying factors, like the depression you mentioned. a balanced diet also works wonders.

What could be the reason for losing hair and whitening beard at an early age such as 24?

Mrs WC here.

Heredity is a big part of why we lose our hair and get gray. Stress can also cause this. The "dandruff" you have sounds more like a skin condition called seborrhea or seborrheic dermatitis. This requires a selinium sulfide shampoo and washing your hair regularly. Head and shoulders has a selinium sulfide shampoo, use it 3-4 times a week with a regular dandruff shampoo in between. A healthy scalp helps promote hair growth.

I've known many people with depression that have full, glorious heads of hair.

Your best bet would be to consult with a doctor.

Why is my pug losing his hair?

Lately I am noticing my black pug who is 3 years old, is losing hair.It started on his underside and his legs and on his head. Now it is on the part of his tail that curls up and their are diagonal stripes on either side of his butt that look like this / \ . I have been giving him a fish oil capsule daily from the vet for over a year for his coat. It looks shiny and nice. Can you help me?

Why is my pug losing his hair?

Your pug might have allergies. My pug does and I had to switch her food. Look into a food with out any corn.

Why is my pug losing his hair?

Not a vet, but.....

Sounds like Mange, which means your dog's immune system is not fighting skin mites anymore.

Many puppies get mange briefly while their immune systems develop.

Call your vet if you don't want to pay for the visit.

Why is my pug losing his hair?

cuz he is sick n u have nottaken him 2 da vet

Why is my pug losing his hair?

Hmmm...I am a groomer and for some reason the black pugs have skin and coat trouble, at least more so in my experience than the fawns. Is he itching in these places and possibly rubbing the hair off?? I would take him to the vet for a skin scraping.

My cat is losing hair, lots of hair. 5 years old. neutered. Siamese mix?

talk to your vet

My cat is losing hair, lots of hair. 5 years old. neutered. Siamese mix?

One of our cats did this too, it could be the food she is eating.

My cat is losing hair, lots of hair. 5 years old. neutered. Siamese mix?

He is stressed and needs better nutrition. One you should take him to the vet to see if there is any other underlying condition. If you think nothing else is wrong, change his food. I use Nutro, it has no fillers and has vitamins to help their coat staying full. You can also buy a liquid vitamin like Nordic's Naturals Pet's Cod Liver Oil and put it on his food of on a spoon and he might lick it off. These are the two main reasons why cats shed. Unless he has been outdoors and fighting. All cats shed but alot of hair usually is stress or poor nutrition. I hope this has helped some.

My cat is losing hair, lots of hair. 5 years old. neutered. Siamese mix?

i would take her to a vet. she could have a flea allergy. or maybe her hormones are out of whack.

My cat is losing hair, lots of hair. 5 years old. neutered. Siamese mix?

Your cat could have an allergy to food or it could be allergic to itself. There are a variety of reasons that cats will lose hair. Also, if it has fleas it can chew and lick off all its hair.

The only way to find out what is truly going on is by taking to the vet. An allergy test can be expensive, but you can first try by experimenting with special diet foods, your vet will recommend which ones and most of which can be purchased from your vet or a large retail pet store chain.

My sister has a cat that is allergic to its own dander and it has to have monthly cortisone shots.

Good remedies to help losing hair?

I am losing hair and going abit thin on top. I want to take something to stop this happening. Anyone know the best things to take? herbs, vitamins, special remedies.

Good remedies to help losing hair?

It閳ユ獨 probably stress, hair products, foods you閳ユ獧e eating or genetics. I try not to use genetics as the issue. But, I went to a dermatologist and they couldn't determine the issue so I summed it up to the others above. Think about it, our body reacts to what's going on inside of us and what impact us externally. It閳ユ獨 that simple. I had this problem for a while, in fact a year. I was in a very stressful situation for about 2 years that keep getting worse and eventually my body gave in. Our body has a way of showing us what閳ユ獨 wrong. For instance, colds, flu閳ユ獨, cancer, etc are all forms of dis-ease. You get it.

Hair growth programs or transplants aren閳ユ獩 in my budget. Beside, they have a solution for replacing the hair instead of finding a way to prevent hair loss.

My body began to react to the stress with tension in my neck and excessive dandruff which later matured to hair loss. I left the stressful job but my hair continued to fall out. My hair is natural. I stopped using gels and other unnatural products. I got dandruff really bad before my hair started to fall out and my scalp was inching all the time. The hair loss followed. I change my diet and invested in AVEDA products, 99% natural. Their dandruff remedy worked and olive oil helped with the itching. My hair continues to shed but not as often because I'm learning to control my stress and eat better.

Good remedies to help losing hair?

There are a few scalp systems that can help if you don't want to go the Rogaine route. One is called Nioxin. It contains a Shampoo, a conditioner and a scalp treatment. You can also get vitamins from them. These systems work because the focus on having a healthy scalp and neutralizing the DHT. They help stop it from falling out, and make it appear denser.

They divide it up by 3 categories; Hair thickness(fine or coarse), whether you dye it or not, and how much you have lost. The difference in the last is NOT that moderate loss has less active ingredient, it's that one is a spray delivery and one is a foam delivery system.

Good remedies to help losing hair?


Regain your hair.

Good remedies to help losing hair?

I just bought this new product called Vitalfan. You can buy it at Sephora or any store similar. It is for thinning hair and is suppose to be amazing!

I just started taking it so I can't say from personal experience. All the consumer reviews are awesome though.

Why is my pug losing hair?

My pug is 2 years old and she just had puppies. We gave away the puppies and now she is losing her hair. What is wrong??

Why is my pug losing hair?

Sounds like she need some help to rebuild her health. Pugs can shed a lot anyway, but if she is losing lots of hair she likely needs some supplements and a healthier food. Ask your Vet what to add. I know my dogs needed extra care for their skin and coat in the brutal hot humid climate where I live. They take 3V Caps Skin Formulation with Omega 3, Vit A, D and E as well as NutriVed for dogs. I get these from the Vet.

In addition they eat a high quality food and get healthy treats like holistic brands of biscuits for skin and coat, teeth and breath, bones and joints and immune system boosting treats.

Occasionally we add a bit of cottage cheese to their food, too and a raw egg each about two times a week.

