Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Early pregnancy and losing hair?

I am quite sure I am pregnant (but still too early to test), got a lot of symtoms etc, anyway, I am losing so much hair. Each day we are having to unclog the shower drain otherwise we end up standing in water upto our ankles? I remember losing hair with my other 2 pregnancies, but only at the end. Has anyone else had this same problem?

Early pregnancy and losing hair?

I did!

For about the first 3 months.. and its no fun..

take a home test when its time

Early pregnancy and losing hair?

go to the doc....

Early pregnancy and losing hair?

r u stressing out about it? could be the problem

Early pregnancy and losing hair?

Take your vitamins.....they help

Early pregnancy and losing hair?

yes, i lost hair in the beginning of my pregnancy. but it stopped after about 3 months

Early pregnancy and losing hair?

At the beginning of my pregnancy I lost alot of hair. It used to drive me crazy! There was hair everywhere! I never paid attention to when it stopped, but I am 39 weeks pregnant and don't have this problem anymore.

Why am I losing hair on top of my head and I am getting more hair everywhere else?

Why am I losing hair on top of my head just thinning in the front and bald spot in the back, It seems to slide down to my ears, Back, Chest . I look like a bald ape. My wife calls me her silver backed gorilla. Because most of the hairs are growing out silver. It is becoming very difficult to control .It is out of control. I can pluck my nose and ears daily and they come back the next day. The hair on my back is now at a point I could braid it. Help?? Very frustrated and embarrassed

Why am I losing hair on top of my head and I am getting more hair everywhere else?


Why am I losing hair on top of my head and I am getting more hair everywhere else?

Get over it, you're getting old.

Also, if you're that concerned get it waxed!

Why am I losing hair on top of my head and I am getting more hair everywhere else?

Don't sweat it. It's just a natural part of aging.

Why am I losing hair on top of my head and I am getting more hair everywhere else?

it's called a follicle transfer, and it's been boggling the minds of doctors and barbers everywhere. they are transferred across the body by supochlorians, relatives of the midichlorians you have heard about in star wars 1, "the phantom menace."

Why is my dog losing hair?

I have an 8 year old, short red haired, miniature dachshund. Over the course of the last 5 months he has started losing hair. It started with hair loss on the end of his ears and has progressed to sports of hair loss over most of his body. Over the last few weeks I noticed spots of black hair appearing on his back which is now falling out. The tips of his ears are dry and there are small scabs on the tops of his ears. The bald spot skin is mildly scaly and there are patches of dark skin in some areas, including under his armpitts. He does not smell and is not itching. He is his same old happy self! I have been researching dog skin problems and read somewhere that problems can be caused by allergic reactions. Looking back....I think that there maybe be a chance that this started around about the time we got hima woolen cover that he sleeps under. Do you think this may be causing his skin and hair problems? or could it be something worse?

Thanks for any heklp given.

Why is my dog losing hair?

If you think it could be the thing he sleeps on/over whatever, take that away ( to see i would recommend keeping it away for a month) To see if that is the problem. I would also Have the vet check him out as he may have medical problems causing this.

Whenever you bath him use an oatmeal natural shampoo as this will give moisture to the skin, which he needs if it is dry and flaky. I would also suggest a high quality natural food ( cheap foods can cause problems like this) My dog eats Orijen and LOVES IT he turns his nose up to anything else.

Other food that is good:

Solid Gold.

Barking AT the moon.

Innuva (good for the sensitive guys)

Wellness (although they recently changed formulas)



Timber wolf (my dog wont eat this, and it is very expensive at least were i live)

I would certainly check with the vet to make sure there's no medical problems. And change food, only after assuring no medical problems.

Why is my dog losing hair?

take him to a vet it could be a number of different problems.a flea allergy some kind of mange an allergic reaction to something?

Why is my dog losing hair?

I don't want to scare you, but it may be mights. Bring him to the vet.

What should i do if im losing hair??

i recently started losing hair what should i do??

im losing close to 200 hair a day. can u please help me out.

What should i do if im losing hair??

wow 200 is alot! 100 is considered to be normal. ive been losing mine too..but its close to 25 strands. i really think you should go see your doctor..or dermatologist!! sooner the better! it could be because youre stressed out..or if you dye or perm your hair it might be the chemicals. Or youre not getting enough vitamins! have you changed your diet recently? Genetics! your mom or dad have or had the same problem?

What should i do if im losing hair??

you should get a WIG, they work wonders and while preparing to get that hair back u could go through so many looks u probably forget about the hair your losing, mean while just go to your doctor and and let him do a good analysis though of whats happening to u, Good Luck

What should i do if im losing hair??

Girl you need to try this NOW.

I think you should check out

Instantly repairs your hair, increase tensile strength=staying power=retaining what you have, so no flyaways in tub or brush=longer hair in a month.

I just went to their launch party and had my hair done, free as a demo. Its amazing, my hair was breaking off and flying away. I will always always buy this stuff. Its awesome, I saw a difference as soon as she rinsed my hair. I have no damage anymore, its unbelievable! No more split-ends, its like my hair is NEW! I love it!

Make sure you watch their video on the site,

its amazing. Lady changes her hair color 3 times in 30 minutes with NO DAMAGE

Instant Hair Repair for REAL

My gerbil is losing hair on his tail?

For about a week and a half now, one of my gerbils has lost a lot of fur on his tail. It is also a little dirty near his butt and smells like pee. He has a tankmate that was always dominant over him, but they are still inseparable. I did a little research and found out that it might be another gerbil trying to assert dominance and that a hamster wheel might distract from these behaviors. I bought them a hamster wheel last night and have seen no change. I know I should probably wait a little longer for it to take affect, but I really just want to make sure that he's okay. The two gerbils are both males and have been together they're whole lives so far. I tried cleaning his tail, but he tried to bite me and he wouldn't stay still. Going to a vet is not an option, my dad thinks it's stupid to take a rodent to a vet. When I was at a pet store, I saw a medicine for rodents that treats wet tail, diarrhea, and change in behavior. I thought this might help, but I didn't get it. Will it? Help!

My gerbil is losing hair on his tail?

That is not normal. Gerbils should always have fur on their tail. Is it possible that the dominant male is pulling the fur off the submissive males tail?

His bottom is dirty? That's not normal either. They should always have clean bottoms.

Is it possible the "dirt" on his butt is mites? Mites could possibly cause hair loss and appear dirty. Try rubbing his bottom with a white tissue. If anything comes off, look at it and look for small specks moving. If they move, it's mites. I'm not sure how you could treat it though.

You could try that medicine, but it may not help. I recommend you at least call the vet and ask for an opinion. They don't charge you anything for advice. Tell them your situation and ask what you should do.

I'm very sorry, but I think it's sad your dad thinks taking rodents to a vet is stupid. They're pets. When you get a pet, it's your responsibility to provide medical care when needed, even if it's a $10 rodent. If my gerbils ever needed medical care, I wouldn't think twice about taking them. Yes, they cost me $10, but their little lives cost much more than any vet visit is.

My gerbil is losing hair on his tail?

first of all take the wheel out of the cage/tank as gerbils have delicate tails and it will make things worse also i dont see why two male gerbils wouldnt get on together as they are very social creatures and live in groups in the wild and also it might be worth getting the medicine because wet tails can indicate poor health and can be life threatening to rodents .....why wont your dad take it too the vets my dad took me the vets when my hamster had wet tail but she didnt prescribe any treatmant (because my hamster is getting old near 2 )and she said she would leave it well alone another thing is that if you have chocolate drops for your gerbils or anything similar stop giving them to them as this can cause diarhhea well it worked with my hamster and just one last thing tell your dad that taking your gerbil to the vet would cost the same as buying a new one about 鎷?0

good luck

My gerbil is losing hair on his tail?

