Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I think my guinea pigs are fighting, one is losing hair...why is this? Answers would be great!!?

I had three guinea pigs, one was definitely a girl, the other two I'm pretty sure are boys. The girl died a few weeks ago, and the past few days I've noticed that one of the guinea pigs has bald patches. I'm not sure if they're fighting, and one is pulling the other's hair, or if it is just losing its hair naturally for some reason. The places where it is losing its hair are in almost perfect small rectangles. I feed them well, plenty of water, and they have a nice hutch with plenty of room...as far as I know. I also bathe them regularly.

Anyone know what is going on?


God bless

I think my guinea pigs are fighting, one is losing hair...why is this? Answers would be great!!?

unless both males have been together since they were babies and never seperated for any length of time there is a high chance they will fight.

Unless you have seen or heard any squabbling cos they are loud i would assume that its a mite. This mite lives in the hair follicles of the skin and can cause irritation but usually there are cuts on the skin from were your G.P has been scratching. Course of injections will sort this........

If its not that hair loss is a sign of stress, possibly from the death of the female.

I think my guinea pigs are fighting, one is losing hair...why is this? Answers would be great!!?

Well males and males are not a good pair but it depends how long you have had them it could be because of old age!

I think my guinea pigs are fighting, one is losing hair...why is this? Answers would be great!!?

Might be mites

I think my guinea pigs are fighting, one is losing hair...why is this? Answers would be great!!?

hi there

i had the same problem withe mine and i had 10 girls and 4 males ,they were separated as i did not want any more babies, they were all ok for some time and ten noticed bald patches appearing on 3 of them did everything to clear it up but lossed them, it is a disease called scurvy and it is not good as it will go through the lot of them and sadly they die,also if not that it could be mice and they carry deadly diseases, mice can get into the cage no matter what you do to get food and mice can get through the smallest wire as they flatten themselves out, you could take them to the vet to see what is really wrong, if they are about 5 to 6 years old , they are near their life span, i hope they come good for you as i love these little creatures a lot, just thought of something else it may be what you are bathing them with, i used baby shampoo,as it is very mild on their skin and does not irritate them. the best of luck

I think my guinea pigs are fighting, one is losing hair...why is this? Answers would be great!!?

they need a daily supply of vitamin c veggies every day!!!! Please use the web to find out how to properly care for them!!!

I think my guinea pigs are fighting, one is losing hair...why is this? Answers would be great!!?

Guinea pigs do not lose hair because of stress, and males who have not grown up together can live together just fine, with an appropriate sized cage.

Your guinea pigs are losing their hair because of mites, fungus, or scurvy. They need an appointment with a guinea pig savvy vet.

They are fighting, more than likely, because your cage is too small. Any pet store cage on the market right now is too small for a guinea pig to live in. Two males will do best in an area at least 10 square feet. They need two of everything, 2 houses, 2 food bowls, 2 water bottles, etc.

Go to guineapigcages.com for info on how to build an appropriately sized cage cheaply, and get them to the vet for their hairloss.

As a guinea pig rescuer, we've successfully paired hundreds of unrelated males with each other. It's all about personality and living area, not about gender.

ETA: "why they're fighting"

Guinea pigs establish a dominance hierarchy. IE, who's the boss, who's the second pig, who's the third pig, and so on down the totem pole. When one pig is removed, the rest of the pigs will start squabbling to try and re-establish a new hierarchy. If one won't back down, they'll keep squabbling. More space, more bowls, and more hideys can help them work it out, as they'll feel less defensive if they don't feel like they have to constantly guard a water bottle or a food dish.

I think my guinea pigs are fighting, one is losing hair...why is this? Answers would be great!!?

Maybe itz juss gat sum stress from the other guinea pig dying

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