My persian is losing hair, she has two little bald spots one on the mouth and one by the ear, Please Help.....
My persian is losing hair, Help?
You better go to the vet. Is the area itchy? then may be a mite(invisible) under the skin problem. I can't suggest anything, you can watch for a few weeks, if the area is increasing , ask your vet. Are u sure that your kitty didn't have any burns from any hot liquid? my cat got it and was bald for a month.
My persian is losing hair, Help?
maybe worms
My persian is losing hair, Help?
Tell your boyfriend to try propecia
My persian is losing hair, Help?
try bosley. haha.
My persian is losing hair, Help?
People told me pets shed because they eat too much salty food. So I think you just need to switch a different cat food brand sometimes, and if you feed her human food that might also be a cause. But I do that to my dog anyway =P
My persian is losing hair, Help?
Even though your cat has some hair loss problems it is not a big deal, some cats look better bald, and I know this from previous experience, you have to trust me on this, only because I am a doctor.
My persian is losing hair, Help?
stress id say. Or someone is shaving ur cat without you knowing it??
My persian is losing hair, Help?
It might mean she has fleas.
My persian is losing hair, Help?
What has the vet said? I mean, you don't expect to come on here for a diagnosis about what's wrong with a cat we can't see and by people that aren't vets, right?
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