Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I am losing hair... any good sugesstions?

Find a good polish. ~

I am losing hair... any good sugesstions?

massage your scalp with wheatgerm oil

I am losing hair... any good sugesstions?


I am losing hair... any good sugesstions?

It's only hair not your life.

I am losing hair... any good sugesstions?

Have you tried selling it on Ebay? Seems a popular thing to do these days

I am losing hair... any good sugesstions?

I have been researching hair alot these days, and it is normal to lose between 50 - 100 hairs a day. I think that seems like a lot. A lady at work told me this, but I don't think I will ever do it. She told me that it is good to put an egg mixed with olive oil and to put this mixture on your head with a bag over it for about 3 hours. She said after a couple of months of doing it, you will start to see new hair growing.

I am losing hair... any good sugesstions?

You may want to see your doctor and have a blood test done to check for an underactive thyroid. I had this same problem and now I take a small pill (levothroid) daily and it has cured the problem.

I am losing hair... any good sugesstions?

There are a number of reasons for hair loss such as not getting enough vitamins and nutrients, stress, age.

Go to familydoctor.org/081.xml for causes and treatments.

I am losing hair... any good sugesstions?

Take 2 tbls. apple cider vinegar in a glass of water 2-3 times per day. ACV has 93 vitamins and minerals. I am 50 with long beautiful hair (finally). Nails will grow out too. Read the long hair and apple cider vinegar websites for more info.

I am losing hair... any good sugesstions?

I was told that it depends on how often you wash your hair. Sometimes i go 2-3 days with out washin mine, and i lose a lot when I do that, other wise i have no problems

I am losing hair... any good sugesstions?


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