If you have picked it up by its tail before it may have done something to it to make it lose hair and it also is really painful for the gerbil if you do pick it up by its tail

My cat is losing hair on his ears..?

He was itching about a week ago %26amp; we noticed small scabs on his ear and a small amount of fur gone. We gave him his flea treatment thing %26amp; its about a week later. The scabs have healed, but the patches of fur lost are bigger. How long should I wait until taking him to the vets to get checked out for something else? Has anyone else had this?

My cat is losing hair on his ears..?

When I adopted Willie from the shelter, he was nearly bald all around his neck and ears from scratching ear mites. The vet gave him ear drops to clear them up and in about 2 months his hair is all grown back and he's gorgeous. Don't wait. He's miserable and his hearing could be affected. Also treat any other cats you have. Ear mites are contagious. Also, ask the vet for Revolution like the other answerer said. I use it on my kitty's and it's great to keep ear mites and worms at bay (not so good for fleas).

My cat is losing hair on his ears..?

He probably has earmites. He needs meds to get rid of them. Our cat keeps getting them they totally suck.

Go here for more information::

My cat is losing hair on his ears..?

bring it to the vet now. there might be something wrong with him.

My cat is losing hair on his ears..?

Sounds like ear mites. Get something like tresaderm - drops you put right in the ear. Your cat will absolutely hate it, but it will take care of it. For on-going maintenance use Revolution drops that you put on the cats skin. It will control a multitude of things - fleas, heartworm, round worms, mites, etc But for an initial infestation of ear mites it is not strong enough.

My cat is losing hair on his ears..?

It is more likely he has ear mites. You can get a solution at the pet store, but the easiest thing to do is put a few drops of vegetable oil in each ear. This is perfectly safe and won't harm the cat (cats actually like it) and it will kill the mites.

My cat is losing hair on his ears..?

Take your cat to the vet now, while the problem is simple. Don't wait until it is serious. If it is ear mites, think of how miserable he must be, with things crawling in his ears.

I had a dog with ear mites. My vet prescribed an ointment that I put in his ears.

For his comfort and health, please take him to the vet as soon as possible.

My cat is losing hair on his ears..?

This sounds like it could be ringworm to me. I had a young cat that had this, and that's what happened to her. She was itching her ears a lot and developed bald patches. Watch your own skin for red circles, as ringworm can be passed from cat to human (trust me).

I would suggest taking him back to the vet immediately. This is not a life threatening problem, but it can get out of hand very quickly. I myself had 15 ringworms and my cat had a number of them, as well as the dog, my two brothers, and my cousin. If it is ringworm, the sooner you start treatment, the better.

A lot of the other people answering are mentioning ear mites. My cat also had these. The best way to see if this could be the problem is to look in the cat's ears for "coffee grounds." When the cat scratches, dark dirt-looking things will come out of his ear, and they can be seen on the inside.

Another symptom of an ear problem is that the cat's ears will stick straight out instead of being upright, and he'll shake his head a lot. My cat would also cry when she scratched her ears because they hurt her so much.

My cat is losing hair around the sides near her belly. She has done this before, and its always arou

She hasn't lost weight, there is no flaking of the skin, she doesn't seem to scratch any more often than she normally would. As far as I can tell, she's still as active as she normally would be. She's indoors about 20-23 hours a day. She hasn't been fighting with any other cats. I haven't changed her bed, food, or brand of litter. When I rub her on her balding spot, she actually seems to like it. She's about 10 years old, and she's done this in the spring several times before. Her temp is normal, and she seems perfectly healthy. I have taken her to the vet before, but he said it was most likely from age or allergies, he told me to brush her more often. That's been about 3 years ago, but it seems to be fully re-grown by summer every year. I'm just curious if anyone else's cat is doing the same thing, or if anyone knows if this is normal, and non-life threatening? This vet has been wrong before, but that was with a different animal... Thanks for your responses.

My cat is losing hair around the sides near her belly. She has done this before, and its always around spring?

My cat does the same thing, both spring and fall. I think it may well be some of the plants that he goes through when he's outside. I've found that cleaning wipes for cats (like baby wipes, but specifically for felines) help soothe the skin and let the hair grow back in faster. Sometimes when I notice him licking that area, I'll realize I'm behind on our topical flea and tick application, but sometimes not. The only think I would worry about is if she gets upset when you touch her along her sides from her ribs to her hind legs, and also licks there a lot. I've seen that be a sign of kidney disease.

My cat is losing hair around the sides near her belly. She has done this before, and its always around spring?

She's shedding her winter coat. Also depends on the climate where you live. Hot weather makes her lose more fur and cooler weather limits fur loss.

My cat is losing hair around the sides near her belly. She has done this before, and its always around spring?

it's normal, don't worry, my cat does too and she doesn't have any problem of any type

My cat is losing hair around the sides near her belly. She has done this before, and its always around spring?

My cat had the same problem until i started her on kitty vitamins. Shedding may be a sign of vitamin deficiency.

My cat is losing hair around the sides near her belly. She has done this before, and its always around spring?

I have had cats that did this when they were stressed( and that could be caused by anything) but they do normally shed hair during the spring. One time I had a cat that did that on her hind legs due to allergies. Your vet may be right but that tends to be the answer when they don't know

My cat is losing hair around the sides near her belly. She has done this before, and its always around spring?

it could be stress. it could also be a parasite under his skin. i just spent 130 on my cat getting him all fixed up for the same reason

My cat is losing hair around the sides near her belly. She has done this before, and its always around spring?

Alergies...make sense if it happens around this time of year.

My cat is losing hair around the sides near her belly. She has done this before, and its always around spring?

i sshe preggers..animals shed around that area when they get knocked up!!

My cat is losing hair around the sides near her belly. She has done this before, and its always around spring?

usually cats and dogs do this around certain times of the year. my little dog sheeds during the spring to. it's allergies. and sometimes can be brought on by food allergies. usually if it's at a certain time period it's probally just seasonal allergies.

My cat is losing hair around the sides near her belly. She has done this before, and its always around spring?

Animals always shed when the weather gets warmer. It's normal.

My cat is losing hair around the sides near her belly. She has done this before, and its always around spring?

Ask your vet about the possibility of an allergy.

My cat is losing hair around the sides near her belly. She has done this before, and its always around spring?

Is your cats hair actually falling out or does it feel like a crew cut, the hair is about 1/8 of an inch long. My cat does this every spring especially when the weather is getting warm, this is the time fleas are also starting to get active, she may be alergic to flea bites even if you dont see any all it takes is a couple of fleas and kitty starts chewing off the hair, this chewing is never done to where you can see her doing it, all you see as the days go by is her hair dissappearing on both sides of her belly and sometimes on her upper paws, advantage does the trick for me. In any case good luck and hope you get the problem resolved.

Help i think i'm losing my hair *15 yr old girl**?

help.. i think i'm losing my hair, i am deff. noticing a change... its a LOT thinner and i am actually, thinking about it, noticeing a huge difference.. i am straightening and washing everyday... but i never used to lose hair and i havnt even done it for the past week or so...

is there anything i can eat or take *vitamins* to make it grow back..or faster ..


Help i think i'm losing my hair *15 yr old girl**?

It could be caused by a lot of things, like blowdrying, straightening, wrong care products, but it can also be medical reasons.

I started losing a lot of hair about a year ago (25 year old women) and I went to see my family doctor. We had some bloodtests done and we found out that I had a big vitamin B12 deficiency and anemia. I got shots once a month for 6 months and now my hair is all normal again.

It could of course be something completely different. If you keep losing hair the next few weeks see a doctor. It could jsut be an allergic reaction or a reaction to weather or... well lots of things.