If you are thinking of trying any of this, check with your Vet first. Generally speaking, pregnant and nursing dogs eat puppy food or a diet that supplies extra fat and protein since their bodies are being taxed with the litter. If your dog did not get this while pregnant and nursing, a Vet can give the best guidance about rebuilding her skin and coat health. I love my dogs' Vet because he is very knowledgeable about healthy diet and nutrition in general.

Why is my pug losing hair?

thank u so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Report It

Why is my pug losing hair?

yrvw-g i c h Report It

Why is my pug losing hair?

Many female dogs who are nursing puppies will lose a large amount of hair. This is not abnormal. Such a dog is often said to be 'blowing her coat.' The technical term for the cause of this loss is 'telogen effluvium. Report It

Why is my pug losing hair?

She might be stressed out. I mean losing all of her babies is kinda stressful. Or it could be scratching. Watch her and see if she scratches. If so check her for flees. If this doesn't get better soon take her to the vet.

Hope this helps!!!

Why is my pug losing hair?

Sometimes dogs lose hair from stress, boredom, or allergies. Since she just had puppies and they are all gone she may be stressed from that. Do you have anything that has the puppies scent on it so she could smell? May be this would comfort her.

Why is my pug losing hair?


Im losing hair...please help me. suggest me some good doctors or medication. are their any remedies.

Just live with it, its proven the more you are stressed, the worse it will get, so stressing about hair loss promotes hair loss.

Bald men are sexy too ;)

Im losing hair...please help me. suggest me some good doctors or medication. are their any remedies.?

There are 2 things I know of that cause rapid hair loss, one is stress, it can cause you to lose twice as much hair as you would on a normal, stress free day, and lack of estrogen also can cause hair loss. As for how to fix, or slow the problem I would consult a beautician and/ or physician.

Im losing hair...please help me. suggest me some good doctors or medication. are their any remedies.?

Well u shud use the MIXTURE OF TEA LEAVES WATER AND HEENA on ur hair........truly speaking my mother started having the problem but then after using this she really got her hair back in an healthy manner........

Im losing hair...please help me. suggest me some good doctors or medication. are their any remedies.?

There isn't any sure way to stop hair loss if it is a condition inherited. If caused by ill health then go see a doctor. Have a good day baldy.

Im losing hair...please help me. suggest me some good doctors or medication. are their any remedies.?

Vitamin B complex. can be found in brown rice, eggs, milk, legumes. Eat dark green leafy veggies and raw fruits and veggies.

Get some folic acid

Good Luck

Im 17 and im losing hair?

i dont know why im losing so much hair at 17...

Im 17 and im losing hair?

have you overprocessed you hair lately? do you color it often or do you heat style it a lot? also putting it into ponytails causes alot of breakage making it fall out. are you stressed out? either way unless you are losing handfulls everyday or you start noticing bald patches i wouldnt worry about it.

Im 17 and im losing hair?

u need to go doctors! my friends 15 and that happened to her shes got alabisha! u might not but get it checked out asap! ______XX

Im 17 and im losing hair?

Ive heard that can happen from stress.

Maybe you flatiron/curled your hair 2 much

but i relly dont know go see a doctor ASAP

Im 17 and im losing hair?

Losing hair is a normal part of everyday life. Over 200 strands fall out each day on average! It's only because they are old or dead and new ones need to grow in. I used to get freaked out too, but I was relieved after researching a little online. Try using less conditioner. I used to dump the entire bottle on my head and that's why I lost more hair than usual. I hope this helps and good luck!

Im 17 and im losing hair?

Try using T-Gel. You can get it at most stores, WalMart, Walgreens, etc. This is what my husband uses and now his hair is thick and sooo soft. I use to use Pantene 5X stronger shampoo and no conditioner. I used a pick to comb out my hair, work from the bottom up. And then I used a mousse and took it easy with the blow dryer. Now my hair is fine and I am using a whole different regimen.

Diet can play an important part too. Buy a bottle of the skin, hair and nail vitamins. Cut out greasy food and colas.

Im 17 and im losing hair?

It could be a vitamin deficiency. Everything, (or lack there of) that goes into your body shows in your skin and hair. I know that sometimes being anemic (low iron) can cause this as well as thyroid issues, eating disorders, smoking pot etc..You should go to your doctor to have it checked out. You might just be overly paranoid. Anyhow, better safe than sorry. See your Physician. Good luck!

My dog is losing tons of hair......?

I have a 11 months old PUG, and he has been losing hair for the last 4 months, the quantity is too much I have to clean the house daily because of this..... He's skin is ok, no flea, nothing he is perfect. So please what should I do.... and don not tell me take to the Vet....


My dog is losing tons of hair......?

ok here goes! - TO begin - believe it or not , pugs, short haired dogs and all - do SHED!!!!!!! also at this age - they are dropping puppy coat and adult coat is coming in - daily brushing with a bristle brush will help decrease the shedding - DO NOT BATHE your dog, unless he iks really dirty ( this will cut down on loss of natural oils) and being a toy dog, please make sure that you are feeding a good dog food that is high in protein and fat- that will also help from the inside out - with the brushing, stop bathing if you are doing it weekly or less, and make sure about the protein/fat content of your dog food- you should see some changes- but sorry to tell you - yes - little pugs do shed year round! Good luck and love your dog most of all!

My dog is losing tons of hair......?

It could just be a hair loss disease, but take him to the vet.

My dog is losing tons of hair......?

This happened to my sister's dog. It turned out it had an allergy that had to be treated with medicine and special baths.

My dog is losing tons of hair......?

There are lots of reasons a dog can loose its fur (mange, ringworm , fleas-even if you are not seeing any, hormone problems, allergies. so unfortunatly i'm going to say go to a vet.

My dog is losing tons of hair......?

maybe you should buy it a parka... it will keep the hair off of your house. Or you can even brush it! there is an idea

My dog is losing tons of hair......?

you said don't tell me to take him to the vet........but you should........... sorry

My dog is losing tons of hair......?

You might want to check his diet because something is obviously making your pug lose hair. I've been told by vets that it is often the diet that causes this. Either way take your dog to the vet ASAP B4 it gets outta hand.

