Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Help! My Cocker Spaniel puppy is losing hair around his eye!?

Recently my Cocker Spaniel puppy started losing hair around his eye. Where the hair is gone, it's now pink and bumpy/scaly. He isn't scratching it and it doesn't seem to bother him, it just looks bad. We bathe him about once every 2 weeks and he is a very clean indoor pup. I'm not sure what it could be and we are a little low on money right now so I was hoping someone help me out if they have seen this before.

Help! My Cocker Spaniel puppy is losing hair around his eye!?

i under stand your low on money but really it would be best if your pup could see a vet no one can tell you what the rash is without seeing the puppy, the rspca are very cheep and you can pay them when you can afford it x

Help! My Cocker Spaniel puppy is losing hair around his eye!?

its probbaly a hair loss diease

Help! My Cocker Spaniel puppy is losing hair around his eye!?


Help! My Cocker Spaniel puppy is losing hair around his eye!?

go to a vet site

Help! My Cocker Spaniel puppy is losing hair around his eye!?

Take her to your vet, it could just be an eye irritation. I had a Cocker and it sounds like something she had. But any time you aren't sure just take her to the professionals! Good Luck to your Cocker.

Help! My Cocker Spaniel puppy is losing hair around his eye!?

Ir your dog is loosing alot of hair than you should be very conserned! He might have a disease! Go to your local vet just to make sure its ok!

Help! My Cocker Spaniel puppy is losing hair around his eye!?

It sounds like mange. Little bugs that get under the skin and irritate it. Depending on what variety it is, you still need to get medication for it. The vet will have to take a scraping to find out what type it is. Without treatment it will only spread.

"demodectic mange symptoms include thinning of the hair around the eyes and mouth and on the front legs that evolves into patches of hair loss approximately one inch in diameter. This mange may correct itself within three months or may require treatment."

More info:


Dermasil for cure:


Help! My Cocker Spaniel puppy is losing hair around his eye!?

probably the diet. think back and try to remember if you started him on aonther brand of food.

Help! My Cocker Spaniel puppy is losing hair around his eye!?

The vet is the best place to find help for this problem. This is really something that your vet should examine.

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