Help i think i'm losing my hair *15 yr old girl**?

do you dye your hair? ..sometimes that can cause it to fall out..straighting just causes it to dry out.

your always growing new hair so dont worry..there are some shampoos you can look for that give your hair more volume to make it look like you've got sunsilk ..

and just use moose ..or however you spell it.

Help i think i'm losing my hair *15 yr old girl**?

i also experienced that...

you must use coconut or olive oil...

its works!

i don't suffer from hair fall anymore...

and my hair became thicker!

Help i think i'm losing my hair *15 yr old girl**?

have some vitamin C and drink milk and water regularly and wash your hair with eggs. break the eggs and whisk it untill it turns yellow the wash it throughly.

but main thing is take vitamin C

Help i think i'm losing my hair *15 yr old girl**?

Yes eat A LOT of meat and DONT use walmart shampoo and cheap stuff go to a hair shop like sallys and tell the people your problem. My hair did the same thing because i keep my hair platinum blonde and my mom is a hair styles and she got me some stuff its in a white botle and its like called "Chi" rud it threw ur scalp ITS NOT LEAVE IN THOUGH!

Help i think i'm losing my hair *15 yr old girl**?

Hi! Don't panic. First of all, dying, straightening and even drying your hair with hairdryer damages the hair. So try not to do it too often, especially in your age. The health is unstable, I mean hormones. Do you have period? Maybe your organism is in a process of changing...

So my advice is to consult with your doctor - he will surely answer all your questions :)

Not seeing the hair is impossible to say if you're losing it or not.

Help i think i'm losing my hair *15 yr old girl**?

sweetie-it's vitiman E that you should be taking--besides that if you arent doing anything seriously harmful to cause this(like dying,bleaching,bla bla)then you need to see a dermatologist-they could help you more than a normal doc.good luck!

Help i think i'm losing my hair *15 yr old girl**?

do you dye your hair? ..sometimes that can cause it to fall out..straighting just causes it to dry out.

your always growing new hair so dont worry..there are some shampoos you can look for that give your hair more volume to make it look like you've got sunsilk ..

and just use moose ..or however you spell it

AH! Im losing hair...How do i keep from losing, anymore hair?

I am getting a hairline ... i need help keeping it from getting any worst.=(

AH! Im losing hair...How do i keep from losing, anymore hair?


AH! Im losing hair...How do i keep from losing, anymore hair?

use super glue

AH! Im losing hair...How do i keep from losing, anymore hair?

You can't, Shave it short so its not too obvious.

AH! Im losing hair...How do i keep from losing, anymore hair?


There are other options:

AH! Im losing hair...How do i keep from losing, anymore hair?

stop getting older

AH! Im losing hair...How do i keep from losing, anymore hair?

Make sure you're eating healthy, take a complete vitamin and a b vitamin complex. These things are generally enough to help.

There are plenty of hair growth products out there, you;ll have to ask around about them and find out what options you are willing to try.

AH! Im losing hair...How do i keep from losing, anymore hair?

dont use: moose, hairspray, gel, perms, irons, and orconditioner on roots

AH! Im losing hair...How do i keep from losing, anymore hair?

the best way to avoid falling hair is to stand aside

AH! Im losing hair...How do i keep from losing, anymore hair?

I think you should go and see your doctor. He might be able to give you some medication to help or you could have alopecia.

AH! Im losing hair...How do i keep from losing, anymore hair?

Fact of life dude. You will lose hair. You will grow old. Eventually, you will die.

Roll with it. Don't EVER do a comb-over. If it gets really bad, well, have you considered going bald? Shave it all off?

AH! Im losing hair...How do i keep from losing, anymore hair?

This may not work, but make sure you include protein in your daily diet.

AH! Im losing hair...How do i keep from losing, anymore hair?

Eat PROTEIN. Lots and lots of Protein. And think about looking into those hair products that grow your hair back or surgery.

AH! Im losing hair...How do i keep from losing, anymore hair?

Go to your doctor and see if you have any medical conditions that would lead to this. Low estrogen levels, high testosterone levels, stress, and an unhealthy scalp all lead to hair loss. Use Nexxus VitaTress Shampoo, Biotin Scalp-Creme, and take their food supplements. It REALLY helps.

AH! Im losing hair...How do i keep from losing, anymore hair?

you can try rograine; or massage your scalp with a little olive oil; or carrot oil to stimulate regrowth; stop blow drying your hair; go natural; take a vitamin B complex with at least 100 mils of dosage; wear a cotton scarf at night when you go to sleep - dark helps growth.

AH! Im losing hair...How do i keep from losing, anymore hair?

Have you had any recent changes in your diet? Maybe you need to evaluate the nutrition that you're getting.

Also consider your hair treatment - regular washing with a mild shampoo, adequate conditioning and moisturizing is also important to stop breakage and clogging of hair follicles.

If you're a woman, consider prenatal vitamins to strengthena dn promote hair growth.

AH! Im losing hair...How do i keep from losing, anymore hair?

You can't beat mother nature, just accept it or start shelling out mega bucks for pills, transplants, and all kinds of other silly stuff!! Sorry bud!


I have opinions about everything but expertise in nothing, so do not take my word for anything. All answers are for entertainment purposes only. By taking my advice you agree too do so at your own risk and hold me harmless in any criminal or civil action.

Mr. Obvious

AH! Im losing hair...How do i keep from losing, anymore hair?

Get hair skin and nails pills I dont know if they will stop your hair from falling out but it gives you needed vitamins Also consider why your hair is falling out age? Diet?

AH! Im losing hair...How do i keep from losing, anymore hair?

There's nothing you can do, sorry.

AH! Im losing hair...How do i keep from losing, anymore hair?

it may be because you have a lack of protein ( meat, fish, steak, porkchops, etc. ) message me. if you want to tlak about this. :] I am always here

AH! Im losing hair...How do i keep from losing, anymore hair?

wear a hat. or do a trump hair do

AH! Im losing hair...How do i keep from losing, anymore hair?

How much hair are you loosing? It is normal and healthy to loose hair but no too much.

AH! Im losing hair...How do i keep from losing, anymore hair?

* Natural Homemade Beauty Tips to - Hairloss Cure

Why are only 2 of my cats losing hair on their hind quarters?

I have a total of 6 cats and 2 of them are losing their fur on their hind quarters. On both of them the hair loss starts at their hind legs and ends about mid tail. Both of these 2 are runts of their litters, could that be why only they have this problem? And they both are contantly cleaning and licking the areas where the hair loss is occuring. Could there be something seriously wrong?? I've taken one of the cats to the vet and they say there isn't anything physically wrong with them other then the hair loss and the only thing they can think of is that she has allergies, but I don't see that being a reason for her to lose her hair. That and I've elliminated everything she could possibly be allergic to. We have no plants or anything along those lines in the house. We've switched to all natural cleaning supplies and nothing has helped my kitties with their problem. PLEASE HELP FOR THE SAKE OF MY BALDING KITTIES!

Why are only 2 of my cats losing hair on their hind quarters?

I would get another opinion from another vet, because that is quite unusual for that to be happening. They could possibly be allergic to something. But you should get a second opinion. Good luck, and I hope your cats feel better!

Why are only 2 of my cats losing hair on their hind quarters?

have they got flees,if not done latlely get done

Why are only 2 of my cats losing hair on their hind quarters?


How do you thin hair without losing length?

My son (mixed race black/white) has been trying to grow an afro for some time but his hair though curly is quite thick and requires plaiting every night to be able to comb through the next morning, which is time consuming as he is still at school. Can his hair be thinned out without him losing length as it is about 10 cms long.

How do you thin hair without losing length?

There are three methods of thinnning hair without losing length.