My dog is losing tons of hair......?

Why don't you want to take your dog to the vet? If your dog has been losing hair like that for 4 months and you have done nothing to seek treatment for it, then that is animal cruelty. If you won't get help for your dog, give it to someone who will.

My dog is losing tons of hair......?

Sorry, I'd take him to the vet. Could be allergies or something else he's gotten into. My neighbor's dog had the same problem and it was some bacterial thing.

My dog is losing tons of hair......?

Try brushing it a couple times a day,and see if it seems to help!My dogs shed alot,but it helps to catch it in the brush.If it still seems like too much you should have it checked out by it`s doggie doctor.(I didn`t say vet!)

My dog is losing tons of hair......?

According to the site below, the #1 cause of hair loss is allergic reaction to flea saliva. So you could try a topical flea medication to see if that helps. If not, it could be any of the other conditions others have mentioned already.

Good luck, I hope your puppy gets better soon!

My dog is losing tons of hair......?

just last week i ask my vet what can help my dogs hair from shedding so much and she told me to get a bottle of flax oil at wal mart the oil kind and put a teaspoon on his food when you feed him and it really is helping.but i would take him to the vet i take my dog to the vet no matter what is wrong or how much it cost and i am a poor person on dissabilty but i love my dog and i am respomible for his life and well being he is a member of my family.

My dog is losing tons of hair......?

Well, how do you know for sure if his skin really is okay unless you do take him to the vet to make sure, he could have mange, which is a very serious disease in dogs, some of it is so bad dogs have to be put down and the main sign of mange is hair loss. So do take the dog to the vet because he is probably suffering and you don't want him to suffer; good luck.

My dog is losing tons of hair......?

I am at the bottom of the answer page, and I hope you read this. I notice you say there is a time period, like this is unusual. Has the dog been put under any kind of stress?

Household (family issues?) staying in a kennel for vacation? An adjustment from the normal routine? Something you know the Pug doesn't like? A new family member? Moving?

All these things will put stress on the family pets like it will our own kids. See if you can find a way to eliminate stress from the puppy. He may be scared. That can be a symptom.

My dog is losing tons of hair......?

Feed him QUALITY dog food.

My dog is losing tons of hair......?

dogs can lose their hair a lot when they are stressed. is there any reason why he would be stressed at home?

What is happening to me??? I KEEP LOSING HAIR!!!?

Ever since i have started college i have lost 22 or more pounds and i was really skinny to start with and i am losing hair in the shower and it started out just a few strands and then went to a lot of strands like when i was washing my hair of course and today A LOT came out, like wayyy more than ever before and its really scary and my roommate thinks its because i am malnourished... and i am starting to think she is right.

Anyone have any experience with this or any answers or help for me???


What is happening to me??? I KEEP LOSING HAIR!!!?

Hair loss is usually due to stress and (or) undernutrition. Vitamins A, B, E and C are usually required for proper growth and maintenance of hair.

Check out this link: http://www.holisticonline.com/Remedies/H...

Hope this helps :)

What is happening to me??? I KEEP LOSING HAIR!!!?

Your roommate could very well be right, loosing too much hair is a sign of not getting enough vitamines. Time to change your diet!

What is happening to me??? I KEEP LOSING HAIR!!!?

you should get blood work and get your thyroid tested. sounds like you have a hyper active thyroid to meeee.

What is happening to me??? I KEEP LOSING HAIR!!!?

I have an answer, you are very nervous. i know that doesn't really help but i have another answer. you might have a sickness. my friend kept on losing hair when he got out of colledge. he had a sickness, then the losing weight part. if you are not eating alot because your nervous. you need to eat.

What is happening to me??? I KEEP LOSING HAIR!!!?

Ask your health center to administer a blood test. There are several blood disorders that cause and weight loss.

You don't say whether you are male or female, but if you are female you are more at risk for anemia due to blood loss. Anemia can cause hair loss.

What is happening to me??? I KEEP LOSING HAIR!!!?

It could be stress, or (not serious) medical condition.

I experienced this problem about 7 months ago, and I had to get some blood tests done. I tested positive (possibly- still undergoing tests) for lupus. Lupus takes a lot of time and many tests before a doctor will diagnose it.

Another possible condition would be an under active thyroid gland.

Go to a dermatologist! Oh and start taking some Biotin vitamin supplements. A bottle is only about $8 and worth it if you're losing your hair. That's what I'm taking.

I am losing hair, how can i grow back hair?

if you're using a shampoo thats made to moisturize your hair then that could be it.

i had one that worked too well and i started losing globs of hair everytime i would wash it. yea, it made it super soft and shiny, but its not worth losing hair over...

if thats not it then talk to a professional. they also make vitamins that help your hair grow quicker if thats something you would want to look into

I am losing hair, how can i grow back hair?

u should approach to a doctor.

I am losing hair, how can i grow back hair?

i am no exopert but maybe you could use some hair cream?

I am losing hair, how can i grow back hair?

Check with a dermatologist first and then follow through on the prescriptions.

I am losing hair, how can i grow back hair?

go to one of those hair restoration places

I am losing hair, how can i grow back hair?

first go see a professional, hair loss can be caused by several things to include: diet, exercise, stress, age, genectics, medications, shampoos, ect...and some people like me just tend to shed like cats. Only a professional can determine the cause of your hair loss and help you get on the right track to correcting the problem!

I am losing hair, how can i grow back hair?

i would suggest that you use a different hair product, or talk to your doctor about it. And be extra sure to take good care of your hair!

I am losing hair, how can i grow back hair?

Go to your Primary Physician or Dermatologist, he or she would be more able to help you discern whether it is actual hair loss, or just related to stress or chemicals.

I am losing hair, how can i grow back hair?

1. you can go to a pharmacy and buy hair vitamins, they strengthen your hair and help with hair loss.

2. someone once told me to think of it as a plant, it needs nutrients so she told me to lay down on my bed and let my head hang off the edge to let the blood rush to my head. the blood is supposed to internally stimulate the scalp and help your hairs growth.

3. you can also try rogaine.

