Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My Lab is losing her hair.......!!?

I need some ideas on the problem I'm having with my dog.....

I have a 3 year old yellow Labrador that is losing hair on her stomach, her inner thighs, and her butt. It was OK just a couple of weeks ago, but its now very thin in those areas. She also has some very slight red areas around a couple of nipples. I also noticed a large (about the diamater of a pea) red sore on her lip. It looked like a big zit or something.

She is unspayed

Her behavior and habits are normal

I haven't been able to find anything definitive on the internet, so I'm trying here.

Any help is appreciated.

My Lab is losing her hair.......!!?

This could very well be a allergy. Have your vet look at her. If he feels it necessary he can do a skin scrape to rule out mange. Make sure she doesn't have fleas that are causing her to dig herself. True if she needs medicated baths the vet will have some good shampoo. Can also have her spayed this spring. Better for her health because spaying helps prevent breast cancer and other breast tumors.

My Lab is losing her hair.......!!?

My dog has had the same problems...turned out to be an allergis reaction to something in his environment that was solved with a months worth of medicated shampoo and a few antibiotics. Ask the vet. my dogs allergy was from the type of grass he was on.

I wish you and the puppy luck.

My Lab is losing her hair.......!!?

it would be the food your feeding her, but just to make sure i would take your pet to the vet asap

My Lab is losing her hair.......!!?

Dont feed her any human food. Wash her less often. Give her standard dog food meals. You should take her to the pet and/or groomer.

ps could be her shampoo

My Lab is losing her hair.......!!?

Sounds like some sort of allergy to me. My dog has flea allergies, and has similar symptoms. She chews on herself and pulls her hair out, and her skin gets really red. Have your vet look at her, and maybe do an allergy test.

My Lab is losing her hair.......!!?

My three year old lab had an irritation on her right above her tail. She lost her hair there and it was scabby like. I cleaned it as soon as I saw it and put an animal antibiodixes on it. Her hair slowly grew back. I think it was just a really irritated flea bite because she was always itching it.

My Lab is losing her hair.......!!?

I agree with the folks who have mentioned allergies.

Diet can cause hair loss, but the sores tend to lean me towards allergies. It could also be ring worm or mange. take her to the vet. Please Spay your pets! ~Good luck.

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