1. Thinning scissors - these are effective for bulk thinning, but they can leave the appearance of lines across the hair

2. Tapering using a razor - effective and encourages the hair to curl, also gives a natural finish

3. Tapering with scissors - similar effect to 2, but because the technique involves cutting back up the hair shaft it can encourage split ends

Whichever method you decide on, get a hairdresser to do it. Your son's hair sounds like it needs professional attention to get it under control.

How do you thin hair without losing length?

Get the hairdresser to use the thinning scissors on it. They cut some of the hair and leave the rest the length it is.

How do you thin hair without losing length?

Go to good problem. The hairdresser will just thin the hair out by using either special scissors or by using a razor..just to thin but not to cut the overall length.

How do you thin hair without losing length?

layers..perfect answer

How do you thin hair without losing length?

I have thick straight hair, I use a razor brush to thin or feather it. You get them at Boots in the hair accessories section.

How do you thin hair without losing length?

...he doesn't need his hair thinned...he needs products that are geared toward ethnic hair...such as Motions or Cream of Nature because they will help to detangle and add moisturizers onto the actual hair shaft and that will make his hair more manageable...also if he pics his hair (with a pic) while it still has conditioner in it this will help with the combing out he letting it grow to get braids?...if so they will look nice and thick when he has enough hair to get them...but to answer your question thinning the hair is designed so that the shears just take off some of the "bulk" you know what I mean, it doesn't really bother the length...

How do you thin hair without losing length?

I should think so. With straight hair serious cutting from beneath can make a big difference, leaving the top layer long.

good luck with the hair dresser

How do you thin hair without losing length?

Pop down to the hair dresser, tell them you would like to keep the length of your hair but thin it out, they will use these scissors to thin it out, it doesn't take off ANY length! Good luck! x

Can anyone give me an idea why my cat might be losing his hair on his legs and the rest of his body?

He lost the hair on his legs and now is starting to lose it on his body. Otherwise he seems to be healthy and happy. We're just really confused because there are no sores or scales to go along with the hair loss. He's not itching or biting at it either. Anyone with any advice please tell me.

Can anyone give me an idea why my cat might be losing his hair on his legs and the rest of his body?

This condition is often called "alopecia" - the loss of hair caused by obsessive ove-grooming, scratching or chewing, hair follicle diseases that cause the hair to fall out, or the failure of hair to grow after normal loss. There are 2 general types of Alopecia: (a) pruritic (itchy skin diseases) and

(b) non-pruritic.

General causes of pruritic alopecia are:

(1) Fleas and flea allergy - Cats (and dogs) with flea allergy tend to lose hair over the rump, on the back, hind legs, tail and belly.

(2) Atopy - An allergy to airborne allergens such as pollens and molds, and food allergies tend to cause alopecia of the face, ears, feet, and other areas.

(3) Scabies - Infestation with the Sarcoptes mange mite is an intensely itchy skin problem that causes alopecia of the ears, elbows, hocks, and other areas.

(4) Other parasites such as Cheyletiella or lice cause pruritus and alopecia.

Non-pruritic Causes of Alopecia:

(1) Hyperadrenocorticism - Cushing's disease is an increase in the production of a hormone called cortisol by the adrenal glands. These cats tend to lose hair in a symmetrical pattern and their skin will have a thin appearance. In addition, they have suppressed immune systems and are prone to pyoderma.

(2) Other endocrine (hormonal) diseases such as imbalances in sex hormones produced by the adrenal glands can cause alopecia.

(3) Autoimmune skin diseases are disorders where the body's immune system attacks a component of the skin. These diseases can cause alopecia and may or may not be pruritic.

My best advice is for you to take kitty to a vet for a proper diagnosis. As you can see, there are many possible causes why cats can go bald in spots and large areas. Knowing what causes it will determine what treatment is appropriate. But if I am allowed to hazard a guess - and this is a guess - I would say that your kitty has food allergy. Check what you have been feedin him lately and be sure to discuss this with your vet.

Can anyone give me an idea why my cat might be losing his hair on his legs and the rest of his body?

It could be a skin dermatitis. I would have him checked by the vet just to be sure. Is he licking these areas a lot? Did he lick all of the fur of, or did it just fall out?

Can anyone give me an idea why my cat might be losing his hair on his legs and the rest of his body?

Your cat might have fleas or has really bad allergies. Just because they do not itch or bite does not mean that they do not have anything wrong. In adddition, if you bath your cat it might be allergic to the shampoo.

Can anyone give me an idea why my cat might be losing his hair on his legs and the rest of his body?

it could be because of their diet. when cats have a bad diet, they shed and lose clumps of hair when they scratch. and they get knotted clumps of hair on their body

Can anyone give me an idea why my cat might be losing his hair on his legs and the rest of his body?

It could be shedding, flea's and also cats are prone to ringworm and that also makes them shed. It could also be caused by stress.

Can anyone give me an idea why my cat might be losing his hair on his legs and the rest of his body?

first i would be going to the vet to be sure it is nothing major..

however cats and dogs that eat alot of dry foods that have tons of grains like corn meal, wheat flour...ect....can develop allergies to these, hair loss is normal symptom. and if the cat is outdoors at all he can become sun burnt. if the skin is dry try aloe vera or vitamon e oil..

good luck

Can anyone give me an idea why my cat might be losing his hair on his legs and the rest of his body?

My cat had the same problem. After seeing several vets, she was diagnosed as neurotic...believe it or not. Whenever she was stressed she would lick until her fur was gone. She did it mostly when I was gone, as she was missing me. I did not notice the behavior because she was happy and stress-free when I was home. I would check out medical issues (i.e. allergies) and then consider lots of toys to entertain him or possibly a playmate.

Can anyone give me an idea why my cat might be losing his hair on his legs and the rest of his body?

Perhaps he is sheding. Cats do that this time of year, right before summer. If you feel it's more serious than that, i would suggest taking your cat to the yet.

Can anyone give me an idea why my cat might be losing his hair on his legs and the rest of his body?

Marilyn has a point our cat which also ahad a neurological problem actually chewed her fur off on her feet and tail. but after awhile she got over it. it was usually caused by something stressfull. like i first seen it when i moved in with my wife( her cat) and i was new so that stressed her. then we had a child, she did it again the we moved , yet again she did it. after that however she had not done it up to when she died of old age.( 20yrs).

You should take it to the vet so it can be properly diagnosed though

Can anyone give me an idea why my cat might be losing his hair on his legs and the rest of his body?

my kitty cat(b4 it died yesterday) was sheading like CRAZY! we figured out it was because she was really really sick!:( but u might wanna take him to the vet and get some meds. for him!:) hope i helped!:)

Can anyone give me an idea why my cat might be losing his hair on his legs and the rest of his body?

that cat has mange

you need to shoot it

Can anyone give me an idea why my cat might be losing his hair on his legs and the rest of his body?

All I can tell you that your cat is very sick and you need to call the Vet or take it right straight to the vet. You would like to know why your cat is so sick. I was in the same place as you but it turn out that I had to put my cat down and it hurts so much. I lost my cat the day before Valentines Day she was very sick and it had to do with her kidney if I was you have her or him check out please get ready what the vet has to say to you. Good luck

Can anyone give me an idea why my cat might be losing his hair on his legs and the rest of his body?

i suggest asking a vet about this. It may be a allergy.

Shih Tzu losing hair- male and 2 years old?

My shih Tzu is losing hair Drastically on the part above his right front leg. He's literally almost bald on the spot. the patch is around 5-6 inches. He has never hade any health problems before. His behavior has also not changed since. The vet said that it is allergies and gave him pill and shampoo, but it doesn't seem to help.


Shih Tzu losing hair- male and 2 years old?

he could have mange or sum other health problem...u need to get to a vet ASAP

Shih Tzu losing hair- male and 2 years old?

I've got a ShishTzu that's almost 3 years old and he hasn't experienced anything like that.

