Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My dog is losing tons of hair......?

I have a 11 months old PUG, and he has been losing hair for the last 4 months, the quantity is too much I have to clean the house daily because of this..... He's skin is ok, no flea, nothing he is perfect. So please what should I do.... and don not tell me take to the Vet....


My dog is losing tons of hair......?

ok here goes! - TO begin - believe it or not , pugs, short haired dogs and all - do SHED!!!!!!! also at this age - they are dropping puppy coat and adult coat is coming in - daily brushing with a bristle brush will help decrease the shedding - DO NOT BATHE your dog, unless he iks really dirty ( this will cut down on loss of natural oils) and being a toy dog, please make sure that you are feeding a good dog food that is high in protein and fat- that will also help from the inside out - with the brushing, stop bathing if you are doing it weekly or less, and make sure about the protein/fat content of your dog food- you should see some changes- but sorry to tell you - yes - little pugs do shed year round! Good luck and love your dog most of all!

My dog is losing tons of hair......?

It could just be a hair loss disease, but take him to the vet.

My dog is losing tons of hair......?

This happened to my sister's dog. It turned out it had an allergy that had to be treated with medicine and special baths.

My dog is losing tons of hair......?

There are lots of reasons a dog can loose its fur (mange, ringworm , fleas-even if you are not seeing any, hormone problems, allergies. so unfortunatly i'm going to say go to a vet.

My dog is losing tons of hair......?

maybe you should buy it a parka... it will keep the hair off of your house. Or you can even brush it! there is an idea

My dog is losing tons of hair......?

you said don't tell me to take him to the vet........but you should........... sorry

My dog is losing tons of hair......?

You might want to check his diet because something is obviously making your pug lose hair. I've been told by vets that it is often the diet that causes this. Either way take your dog to the vet ASAP B4 it gets outta hand.

My dog is losing tons of hair......?

Why don't you want to take your dog to the vet? If your dog has been losing hair like that for 4 months and you have done nothing to seek treatment for it, then that is animal cruelty. If you won't get help for your dog, give it to someone who will.

My dog is losing tons of hair......?

Sorry, I'd take him to the vet. Could be allergies or something else he's gotten into. My neighbor's dog had the same problem and it was some bacterial thing.

My dog is losing tons of hair......?

Try brushing it a couple times a day,and see if it seems to help!My dogs shed alot,but it helps to catch it in the brush.If it still seems like too much you should have it checked out by it`s doggie doctor.(I didn`t say vet!)

My dog is losing tons of hair......?

According to the site below, the #1 cause of hair loss is allergic reaction to flea saliva. So you could try a topical flea medication to see if that helps. If not, it could be any of the other conditions others have mentioned already.

Good luck, I hope your puppy gets better soon!

My dog is losing tons of hair......?

just last week i ask my vet what can help my dogs hair from shedding so much and she told me to get a bottle of flax oil at wal mart the oil kind and put a teaspoon on his food when you feed him and it really is helping.but i would take him to the vet i take my dog to the vet no matter what is wrong or how much it cost and i am a poor person on dissabilty but i love my dog and i am respomible for his life and well being he is a member of my family.

My dog is losing tons of hair......?

Well, how do you know for sure if his skin really is okay unless you do take him to the vet to make sure, he could have mange, which is a very serious disease in dogs, some of it is so bad dogs have to be put down and the main sign of mange is hair loss. So do take the dog to the vet because he is probably suffering and you don't want him to suffer; good luck.

My dog is losing tons of hair......?

I am at the bottom of the answer page, and I hope you read this. I notice you say there is a time period, like this is unusual. Has the dog been put under any kind of stress?

Household (family issues?) staying in a kennel for vacation? An adjustment from the normal routine? Something you know the Pug doesn't like? A new family member? Moving?

All these things will put stress on the family pets like it will our own kids. See if you can find a way to eliminate stress from the puppy. He may be scared. That can be a symptom.

My dog is losing tons of hair......?

Feed him QUALITY dog food.

My dog is losing tons of hair......?

dogs can lose their hair a lot when they are stressed. is there any reason why he would be stressed at home?

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