~ another thing: ur hair loss problem may stem from several sources: it may be hereditary, due to stress or just wear and tear. if its wear and tear. Also try to avoid putting a lot of chemicals in your hair, (hairsprays are no good) and also if you use conditioner try to use it only on your ends, because the conditioner clogs your pores. Just try avoid things you know will harm you hair. one last tip, try massaging ur scalp, this will also help to relieve tension and help to stimulate the roots. Either way, if your hair loss gets really bad you should consult a doctor.

i hope my tips help... :)

I am losing hair, how can i grow back hair?

Vitamins B, C, F, zinc, iron, copper and protein are essential for hair growth. Drinking plenty of water and eating plenty of raw fruits and vegetables is probably the best way to achieving healthy hair.Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.

I am losing hair, how can i grow back hair?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- Hairloss/Hairfall


My pet mouse is losing hair around its mouth.?

well i have a pet mouth i am not sure how old it is but i have had it for maybe 3 weeks or so. and now she looks like she is losing hair around her mouth and i dont know what to do, any ideas on what is wrong...

My pet mouse is losing hair around its mouth.?

Skin conditions are the most obvious symptoms of external parasites.

One of the more common health problems mice experience is scabs or sores on the back and head area. These wounds are generally caused by two different sources, a parasitic infection or a food intolerance. The other common cause of these itchy rashes are parasites.

Look closely and see if the hair loss is just around the mouth or if there is thinning of hair around the body.

It's not at all uncommon for mice to suffer from allergies. Symptoms include red, irritated eyes, sneezing, coughing and difficulty breathing.

In some cases, the bedding in the cage may be the problem; try another brand and try to stay away from sawdust and hay, Aspen is good. Ammonia from your pet's urine can also set off allergic symptoms, so be sure to clean the cage more often.

The most common culprit is mites. These mites can infest your mouse through a number of different sources. They can come on hay, straw, other mice, or infected food. These mites are very small and usually cannot be seen with the naked eye. If you don閳ユ獩 want to make a trip to the vet, there are several commercially available broad treatments for mites. They are usually marketed for birds as mites are a much larger problem in birds than mice. Follow the directions on the container, usually it involves a few dustings or sprays a week. If that doesn閳ユ獩 seem to provide your little critter with relief, or you閳ユ獓 rather go strait to the professionals you can take your mouse to the veterinarian. A vet will likely give your little guy an injection of Ivermectin. It is important to have a professional figure out the dosage because this particular treatment is for much larger animals and will need to be significantly diluted. Make sure you completely clean out your mouse閳ユ獨 cage and toys and make sure his or her environment is completely disinfected and washed before returning your mouse to his house.

You will need to do some sleuthing to determine if it is a allergy, bacterial infection or parasite. A trip to the vet is the best way to get this treated.

My pet mouse is losing hair around its mouth.?

You have a pet mouth? ;)

If you have a wire cage and your mouse bites on the wires it could cause hair loss around the mouth and nose because the hair rubs up against it and gets plucked out by the bars. Or it could be parasites like mites and other tiny bugs. To check if your mouse has these...pick him up and part his hair, if you see little black specks that look like dirt but moving then you should go to a vet and he will talk to you about what medicine you should use to get rid of them. :) enjoy!

Losing hair, does this matter alot to a girl?

Also what about having a gap in your teeth? We've been talking for over a month, shes seen a picture of me and we'll see each other in about a week.

Losing hair, does this matter alot to a girl?

First of all, a gap in your teeth is rumored to be a sign of intelligence. Also, you know what they say about bald men, they are supposedly better lovers...lol! Seriously, if she is a mature individual and she likes you for your personality and the two of you have a strong connection that is not on a physical level, then you have nothing to worry about. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and she may find you the most attractive individual that she has ever set her eyes on. Don't be nervous or scared. Be the person that she knows you to be. Also, something to remember, there is no one person on this planet that is perfect. Just be confident with who you are and everything else will fall into place. Good luck!!!

Losing hair, does this matter alot to a girl?

r u internet dating?

Losing hair, does this matter alot to a girl?

If your loss is getting noticeable, shave it off. I got alot more attention with a shaved head. Of course, it helps to have the right shaped head.

Losing hair, does this matter alot to a girl?

Get a dog with similar colored hair and give it a haircut and then glue that to your head.

Losing hair, does this matter alot to a girl?


Losing hair, does this matter alot to a girl?

OH hell yes....nothing worse than having yer head bouncing the sun off it.....and on top of that being able to get a string bean caught in the gap of yer teeth????.....

Losing hair, does this matter alot to a girl?

My husband is bald and it does not bother me at all. He tells everyone he lost it on the bed post. lol Gaps in the teeth would not bother me either. Just be nice, clean and yourself. Ususally nothing will turn someone off like uncleanliness or a jerk, the rest is acceptable.

Losing hair, does this matter alot to a girl?

if she looks really pretty she might think you are eww or somethin,sorry but its tru. but then again she might not care what ya look like,but like you for who u r and learn to like your looks! Good Luck!!!!!

Losing hair, does this matter alot to a girl?

I heard if you have a gap in your teeth that means your going to be rich in the future

Losing hair, does this matter alot to a girl?

I can only answer for myself. Having hair, or being totally bald has absolutely no affect on me - some balding guys are very good looking, I think. And as far as the gap in your teeth? I think it makes everyone that has it look younger!

Losing hair, does this matter alot to a girl?

Take it from me bro, women dont like bald dudes. Would you want to date a chick losing her hair? It's a sad truth but women really are as shallow as men. Hopefuly you have a whole lotta $$$$.

Losing hair, does this matter alot to a girl?

yea. it matters if u have a big bald spoy. a gat doesnt matter as much depending on how big it is.

Losing hair, does this matter alot to a girl?

No. As long as i'm attracted to you i don't care. The only way you will now is when she see's you in person.

Losing hair, does this matter alot to a girl?

It doesn't matter as long as you're up front (as in you sent her a recent picture of you and not one from 5 years ago when you had a full head of hair). Also, once you start balding, it's always better to cut it short or shave it no matter what your head shape is. Never do the comb overs. Never wear a toupee.

Bald doesn't bother me at all as long as they wear it well.

Now about the gap in your teeth- you're being too picky. No one cares. Stop obsessing!!!

Losing hair, does this matter alot to a girl?