I'd get a second opinion from another vet just to be sure - you know how health care is for humans these days - It's not that much better for our pets.

Shih Tzu losing hair- male and 2 years old?

This is typical grain allergy. Get him on a food with no corn wheat or soy or grain free if you can find it. 2 is the average age for allergies to start. Just slowly switch to a low or grain free food and wait 6 weeks. you should see a difference. Also if you smoke do so outside. Dogs are more sensitive to this than people are. If you need help finding a good food please send me a message and I will try and find one in your area! Good luck and god bless!

Shih Tzu losing hair- male and 2 years old?

My maltese licks too. I've been told to give 1 mg of Benadryl per pound of dog by my vet. It could be allergies. Also try to change the diet. There are a lot of allergic items, food, pollen, fleas etc. I went to a pet store and bought a chicken, grain free dry to try. If you do this you can't do any treats or any cheese or anything else for a month. You need to perge the dog off all the bad foods. Water only to drink. See if you can bring up the link for NZYMES.COM. It has a lot of information on allergies on dogs.

Is it normal for my 12 year old son to be losing his hair?

Because like 20 hairs fall out of his head that normal? He doesnt have like any bald spots or anything....and the more he shampoos his hair, the more he loses his hair, and when he doesnt shampoo.... he gets pimples..... its so confusing and stressful. I dont want to bring him to the doctor or anything.... is there something he can do to prevent this at home? Plz put in serious answers.

Is it normal for my 12 year old son to be losing his hair?

It's normal to lose hair. you arent supposed to wash yout hair every day though. that damages it and makes it break off. I would wash my hair every 2-3 days. just tell him to use clearasel pads arounf his hairline to avoid zits

Is it normal for my 12 year old son to be losing his hair?

NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!cuz that means u dont use ur shampoo correctly and conditioner!!! ( how could u do that!!!)

Is it normal for my 12 year old son to be losing his hair?

Well we typically lose about 100 hairs a day ... I think it's normal

Is it normal for my 12 year old son to be losing his hair?

is rare allthough we do loose hair everyday

try changing his shampoo to one that fits his hair type

also can put in tricology into google to find out more about hair and hair conditions

Is it normal for my 12 year old son to be losing his hair?

you lose about 50-150 hairs a day. some mediciners make hair fall out. is your son on any meds?

Is it normal for my 12 year old son to be losing his hair?

sorry your screwed!!!! go to the doctor

It happed to my bff who is a boy btw.....and he thought wat evv and guess what????.......he got breast cancer i no weird huh but its the truth!dont believe me than your an idiot

Is it normal for my 12 year old son to be losing his hair?

It's normal to lose 100 hairs a day. Read here for more info:

Is it normal for women over 40 to start losing their hair (thinning)?

I used to have such thick hair and now I lose quite a lot in the morning when I get up in the morning! Also I haven't got so much hair to put up in my pony tail..

Is it normal for women over 40 to start losing their hair (thinning)?

I noticed that my hair did not grow as fast as it use too. I could get a cut, and before I knew it, it was growing out of the cut.

I have not experienced any thinning though. There are things on the market you could check into for thinning. I know Rogaine is for thinning hair.

I would perhaps consult a physician. If you are into organic or health food supplements, you could go to a store like GNC and see what they have to offer for thinning hair.

Also, go to google and type in "thinning hair in women" and see what it brings up and take it from there. Hopefully, you will get more info before going to the doctor.

good luck

Is it normal for women over 40 to start losing their hair (thinning)?

yes unfortuantley its all part of ageing,

If you are concerned see your doctor, he may have something available to help you out

Is it normal for women over 40 to start losing their hair (thinning)?

Not necessarily. You don't say what you've done to your hair. If you color/perm/process it, STOP, and get some good hair vitamins and eat healthy. Hope it would help you.

Is it normal for women over 40 to start losing their hair (thinning)?

Take (b5) panothenic acid.

My Rhodesian Ridgeback seems to be losing some small patches of hair along his ridge and back area..

Does anyone know why or what makes this occur?

Will the small areas that have lost the hair grow back?

He is pure bred. 15 mos. old. Not neutered. Diet is: Innova and vegtables, yogurt, apple cider vinegar, vit E and vegtable oil.

Thank you in advance.

My Rhodesian Ridgeback seems to be losing some small patches of hair along his ridge and back area...?

bring him to the vet and have them do a skin scraping...It could get worse,,so the sooner the better!

good luck

My Rhodesian Ridgeback seems to be losing some small patches of hair along his ridge and back area...?

Give him a little bit of dog food once a week and see what happens.

My Rhodesian Ridgeback seems to be losing some small patches of hair along his ridge and back area...?

could be: ringworm, mange, hot spots, hypothyriod - impossible to tell over internet

My Rhodesian Ridgeback seems to be losing some small patches of hair along his ridge and back area...?

Your dog could have some kind of skin problem, or it could be fleas and your dog could just be itching or biting the area a lot. Go to a vet and check it out. You never know when it could be serious.

My Rhodesian Ridgeback seems to be losing some small patches of hair along his ridge and back area...?

my dog had "hot spots" sensitive due to type of food, shampoo or whatever effects their skin, while to them it itches and they bite their selves and hair comes off and redness, it grew back while we put aloe vera on it.

I have pcos and think I am losing my hair! What should I do?

I lose hundreds of hair strands every day. Am I just being paranoid?

I have pcos and think I am losing my hair! What should I do?

We all lose hair every day but some medical problems cause more hair loss. I think best you get advice from PCOS support groups (anyone will do or all of them);rls=c...

Why is my 10 yr.old Border Collie losing all her hair?

Her hair is coming out in big globs. Has anyone had this happen to their dog? She is on thyroid medicine for hypothroidism (hypothyroidism sometimes causes dogs to lose their hair). She is not scratcing/licking so that would seemingly rule out allergy. We are taking her to the Dr. on Sunday, but when I told them about this today they didn't seem to have any good answers. Please don't answer this unless you have some serious insight or experience with a similar problem.

Why is my 10 yr.old Border Collie losing all her hair?

I'm thinking the thyroid meds need to be adjusted. When you are at the vet they will do blood work to be sure, until then there is really nothing to do for her.

I'm assuming she is on flea meds and hasn't been exposed to anything new in the environment.

Try not to worry. Good Luck

Why is my 10 yr.old Border Collie losing all her hair?

Her thyroid meds may need to be adjusted. When was the last time you had her tested?

Why is my 10 yr.old Border Collie losing all her hair?

It is either the meds or it could be stress related. Has anything new or out of the ordinary happened in your home?

Why is my 10 yr.old Border Collie losing all her hair?

my poodle lost all her hair on the back starting at the shoulder, i think b/c of the flea killer poison we are told to put in that exact spot. she is also 10 yrs old. her baldness started thinning 2 yrs ago. i stopped the med the thinning stopped but never regrew.? i dunno??

Why is my 10 yr.old Border Collie losing all her hair?

Humans with thyroid problems loose a lot of hair, and it becomes brittle and dry, thin. Dogs too, I had a malamute years ago who lost all of his hair on his back and the vet never did figure out what was wrong. I finally decided he was allergic to fleas.

Why is my 10 yr.old Border Collie losing all her hair?

it's growing old

Why is my 10 yr.old Border Collie losing all her hair?

This has happen to my 12yr old dog. Other than thyroid, it is nutritional. A Senior formula of dog food may help, more nutrients in less food. Or you could add a vitamin supplement. helped here. Good luck!

Why is my 10 yr.old Border Collie losing all her hair?

This sounds stress related..You may make her nervous!!!!!!

I am a female 45 and my hair is blonde. Why am I losing my hair, is it due to stress?

