Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Rotweiler has dry skin(dandruff and losing hair)?

My girlfriend has her rotweiler/husky dog who is 10 and she told me he is not scratching but is losing patches of hair and has bad dandruff.She wanted to know about any ideas to help him that isnt to expensive..Any suggestions?

Rotweiler has dry skin(dandruff and losing hair)?

Rotties generally have good skin, but Huskies need omega 3 fatty acids for their coats and skin. these are available in many food items. This supplement is great, and if you read the 'letters; they are genuine%26gt; http://springtimeinc.com/product/88/2

switching to Canidae dog food could really make the difference%26gt; http://www.canidae.com/ingredients/thefi...

Canidae or Solid Gold are rich in the omega 3 fatty acids, and are available at most pet supplies (local, not chain)

Rotweiler has dry skin(dandruff and losing hair)?

sounds like mange

Rotweiler has dry skin(dandruff and losing hair)?

It sounds like he may be having an allergic reaction. Has she recently changed his food? Rotties have been known for having food allergies. If she has changed his food, she needs to change it back. I would take him to the vet and have him checked out. That is the only way to be sure.

Rotweiler has dry skin(dandruff and losing hair)?

my dog used to do that to.

mine is a pittbull, rots and pits and labs are the kind of dogs thet needs to be washed often and they drink alot of water. they do lose alot of hair but it grows back, when i bruch my dog lots come out, but thats just the dead hair fallinf out so new ones come in. dont worry just wash your dog more and have clean water for them to drink at all times.

Rotweiler has dry skin(dandruff and losing hair)?

It sounds like he may have a allergic reaction to something or mange. Take him to the vet before it gets worse.

Rotweiler has dry skin(dandruff and losing hair)?

Go to a pet smart store they have good stuff and staff will help u. U r allowed to bring leashed dog.

Rotweiler has dry skin(dandruff and losing hair)?

COuld be thyroid problem. Dog need blood test.

Rotweiler has dry skin(dandruff and losing hair)?




Rotweiler has dry skin(dandruff and losing hair)?

mix olive oil or an egg w/his food. Remember Avon, their product, 'skin so soft' is excellent for dry skin, dogs or their humans, i use to use it on my terrier. works great. or something w/avocado in it. if none of that works, get to the vet.

Rotweiler has dry skin(dandruff and losing hair)?

Possible causes may be fleas,poor diet or the mange. Try frontline spray if it is caused by fleas. The dog could have a skin fungus. if you give the dog bathes all the shampoo may not be rinsed out,dry conditioners. is the skin dry and cracking ? always try oitments and conditioners. the dog may not be scratching so it rubbing or rolling?

Rotweiler has dry skin(dandruff and losing hair)?

As the dog reach senior stage, his immunity defense will get weaker and weaker.

Use mild shampoo. Strong shampoo will cause dandruff.

This is a natural method that works for both humans and pets. When bathing your dog, use apple cider vingear (which u can get from supermarkets) for final rinse. 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar and 2 cup water.

Add flax seed/fish/olive oil into his food.

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