No those aren't deal breakers! Unless someone's being totally superficial she will not care at all.She's meeting the overall package..not giving u a dental exam.As for the hair. It's way in right now. My boyfriends shave it even if they're not receding.First dates are hard enough but Internet dates r even harder since they haven't seen u yet.While ur touching ur hair she'll prob be sucking in her stomach or making sure there's no food in her teeth so no worries. I'd also make sure ur picks r really updated so u don't have to worry.In fact if u need a testimonial this guy I'm trying 2 land totally fits that description so that was pretty funny.Baldness is often a sign of excessive Testosterone so that will come in handy later ;)

Losing hair, does this matter alot to a girl?

No unless they are shallow i'm sure yu've got a great personality and my teeth are awful dear.

Losing hair, does this matter alot to a girl?

If I didn't know you already, then yes, baldness and gapped teeth would change the way I am attracted to you. But if we've talked and gotten to know each other, then certain physical attributes can be overlooked. Ever consider Rogaine or braces?

Losing hair, does this matter alot to a girl?

If ur hair line is fading its such a turn off. Buck teeth means u dont know how to keep a secret!

Losing hair, does this matter alot to a girl?

i shave my head. never had trouble finding women. only sane ones. finally found one though.

Losing hair, does this matter alot to a girl?

shave the hair, it doesnt matter that much. but there is nothing worse than a guy with BAD TEETH!!!! if its a little gap that no one notices, its not bad, but try to get it fixed.

Losing hair, does this matter alot to a girl?

There might be some girls that do care, but most wouldn't mind. Actually there are some that find this very attractive in a guy. What I personally don't like is those guys that are becoming bald and try to comb the hair in a way as to cover the area. It looks ridiculous. Its better to accept the fact that one has lost hair and fix it accordingly.

The gap it depends. It looks good in some people. In fact I know some with gap teeth that would actually loose their personality and charm if they fix it. So it all depends. Anyway, you can have the gap fixed.

Good luck!

Losing hair, does this matter alot to a girl?

No, just be funny and confident and smell good. She will like you.

Losing hair, does this matter alot to a girl?

I have an 'ideal man' ... he's tall, thin, with a FULL head of hair, little body hair. I have 'the most wonderful husband in the world' (for me, anyway) ... he's 5'10, fat, bald on top, with a full beard (he grew it for me because I have very sensitive skin and bled when he kissed me) and more body hair than most bears. A girl doesn't really 'care' what a man looks like if he's 'her one and only one' ... so I suggest you meet her, and maybe you will be her 'one and only one.'

Losing hair, does this matter alot to a girl?

I've always found a balding guy is a sexy guy...so long as he doesn't to combe-over - lol. Seriously, a bald head is sexy and shows masculine virility. As for the gap between the teeth....if you can fit a coin through the gap...you'll be rich too....what a combination...sexy and rich....you're a winner!!!

Losing hair, does this matter alot to a girl?

Wouldn't bother me in the least. Mind you there is so much hair stuff out there all you need to do is pick up one of those grow out your hair again and you will be fine. I have a gap between my teeth as well. So I know I wouldn't have a problem with that either. Just in all how important she sees teeth. Gaps are ok for some, but for others its not too much.

Losing hair, does this matter alot to a girl?

if you try to hide it like crazy, then its a little weird, but if you're okay with it it isn't bad at all.

Losing hair, does this matter alot to a girl?

I'm a 24yr old salon owner, so I see balding young guys all the time. I feel bad for the guys that this really bothers all ages of men are effected by this. But the young guys the most, because balding is suppose to happen with age. I say shave your head, it's in style anyway. As for your tooth gap, I happen to find some very attractive [and cute] on both men and women. But if it's so huge another tooth could fit in the gap, I suggest getting it fixed, Because that is unattractive. But if you care about all these things just to impress your new girl, then if she's talked to you and liked your personality than that should be the main thing, remember looks aren't everything.

Good Luck meeting your new girl!

Losing hair, does this matter alot to a girl?

If she really likes you no! Don't let it bother you, I had a friend who started getting a receding hair line right after high school. He was a little on the vain side to begin with but was very good looking. He let it ruin his life, became an alcoholic, gained 75 lbs, and just trashed his whole life over losing some hair. It didn't bother anyone but him. He was still good looking.

Losing hair????any idea how to prevent?

You know what is funny, I just read about hair lose in a magazine! It seems as if Rogaine, has made a new "gel" formula that will not only help regrow the hair you lose, but it will help prevent more hair lose. I havent used it, but the mens health magazine was pretty excited about it!

I hope I helped! and Dont worry to much about it! (I know what you are saying, easy for you to say that :-)

Losing hair????any idea how to prevent?

hair loss can be caused by an unbalanced diet. if you aren't getting enough protein in your diet, your body will take it from places that aren't important for survival. another site to watch is your nails

Losing hair????any idea how to prevent?

Diet, medications, lack of exercise and genetics can all contribute to these problems. See a dermatologist for guidance and see if there is any kind of skin problems and make sure you exercise and eat a healthy diet.

I started drinking Shaklee Protein Powder with milk every day and that has helped me in many ways. I don't eat alot of meat and have several food allergies so have to be careful what I eat so my diet probably isn't the best. I also take Shaklee vitamins to help boost my immune system since I've had several health issues in the past.

You didn't give your age so if you are younger, I feel for you and hope you can get to the "root" of the problem (pun intended :) and get it solved. If you are older, this is probably just a natural course of events because everyone, women included, thin out on top as they age.

Another thing that came to mind. Have your doctor run tests on your thyroid. If it isn't functioning properly, that can cause hair loss.

Losing hair...only 18...please help.....!!!?

Do any of those Bosley Medical or any of that crap work?

I just started shaving my head...any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

Losing hair...only 18...please help.....!!!?

you answered my question, i am muslim but don't want to be in California. I AM NOT lazy to practice islam. i am more hard working and commited to something than you. that is just a bull **** excuse people like you give because you force it on people you dip ****. I hope you go bald, you deserve it *** hole.