I'm 45 and my hair has got so thin that I almost look bald on top. There isn't anyone in my family that has lost their hair. I'm blonde so it looks bad

I am a female 45 and my hair is blonde. Why am I losing my hair, is it due to stress?

Hair loss can be caused by a lot of things and stress causes a lot of things, so could be. But, maybe you are going through some sort of chemical change. Many hair loss cases, especially in women, is due to hormones or lack of. Are you on any new medications? Medications can severely alter your hormone levels, especially thyroid meds.

You are only 45, so we can most likely rule out menopausal side effects, although even premenopausal symptoms can cause hair loss.

If non of these things are adding up, see your dermatologist, he/she can prescribe hair loss medication to help reverse the effects.

If it turns out to just be stress related or a med you can replace, your hair will grow back, however if it turns out to be your natural hormones, you could be in some trouble. Until you see a doctor, you could try using Nioxin hair care, it is for hair loss, and they even make a shampoo for chemically treated hair, just in case you color or perm your hair, it won't react with it. But it can be a bit steep, usually about $40 for a 8.5oz bottle.

I hope I helped, good luck.

I am a female 45 and my hair is blonde. Why am I losing my hair, is it due to stress?

yes, it could be, but also being 45 it could be part of menapause and stress together. Check with your doctor to be sure.

I am a female 45 and my hair is blonde. Why am I losing my hair, is it due to stress?

It could be that you're missing essential vitamins and minerals. Please check with your doctor.

I am a female 45 and my hair is blonde. Why am I losing my hair, is it due to stress?

I could be hereditary as well. They do have Rogaine for women as well.

I am a female 45 and my hair is blonde. Why am I losing my hair, is it due to stress?

well, stress is just one of the reasons. i think you should see a doctor. its no big deal. dont be worried about it a lot. just see a doctor and he/she will tell u the best.

best wishes..

I am a female 45 and my hair is blonde. Why am I losing my hair, is it due to stress?

First of all, blondes on average lose more hair per day that the rest of us. Secondly, yes age does play a role in this. Third, how is your health otherwise. Hair loss can be a symptom of a several other illnesses and diseases. Worst, stress makes it worse.

I am a female 45 and my hair is blonde. Why am I losing my hair, is it due to stress?

it could be because your over prossesing it and using to much products try laying off for a bit and see if that helps

I am a female 45 and my hair is blonde. Why am I losing my hair, is it due to stress?

if it is colored with bleach, that is what happens over time if it's not done correctly. If it is natural blonde, then life changes can cause hair loss and hormones

I am a female 45 and my hair is blonde. Why am I losing my hair, is it due to stress?

It could be vitamin deficiency or something that you need to see a doctor about. I'd go to a doctor. I have someone close to me who kept trying over the counter products %26amp; waited too long for shots or prescriptions to help %26amp; now she's almost bald.

I am a female 45 and my hair is blonde. Why am I losing my hair, is it due to stress?

Check out ( ) there is a lot of great articles and expert advice on the subject there.

Omg i'm losing hair and i'm only 13!!!?

i'm losing about bunch of hair it's like i have hairloss problem and i wash my hair everyday and wit shampoo and condisioner

wat's da problem???

Omg i'm losing hair and i'm only 13!!!?

You should only wash your hair every other day unless you have a very oily scalp.

Are you eating correctly? Not getting the correct vitamins and nurtients out of your food can cause hair loss. It can also be genetic.

And, on average, you shed 200-300 hairs a DAY!

EDIT TO ADD: It could also be hormones caused by puberty - if thats the cause they will level out and your hair will once again go back to normal.

Omg i'm losing hair and i'm only 13!!!?

never wash your hair every day ur suposed to every other day or its better every 2 days!!!!!!!

Omg i'm losing hair and i'm only 13!!!?

it might be ginetic

Omg i'm losing hair and i'm only 13!!!?

don't have a cow yet dude... i shed like crazy and i don't have any balding issues...

some people just shed alot... when you shed, the shed hair is replaced.

Omg i'm losing hair and i'm only 13!!!?

are you eating?

it could be lack of protiens.

or maybe it runs in your family

Omg i'm losing hair and i'm only 13!!!?

umm... mayb ur balding

Omg i'm losing hair and i'm only 13!!!?

you might be washing it a little too much. if you shampoo AND condition everyday, it gets rid of some of the vitamins and naturally produced oil your body makes for your hair to stay healthy and strong. try shampooing every other day, and conditioning a little less. it may also be a medication you're taking (if you're taking one). don't freak, if it gets worse, see a doctor.

Omg i'm losing hair and i'm only 13!!!?

ok? thats weird! i'm 13 2 but my dosn't fall out.

go to the hair dresser or docter and find out if it is your shampoo %26amp; condishiner or if it is your health?

Omg i'm losing hair and i'm only 13!!!?

Thats interesting. It could be hereditary, or you are using the wrong kinds of shampoo and conditioner. i am also losing hair but not alot. People recomend that you use organic shampoos and eat healthy. Eating healthy helps keep hair healthy, losing hair is the first sign of an unhealthy diet.

Omg i'm losing hair and i'm only 13!!!?

There can be a few possibilities as to why you are loosing hair.

1) You're not really supposed to wash your hair every day.

2) The shampoo/conditioner may be too harsh for your scalp

3) I don't know if you're stressed out, but I remember back like when I first started high school (13/14yrs), I was really stressed and stress leads to hair loss.

You should talk to your parents/guardian and tell them what is happining because you never know. I wish you well閳?br>Omg i'm losing hair and i'm only 13!!!?

hey! ok so yes only wash your hair every other day at the most! it's even better if you wait two days. The hair loss thing may be genetic, but also keep in mind that the human head loses about 800 hairs EVERYDAY!!! It's nothing to be all that stressed about.. don't worry! keep your confidence : ).

xx. Lauren

Omg i'm losing hair and i'm only 13!!!?

well your hair is supossed to shed once a year so yeah, my hair sheds but i aint going bald..dont worry, but if you straighten your hair alot or dye it then maybe thats the problem but dont wash your hair everyday, wash every other day

Omg i'm losing hair and i'm only 13!!!?

like they said before you could not be eating right and you allways lose hair

Omg i'm losing hair and i'm only 13!!!?

You're prolly using the wrong brand of conditioner.

Omg i'm losing hair and i'm only 13!!!?

my dad wwent to highschool with this guy (the thing in fantastic four) and was on his gymnastic team and he lost his hair in high school. 13s a little early though maybe your shedding????? good luck. i wash my hair and condition every day and itlooks better every day.

Im losing hair?

hi im very young but im losing alot f hair, how do i stop this n whats it caused by?

Im losing hair?

If you're losing hair, then you are probably doing to many things to your hair (curling, straightening, washing, brushing) The shiniest hair is sometimes the one that is brushed less. If you don't do any of this, talk your parents and visit your doctor.

Im losing hair?

If you are very young losing hair could mean that you're too way, waaay stressed. Are you stressed out about something? You can ask your doctor or you parents about this.

Im losing hair?

You can expect to lose around 60 hairs a day, by combing and washing etc. If you really are worried you should see you local GP. (Doctor)

Im losing hair?

henna , egg would be best

Im losing hair?

Losing hair can be due to not properly maintaining the hair and also having some medical problems.

You have to shampoo the hair at least once in a week and has to apply some oil or some hair cream and groom properly.If you wear hat or helmet then the situation will be worse.

Also see to that no dandruff in your hair. I lost half my hair due to dandruf and wearing helmet.

Also please check up with a doctor to find if there is any other problem with you.

How do i keep from losing my hair?

I feel like I will be bald before I'm 25 and i'm only 21.I would lose lots of hair before I had a baby but now,it is scary. Please help.Has this happened to anyone and is there a real solution?

How do i keep from losing my hair?

