I have a female ferrett that is losing her hair.Can someone tell me why this is happening, and what can I do to correct the problem.
Thank you
Why is ferrett losing hair?
Yep, could easily be adrenal disease. Unfortunately very common in ferrets. You need to find a vet that is experienced with ferrets, meanwhile find the best food you can for her, highest in meat and try to avoid as much grain as possible since they are carnivores.
Why is ferrett losing hair?
idk take it to the vet? one time my anunt and uncle had a ferrett and it died so the put it in the freezer
Why is ferrett losing hair?
I had a ferret that was losing hair and the vet told me it was because of the diet he was eating as well as fleas. You need to put you ferret on a good quality ferret food and add a little oil to his food also look for any signs of fleas such as flea dirt you can not use a flea shampoo for cats or dogs you will have to go to your vet and get a special shampoo for ferrets to get rid of the fleas.
Why is ferrett losing hair?
First of all, how old is the ferret, and are there any other concerns with her health? Does her vulva appear swollen? The most common cause of hair loss ( or alopecia) in ferrets is adrenal disease.
The adrenal gland is a small gland that sits next to each kidney, and produces different hormones. In ferrets, when they get disease of the adrenal glands, they get an overproduction of the sex hormones, causing hair loss, increased size of vulva or prostate gland, and other problems.
The hair loss can start as a seasonal problem, where the tail can go bald first, but then grows back. After a few seasons, the hair does not return.
The best way to diagnose this disease is by taking your ferret to a veterinarian and having some blood work run. Then your vet can go over types of treatment with you.
You may want to check out this website and others like it.
Good luck, and hope your weasel is fine
Why is ferrett losing hair?
its prbly bcuz it doesnt have a good diet. feed him better. its prbly too late now take him to a vet.
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