Losing hair...only 18...please help.....!!!?

it matters if you are a girl or a boy. or shoudl i say man or woman. You could start by not trying to comb a lot. If you do they start falling out. But yes Bosley Medical does work since i tried it and it helped me. (only 23)

Losing hair...only 18...please help.....!!!?

go to a dermatoligst. dont use any of that other stuff. or even better go to the salon to get treatments. thats what i did

Losing hair...only 18...please help.....!!!?

First question, have you been to the doctor to see if there is a medical reason why you are losing hair? It could be possible that stress or thyroid, or a number of other health reasons could be the cause. You might check into that. There is also medicine that you can take for this. I would suggest that you see the doctor, if you have not already.

Losing hair...only 18...please help.....!!!?

Some people get results from Scalp Med. Try scalpmed.com. I have seen the results and in some cases, they are remarkable.

Losing hair...only 18...please help.....!!!?

Are you by any chance on a crash diet where you eat zero fats? That will make you lose your hair - you need at least two teaspoons of fat a day.

Losing hair...only 18...please help.....!!!?

Rogaine actually does work but as soon as you stop using it your hair gos by by again. You do need to talk to your Dr. before you use any products like that.

Losing hair...only 18...please help.....!!!?

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Losing hair...only 18...please help.....!!!?

There's no pat answer for this but you need to get to the root of the problem --no pun intended.

See if you can find a specialist in alopecia http://www.naaf.org/ if it looks like the description fits you. If this is the case you need to adress the proper functioning of the immune system as it is an auto-imune disorder. Other possible causes of other types of hair loss that I can think of are diet, hormonal imbalance (which is diet again), and reduced blood flow to scalp, often brought on by tension in the neck which would require an atlas profilax adjustment.

Also, the advice to comb your hair less sounds sensical, but the opposite is what you really need to do. One of the best things you can do for hair loss is to massage your scalp and tug on your hair. Seriously! (found online:)

Step-by-Step Scalp Massage

Scalp massage is a great way to promote scalp circulation and boost healthy hair growth. To help you develop your technique, the pros at Matrix have put together a step-by-step guide to giving the perfect Energizing Scalp Massage complete with photos, diagrams and instructions.

The Matrix technique consists of seven steps:

1. Circular motions at the base of the neck.

2. Gentle tapping from the base of the neck up to the hairline and back.

3. Quick, circular motions from the base of the neck up to the hairline and back.

4. Light chopping motions from left shoulder to right.

5. Light chopping motions up the middle of the head to front hairline and down each side to above ears.

6. Raking fingers through hair starting at the nape and working to hairline and back.

7. Smooth, rapid circles up head and back to nape.

Also, I always advise drinking Kombucha brew.

Check out these web sites below that I quickly turned up.

The most important thing is to beleive that an answer is out there and prove everyone who told you there's no cure that they're wrong!

Losing hair...only 18...please help.....!!!?

Head Massage For Fast Hair Growth

A thorough massage is necessary to improve the blood circulation of the scalp. By massaging the scalp the hair follicles are stimulated and the texture of the hair is also enhanced. Massaging activates the nerves and a sense of calmness in the mind ensues. This therapy is useful for people who have routine stress.

Everyday spend about 5-10 minutes massaging your hair with your fingers. Move your fingers circularly all over the head starting from the temporal parts to the occipital area. Apply the necessary pressure to the areas. Even Yoga exercises such as the headstand are recommended for proper circulation to all the parts, especially the hair follicles to stimulate growth.

There are various types of massaging techniques, which can be followed. Indonesian style is best suited for relieving mental tension and improving the quality of the hair. The massaging steps are given below in detail:

1) Stand with your feet apart and start breathing in and out

2) Bend from the waist till the level of your head falls below the waist area.

3) Bring your feet close to each other and start rubbing your scalp with your knuckles all over your head for about half a minute.

4) Slowly start bringing your body to the normal level and continue rubbing on the scalp.

Be careful that when you are massaging your scalp, do not massage roughly. The hair fibers may split causing you pain and damage to the hair. So massage gently and thoroughly.

My Lab is losing her hair.......!!?

I need some ideas on the problem I'm having with my dog.....

I have a 3 year old yellow Labrador that is losing hair on her stomach, her inner thighs, and her butt. It was OK just a couple of weeks ago, but its now very thin in those areas. She also has some very slight red areas around a couple of nipples. I also noticed a large (about the diamater of a pea) red sore on her lip. It looked like a big zit or something.

She is unspayed

Her behavior and habits are normal

I haven't been able to find anything definitive on the internet, so I'm trying here.

Any help is appreciated.

My Lab is losing her hair.......!!?

This could very well be a allergy. Have your vet look at her. If he feels it necessary he can do a skin scrape to rule out mange. Make sure she doesn't have fleas that are causing her to dig herself. True if she needs medicated baths the vet will have some good shampoo. Can also have her spayed this spring. Better for her health because spaying helps prevent breast cancer and other breast tumors.

My Lab is losing her hair.......!!?

My dog has had the same problems...turned out to be an allergis reaction to something in his environment that was solved with a months worth of medicated shampoo and a few antibiotics. Ask the vet. my dogs allergy was from the type of grass he was on.

I wish you and the puppy luck.

My Lab is losing her hair.......!!?

it would be the food your feeding her, but just to make sure i would take your pet to the vet asap

My Lab is losing her hair.......!!?

Dont feed her any human food. Wash her less often. Give her standard dog food meals. You should take her to the pet and/or groomer.

ps could be her shampoo

My Lab is losing her hair.......!!?

Sounds like some sort of allergy to me. My dog has flea allergies, and has similar symptoms. She chews on herself and pulls her hair out, and her skin gets really red. Have your vet look at her, and maybe do an allergy test.

My Lab is losing her hair.......!!?

My three year old lab had an irritation on her right above her tail. She lost her hair there and it was scabby like. I cleaned it as soon as I saw it and put an animal antibiodixes on it. Her hair slowly grew back. I think it was just a really irritated flea bite because she was always itching it.

My Lab is losing her hair.......!!?

I agree with the folks who have mentioned allergies.

Diet can cause hair loss, but the sores tend to lean me towards allergies. It could also be ring worm or mange. take her to the vet. Please Spay your pets! ~Good luck.

My two dogs have been losing hair?