Propecia (or the generic equivalent) is the *only* thing on the market that blocks the hormone that prevents you from losing hair. You probably wont regrow much of what you have lost, but you can salvage what you have. No I do not work for Propecia :D

In a situation like this, you should get to the doctor ASAP. It's a pain in the neck, but it beats the alternative. Ive been losing some hair for a while, and I felt the same way as you.. but honestly there is nothing you can do without real medication. Right now I am using a combo of generic propecia (finasteride) and generic Rogaine. I have seen some improvement.

By the way, your pretty young to be losing hair. Another reason you could be losing hair is stress. If you have been under a great deal of stress lately, this might also cause hair to fall out. But unlike male pattern baldness, hair loss due to stress is reversible. Talk to your doctor, soon.

How do i keep from losing my hair?

keep it in a safe place.

How do i keep from losing my hair?

Badly damaged hair breaks at the scalp. To treat hair loss apply a little lemon juice with some black tea. Massage well and shampoo.Rub oil into the scalp. Wring out a towel in hot water and wrap it on the head. Keep it on for 15 minutes. Shampoo and dry well. Check out for more info.

How can I make my hair look black without losing or damaging them?

I have premature grey hair but I have not used colour because I am told that I will lose my hair

How can I make my hair look black without losing or damaging them?

die it black

How can I make my hair look black without losing or damaging them?

dye it fool

How can I make my hair look black without losing or damaging them?

Go get die from the store and die it black i have been donig it forever and i still have a head full of hair!

How can I make my hair look black without losing or damaging them?

the natural black dye, my dad uses this chinese one , just ask a person from a drugmart for the natural made one theyre really good

How can I make my hair look black without losing or damaging them?

at hottopic they sell black hair dye that doesnt have anything harmful in it and all you need to do is add water to it so go get it and i promise that you wont loose any hair! hope this helped

How can I make my hair look black without losing or damaging them?

use indian henna and die it

How can I make my hair look black without losing or damaging them?

If you have your hair professionally colored, the chemicals are gentle enough that it will not damage your hair to the point where you lose it. You definitely will want to consult with your stylist as to what is best for your type of hair color (the type you buy in the market) is okay, but over time, it will eventually damage and weaken your hair. Use only if in a jam or absolutely cannot get to your stylist!!

How can I make my hair look black without losing or damaging them?

I have been told be a hairdresser before that adding color to your hair will not damage near as much a stripping the color out. You might want to make sure that the color you choose doesn't have high alcohol or ammonia content.

How can I make my hair look black without losing or damaging them?

You won't necessarily lose your hair - not if the dye job is done right. There is always a chance, though. But any coloring of your hair does damage it. If you don't want to risk losing your hair or putting any damage to your hair - embrace the gray.

I know two people who went gray early. One girl I knew was 17 or 18 when she went gray. (She immediately colored and chose not to embrace the gray.) A guy I know went gray probably about the same time. He embraced it very much so. Until he was talked into dying his hair. Even if he stopped, he nows who he is and no hair color will change that.

So there's basically two options. Color and hide the true shades. Or Embrace the gray and make it your trademark.

How can I make my hair look black without losing or damaging them?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- Natural Henna Powder (not coloring henna) - how to apply

My yorkie, 16 weeks old, is losing her hair on her head.?

I just got a yorkie puppy. She is female and is 16 weeks old. She is starting to lose the hair on her head. The vet said it was something genetic. Is there something that is available that may help grow her hair back?

My yorkie, 16 weeks old, is losing her hair on her head.?

The vet would know, just ask him. I have two yorkies and they have all kinds of problems. My male dog weezes all the time. My female has allergies real bad. She just cost me $200.00 in the past 2 weeks in vet bills. (That was just for 2 visits. I took her in because she had some kind of eye infection.)

I am sure the hair will grow back soon. It is probably just some puppy hair and will come back thicker. My female had very coarse black hair when I first got her. It has since thinned and gotten some silver. It is also alot softer. Your new baby is only a few months old so give her time to grow. Don't worry so much, just enjoy her and give her lots of LOVIN'.

My yorkie, 16 weeks old, is losing her hair on her head.?

that happened to mine too but after a couple of months golden hair start growing on the bold spots...she might be just changing baby hair for the golden and silver just wait

you are going to be really happy with your dog they are really friendly and loving

My yorkie, 16 weeks old, is losing her hair on her head.?

give her vitamins!

My yorkie, 16 weeks old, is losing her hair on her head.?

don't know our dog was losing hair on her head and behind her ears and her tail but its growing back just give it time

My yorkie, 16 weeks old, is losing her hair on her head.?

When yorkies are puppies they do have thinning of the hair, this is perfectly normal. However, if he is showing other symptons, sick, weak, lethargic, call your vet.

My yorkie, 16 weeks old, is losing her hair on her head.?

If it is genetic, no, however make sure she gets good

puppy food that has extra fat than dog chow.

Believe this: she's also going through anxiety because of her new home....Yorkies are high strung and get nervous very easily and start to shake...Talk calmly, get her a small crate (called a house) and put her in it at night...and yes you can keep the crate near your bed....this house could give her a sense of a stable environment. She should go there for naps and such, and don't give her the run of the house, otherwise you will get mad when she has accidents.

Put a small rug in it for warmth, but nothing that she can eat....or she will chew on the towel.

You can train her to go outside by taking her outside when you open the crate in the morning and every 2 or 3 hours thereafter. Always praise her for going outside.

Don't forget to get puppy treats to reward her when she goes outside or does something that you want her to repeat, or just plain good behavior.

Check with petco or petsmart to see if they have any suggestions and tell them the vet says it's genetic.

Dog losing hair on eay area?!?

ok my chiwawa is losing hair on her eyes. but it wasnt there yesterday. and she has been scratching very vilently but i dont know. shes got some welts from where she scratch on her neck and stuff. do you think is mites or is it worse than that?

she just turned 2 about 4 weeks ago.

Dog losing hair on eay area?!?

You need to bring her to the vet.

She may have a severe skin allergy or a skin disease, mange.

Dog losing hair on eay area?!?

Very possibly it is allergies. You would need your Vet to do a skin scraping to determine if it is mites or a fungus or something else. I wouldn't let it go untreated any longer. Your little one sounds like she is miserable with the itching. If it's allergies, your Vet may suggest a change in her food.

Boyfriend having chemo. He is losing his hair and his gutted.?

I told him i love him with or without hair. What can i say or do to make him feel better about himself. I have supported him and will continue to support him throughout all this. He was having a cold cap for the first few months so he didnt lose his hair. But the thought of the cold cap made him sick with worry so he stopped having it. How can i cheer him up. No nasty answers please, its a genuine question

Boyfriend having chemo. He is losing his hair and his gutted.?

My son is 10 and has been fighting cancer for 4 years and has lost his hair twice and then partial hair loss for a third time.

He was upset and felt self conscious but point blank refused to wear a hat or wig.

His attitude has been all along "...I don't care about my hair, I just want to get through this" and we have supported him throughout.

The trouble is that other people can be so snide about it and that is why the sufferers lose confidence and self esteem.

You tell him that you can cope with him losing his hair but that losing him would be a very different matter and that no matter what, your love will never falter.

Also, when the hair grows back it usually grows back thicker.

My sons hair was straight and blonde, it is now a slightly darker blonde and curly. :-)

Boyfriend having chemo. He is losing his hair and his gutted.?

Im here doing my best to help You all on my Muslim prayers.. Hope he get well soon..

Boyfriend having chemo. He is losing his hair and his gutted.?

Well, I don't know what you mean by "gutted" or "cold cap" but there must be some books and/or a support group you can join to help you through this.

Boyfriend having chemo. He is losing his hair and his gutted.?

let him know his bald head is a solar panel for a sex machine i wish you and your boyfriend all the best of luck be brave

Boyfriend having chemo. He is losing his hair and his gutted.?

