I have an 8-year-old female spayed Doberman Pinscher. She's been on thyroid meds for hypothyroidism for approximately 6 months. The dose is .8mcg 2x/day. About 3-4 days ago, I noticed that she was constantly chilling. She is also losing hair by the handful. She seems to know that she's sick because she won't leave my side. I know that I need to take her to the vet, but I can't until my next paycheck. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance.
My dog is losing hair and has chills constantly! What might be wrong with her?
she probably needs her dose increased, you could call your vet and see if it would be ok to give her a pill and a half at a time until you can get her in, but I'm not a vet, so make sure you ask them first. good luck
My dog is losing hair and has chills constantly! What might be wrong with her?
There are vets out there that take payments or collateral of some kind. You need to get her in.
My dog is losing hair and has chills constantly! What might be wrong with her?
Nah, you're right. Yahoos can tell you all you need to know. No need for real vet's advice. The dog probably isn't that important to you, I am guessing, so screw it.
My dog is losing hair and has chills constantly! What might be wrong with her?
Look it up on the internet
My dog is losing hair and has chills constantly! What might be wrong with her?
go to vet
My dog is losing hair and has chills constantly! What might be wrong with her?
You already know the answer... She needs to have her thyroid rechecked to ascertain if the dose she is recieving is appropriate or not. Two classic symptoms of thyroid issues is hair loss and easily chilling... also behavioral changes tend to occur. There is no way anyone on the internet can give you an answer other than that since there is no one that can assess the thyroid level -- doesn't matter how much she is on or not -- things change and simply because she was doing okay at one point on a specific dosage doesn't mean she will always do well on that dose. That would be the first thing I would consider -- there are, of course, a number of other health related situations that cause hair loss and inability to regulate body temperature but again, no way to tell through the internet and she will need to see the vet. Anything anyone would say otherwise would be simply guessing and likely an uneducated one at that. Sorry but you knew all that already... Good luck
My dog is losing hair and has chills constantly! What might be wrong with her?
I don't know about the chills but it sounds like her thyroid meds dose needs to be changed if her hair is falling out. As you probably know hairloss is a common symptom of hypothyroidism but it sounds like its falling out way fast. I would at least call your vet and explain your situation and see what they say. If it's a vet that knows you they will probably work with you.
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