I have two puggles (pug beagle cross) and they are not litter mates but they have the same parents. They have been losing their hair on their stomachs a lot lately. They have very thin to no hair stretching across the stomach and parts of the legs. The dogs are female but are spayed, so pregnancy is not a possible explanation. We also know that the dogs do not have mites and it is most likely not allergies. A simple explanation could be that they run through our grass often and that they like to lay around? I do not know, but any possible explanations would be excellent. =]

My two dogs have been losing hair?


Can also be symptom of cushings disease, but I assume your vet has considered that.

My two dogs have been losing hair?

I have a pug...face it, they shed horrible!!!!

My two dogs have been losing hair?

my gosh what are you doing to those poor dogs?

My two dogs have been losing hair?

have their thyroids checked

My two dogs have been losing hair?

I had a large dog. he started losing hair all around his back, not long after he had dramatic weight loss and got really sick. we had to have him put down :( Sorry to scare you. he was old though. make sure you take your dogs to a vet AsAP

My two dogs have been losing hair?

Since both pugs and beagles are known to shed, a LOT, this is a common thing... but you've ruled out that simple answer, because you mentioned that it's just on their bellies. You may have answered it in the question: It may very well be that they just like to lay around a lot, and run through the grass. I've seen lots of puggles, and since the "breed" has not yet been perfected, a lot of them look very different from one another. Some of them are short and stocky, and some are more lanky like beagles. For short dogs whose bellies are close to the ground, it is somewhat common for them to lose hair on their stomachs.

However, I wouldn't assume that it isn't allergies until you get a professional opinion. Allergies are usually very easy to manage in dogs, but if left untreated or undiagnosed, it can be very harmful to your dog. It breaks down and compromises their immune system constantly if left untreated, and can be very bad for the dog. I'd get them checked out before dismissing that idea completely. Good luck!

My two dogs have been losing hair?

As a pug breeder I can tell you that pugs do indeed shed a lot. The underbelly is not usually an area where they have a lot of hair, as well as the inner sides of the upper insides of the back legs. This is still shedding season for dogs, too. If they are young they may be shedding a puppy coat as well.

Keep an eye on them, make sure they are drinking, eating and eliminating normally. If all is normal and your vets aren't alarmed, then wait a couple months and if your pups are still losing hair then you will need further investigation.

It's great that you have access to great help if needed.

My two dogs have been losing hair?

Some female dogs don't have hair on their stomachs. If they were recently spayed, it may be the side-effects of it. You have to check with a pro ASAP.

My two dogs have been losing hair?

sometimes they just shed it could be stress

My two dogs have been losing hair?

I would say they are shedding there coats as normal this time of the year - but put your mind at ease and ring the vets just to clarify..

My two dogs have been losing hair?

Damn that Male patterned Balding Men and now Dogs!!

Why is my black lab losing hair?

my 8 month old black lab is losing his hair on the inside of his hein legs and his "lower regions".he has no hair loss on his face so i don't think it is mange.i live in a hot climat and thought maybe it was due to the upcoming summer.what do yall think?

Why is my black lab losing hair?

You do not say what you feed, frankly, anything that comes from a supermarket (pedigree, IAMS etc.) is garbage, and a sensitive dog will DEFINITELY HAVE ISSUES with it. My first lab was allergic to corn, the number one ingrediant in most 'supermarket' kibble, and frankly just filler (truly, are YOU able to digest it???), wheat, and soy. These are all fillers used by crappy dog food providers.

Chicken/poultry, and beef are also common allergens. First, I would get your vet's opinion, if it is a flea allergy you may need steroids for a period of time, and then religiously put Advantage or Revolution (again, do not waste your time on pet store 'spot on' products, they are basically useless, and can be deadly to cats) to prevent him ever again getting a flea bite.

If it is diet. Time to bite the bullet, do your research on dog food, discover that good food in a lot of cases is actually a CHEAPER then the supermarket crap! Without all the fillers you feed SO MUCH LESS that the 40 lb bag that used to last you two weeks, now lasts you over a month. One of the best ways to identify good kibble (aside from no corn, soy, sorghum) is the amount fed compared to the size of the dog. The crap foods would commonly have you feeding a large dog 8-12 cups, a really good food, will have you feeding just 3-4 cups. Oh, and what goes in, well, it comes out, the high quality foods that you feed so much less of, produce even LESS poop, so cleanup no longer requires a hefty sack!!

I would hope this fella is still on puppy food, if not, lack of proper nutrition could be the root of this, as could normal shedding, or 'blowing' his puppy coat. Labs are frankly quite bare on the belly and privates area.

If he is not yet fixed, now is the time to do this, get your vet's opinion on if it is flea or food allergy and get a treatment plan in place if needed.

I am concerned about the application of bitter apple, I do not believe this is 'okay' to put on the skin...better to look into an E collar or an Elizabethan collar - those cone thingy's that attach to the collar and physically prevent access to the nether regions.

Good luck.

Why is my black lab losing hair?

awww i hope its just shedding but mabey you should take him to the vet. i have a black lab too. i hope your doggie is ok!

Why is my black lab losing hair?

how many people are there in your black lab? are all of them experiencing hair loss?

Why is my black lab losing hair?

What do "yall" think? I think it's normal for a dog to lose it's hair.

Why is my black lab losing hair?

Maybe an allergy. Ask your vet.

Why is my black lab losing hair?

My Bulldog was losing his hair and it was an underactive thyroid. I had to put him on thyroid medication for a while.

Why is my black lab losing hair?

My dog did that about a year be for he died from canser. I recamd taking him to a vet.

thare are meny resons why it coud be stress it couse be an rash or some thing more seris.

Why is my black lab losing hair?

I think you should take your dog to the vet just to be on the safe side. It could be shedding or allergies. It could be the beginning of mange as well. I hope your doggie gets better.

Why is my black lab losing hair?

It may be that she has really dry skin and that is very irritating. That would make her chew the irritated areas and that would result in hair loss. This is what happend to my lab. If that is the case then you can ask the vet to give her a shot that only costs about 5 to 10 dollars and it will clear up her skin. Hope this helps. :-)

Why is my black lab losing hair?

hes probally just shedding!!!!!!!!!!

Why is my black lab losing hair?

Could be a condition called flea bite dermatitis. Basically, they are allergic to fleas and will lose their hair. My border collie has it and if she gets one flea bite she is bald the entire summer. Unfortuantely only one bite can be all it takes. We spend so much on frontline and etc. that it is pathetic and it still happens most summers.

Why is my black lab losing hair?

take him to the vet. they can give you the correct answer

Why is my black lab losing hair?

My chocolate lab is the same way. She has allergies to her food. I have to get her pedigree for sensitive digestion. It works very well. I guess all dogs have mites and many dogs lick their fur and it results in these allergies. Also, make sure her flea protection is up to date.

Why is my black lab losing hair?

aww, poor puppy :(

there are many reasons...

definately check the thyroid...could be poor diet.

Are you feeding him well established food?

I have a 5 month old golden lab, and he didn't stop pooping (sorry for the description)until we changed his food to Iams. Also, feeding your puppy egg whites is really good for the fur...

but I wouldn't mess around, see your vet.

You can read a hundred answers here, but your safe and smart thing to do, go to a professional.

Good luck with your puppy

Why is my black lab losing hair?

He either has allergies or mange u need to have him checked

Why is my black lab losing hair?

well, all dogs loose hair but if it becomes a daily thing than i would sugest taking him to a vets office.

Why is my black lab losing hair?

is it on his hind legs where it hits the gound when he sits or lays down? cause if it is its tottally normal. he's wearing down his fur from where it rubs on the ground. try getting him a plush pillow or a thick blanket to rest on instead of the floor.

Why is my black lab losing hair?

He could be allergic to the crap fleas leave behind, their poo and eggs and whatever else. I had a dog who lost his fur within 3 days. We took him to the vet who gave us meds and put him on frontline. The dog looked terrible with half his fur gone, mostly his bottom half but some nearing his neck too. I felt like a terrible owner walking a mangy looking mutt dog. But he got better and we learned to keep flea med on him from April - Dec, we live up north and fleas don't like snow.

What shampoo cure losing hair ?

I've been losing alot of hair since I had my first baby. I tried so many brand names but still no result.

What shampoo cure losing hair ?

Could try rogain for women. You may want to talk to your Dr. Every woman goes thru changes after having a baby. With my first my hair changed color (only slightly), with my third I got brown blotches over my skin that I had to see a dermatologist about. Depending on how long ago you had your baby, you may just be having some hormonal changes.

I was also told by my eye Dr. that every time a woman has a baby her eyesight can slightly change. It did with me.

What shampoo cure losing hair ?

if u look up flax u will see it is good for hair ..hubby swears his blad spot is growing bk n flax ground up is good on salads cereals sandwiches i use it on lots of foods..shampoos not have to tell ph ..i have used some shampoos to wash bachelors dishes to show them why they should not be using it lol..p.s.... i also give to the dogs for their coat

What shampoo cure losing hair ?

As far as I know...shampoo might not be the answer.

Rogain for women might help you out faster.

I don't know if it's shampoo or not, but I heard this stuff works wonders for men as well as women.

Here is the source:

What shampoo cure losing hair ?

None. You really need to find out what the cause is. No shampoo is really going to cure the problem if you aren't treating the problem. Please speak to your doctor. Could be something as simple as hormones.

What shampoo cure losing hair ?

its completley normal to loose hair after having a baby. You probably noticed that your hair was thicker and healithier while pregnant. This is because of the prenatal vitamins you were taken. Many people will take prenatals to help them get thicker hair even when they are not pregant. the downfall to this is that when you stop taking them.....as you did since the birth im assuming.....you loose all the hair that you grew because of them. Also the hormone changes you are expreiencing add to the hair loose......take a one a day womens vitamin and use a good brand of shampoo or conditioner. don't wash every day either. wash at least everyother day or even better every two days. Some pople can;t get away with two days due to the natural oils in there hair but it isnt good to wash everyday.

What shampoo cure losing hair ?

why dont u try 'Dove' shampoo products?

By the way Shampoo can't be the only cure for this.. u might definitly need somethin like an oil thrapy of course.. u better get some consultant advice from a Skin doctor directly.. Hope u'd get better results.. Good luck :)

What shampoo cure losing hair ?

Have you tried Nioxxen (not sure if it's spelled right) There is a special formula (3 porducts) that you use and its supposed to stop hair loss and help thicken hair. Its not very cheap and you have to use all three in order for it to work. Try Ulta or sephora oy any salon type store...

Why is ferrett losing hair?

I have a female ferrett that is losing her hair.Can someone tell me why this is happening, and what can I do to correct the problem.

Thank you

Why is ferrett losing hair?

Yep, could easily be adrenal disease. Unfortunately very common in ferrets. You need to find a vet that is experienced with ferrets, meanwhile find the best food you can for her, highest in meat and try to avoid as much grain as possible since they are carnivores.

Why is ferrett losing hair?

idk take it to the vet? one time my anunt and uncle had a ferrett and it died so the put it in the freezer

Why is ferrett losing hair?

I had a ferret that was losing hair and the vet told me it was because of the diet he was eating as well as fleas. You need to put you ferret on a good quality ferret food and add a little oil to his food also look for any signs of fleas such as flea dirt you can not use a flea shampoo for cats or dogs you will have to go to your vet and get a special shampoo for ferrets to get rid of the fleas.

Why is ferrett losing hair?

First of all, how old is the ferret, and are there any other concerns with her health? Does her vulva appear swollen? The most common cause of hair loss ( or alopecia) in ferrets is adrenal disease.

The adrenal gland is a small gland that sits next to each kidney, and produces different hormones. In ferrets, when they get disease of the adrenal glands, they get an overproduction of the sex hormones, causing hair loss, increased size of vulva or prostate gland, and other problems.

The hair loss can start as a seasonal problem, where the tail can go bald first, but then grows back. After a few seasons, the hair does not return.

The best way to diagnose this disease is by taking your ferret to a veterinarian and having some blood work run. Then your vet can go over types of treatment with you.

You may want to check out this website and others like it.


Good luck, and hope your weasel is fine

Why is ferrett losing hair?

its prbly bcuz it doesnt have a good diet. feed him better. its prbly too late now take him to a vet.