I am so sorry! That must be really difficult on everyone involved. I've never gone through something like that. The only thing I can think of to show that you love him, is stay be his side, support him when he needs it, love him. Reassure him that you love him for who he is, and that any changes due to the chemo will definately not change your opinion of him. I'm sorry I don't have better advice. But my thoughts are with you.

Boyfriend having chemo. He is losing his hair and his gutted.?

Bless your sweet heart, he is lucky to have a young lady like you.

If I were you, I wouldn't say too much, just give him nice, long, very gentle massages, esp. his feet and hands, that will release endorphins in his bloodstream and make him feel so much better, as well as facilitate the healing process.

I have read that laughter is a really great way to help the healing prcess as well, rent some funny DVD's and watch them together if and when he feels like it.

Boyfriend having chemo. He is losing his hair and his gutted.?

I take it he's mainly concerned with loss of head hair, especially in public? If he's not responding to you saying how you love him with/without maybe assist in finding a hat he might like (a wig I think might hurt him). Lots of people wear hats full time just for fun. Just like clothes they can make you feel better.

Boyfriend having chemo. He is losing his hair and his gutted.?

Love, support and reassurance. Nothing more you can do. Hope he gets better soon

Boyfriend having chemo. He is losing his hair and his gutted.?

Your boyfriend is probably just feeling the depression and anxiety that is common to people who are going through this type of disease therapy. Really all you can do is love him and reassure him. If he is getting really self-conscious about his hair, you could buy him a hat or a wig (as a joke) and remind him that you aren't with him because of his hair.

Good luck and I hope that everything turns out right in the end.

Boyfriend having chemo. He is losing his hair and his gutted.?

go with him to his chemo sessions to make him more comfortable. having you there will let him know that you care and that you support him. plan special surprises for him so you can spend more time together.

whenever he's feeling sick and low about himself, tel him he looks sexy. and just keep telling him you love him.

Boyfriend having chemo. He is losing his hair and his gutted.?

Most people think is more devastating for a women to lose their hair, but as you have found out, this isnt necessarily true. My dad lost his through chemo (though it grew back thicker and a different colour after!) and he was utterly bereft at the time, so I can really sympathise with you.

There isnt much that can be done except love him as you always have and support him through the bad days.

When my friend had chemo and lost his hair, his few close mates shaved their heads and kept their heads shaved until his started growing back. That way, when they went anywhere, they all got stared at, not just him. That definitely helped, but not everyone would want to or be able to do that.

My friend also got to the point where is his got so patchy, he just shaved what was left off anyway. I think that prepared him mentally better, as it was something he had control over. It was his choice to shave his tufty bits off, and it prepared him better for when it all finally went.

Another option is some kind of head gear, either hats, or bandanas etc. I wouldnt bother with a wig as they are only itchy anyway, and usually its a lot weirder seeing someone you are close to with a wig than it is seeing them bald.

All you can do is love and reassure him, he knows it will come back after, its just a trying time in his life at the moment, but the future will bring his hair back, so fingers crossed it will be soon for him.

All my love,

lozz xx

Boyfriend having chemo. He is losing his hair and his gutted.?

Just because he loses his hair due to Chemo, doesn't mean that after wards it won't grow back. besides , getting rid of the cancer is the most important thing. getting healthy again. He'll still be the same person.

Boyfriend having chemo. He is losing his hair and his gutted.?

Oh hun, what a lovely girlfriend you are. You and your bf are lucky to have each other.

You tell that gorgeous man of yours he's beautiful with or without hair.

Tell him from me, either way he's still a sexy mongrel! LOL

Boyfriend having chemo. He is losing his hair and his gutted.?

you should have opted for tomotherapy, no hair loss, no special diet, no discomfort or vomiting.

Boyfriend having chemo. He is losing his hair and his gutted.?

Sorry that you are going through all this.

There are a few ways of trying to minimise the hair loss and encouraging the growth back as soon as possible after the chemo stops, but there are no guarantees.

An experienced herbalist or homoeopath should be able to help, and good nutrition is paramount - certain supplements, particularly B vitamins - can help and will help support his body through the chemo too. But do seek advice from an experienced practitioner.

Counselling can also help. Men are often very poor at talking about how they feel, and a caring, supportive outsider can be a great help for you both.

I have established an online cancer support group for those like yourselves who would probably benefit from the support of others. It has only just been started so I would appreciate you having a look at and joining if you feel it could be helpful.

My thoughts are with you. Keep strong, keep thinking positive and you will get through this.

Boyfriend having chemo. He is losing his hair and his gutted.?

Give it a few weeks and he will get use to it.I shaved my hair off and have a bold head.In all fairness I get alot more respect from people even when walking down the streets.If you want anymore advice, contact me

Boyfriend having chemo. He is losing his hair and his gutted.?

Tell him simply...he can live without hair...but NOT with this disease. Many men are bald permanently...his hair WILL grow back once this is over...likely even thicker fears...just support him as you are my wishes!!!!!!

Boyfriend having chemo. He is losing his hair and his gutted.?

My son was 15 when he was diagnosed with leukemia, he lost every stitch of hair on his body. At the first sign of it falling out, he shaved it. A few good friends did the same to support him. All you can do is be there for him and reassure him it WILL come back, maybe darker or lighter, thicker or thinner, but it will come back! It's not the hair that makes the person and that person is still here! In the mean time, try getting him different colored men's handkerchiefs or sports teams that he can coordinate with his clothes. He will see your thinking about him but he might even realize his head is beautiful all natural!

On the silly side, I like the one about the solar panel for a sex machine! My husband is going bald naturally and he says it all the time! We laugh! But the best part is I know the machine still works!

Boyfriend having chemo. He is losing his hair and his gutted.?

girl i lost every hair on my body during the upside is you dont have to 6 ft 5 inches and 300 pounds everbody called me mr clean.seriously though hair dosnt mean much when your talking about life and it will grow back mine did a few month after cemo.when i started to lose my head hair i let my kids who were 5 and 7 shave it they loved it and it made it less painful. good luck to you both and god bless

10 year survivor

My cat is losing her hair what are some causes for it.?

I noticed she has lost some weight lately but her hair on her hind portion is really thin. She is still eating fine, what could be the cause of this? We thought maybe having a new puppy in the house was just worrying her to death. Is that possible?

My cat is losing her hair what are some causes for it.?

Another pet could well be the problem until she adjusts. We had a similar situation with our then 10 year old cat when we introduced a new kitty. I eventually began giving her grapeseed oil and / or olive oil for a dry coat, eventually she stopped scratching and shedding. Ask at a pet store.

My cat is losing her hair what are some causes for it.?

Take her to the vet cats get a thyroid condition and you described it exactly losing weight and losing hair. I almost guarantee that is what is wrong with your cat.

My cat is losing her hair what are some causes for it.?

we had a cat once who was allergic to fleas. he would bite and pull his hair out.

My cat is losing her hair what are some causes for it.?

you know waht animals are like us , those are allergies, check on the foods that your cat eats, my dog is allergic to chicken , its hairs loses too but also it could be because of ticks? or fungal skin infections on your cat..

Please give me advice about my dog, losing its hair.?

About the last year and a half my dog is starting to lose his hair on his lower back by his tail. Every month we buy different pellets for him, because if he eats to much of the same brand, he starts to lose his hair. Some months his hair are nice and thick and then suddenly its gone again. I regularly give him his bob martins. Please help me?

Please give me advice about my dog, losing its hair.?

Could be a nutritional issue.Try adding some salmon oil to his diet. Make sure the food you give him is nutritionally complete. If this doesnt do it, start thinling about food allergies. Look for food that had alternative sources of protein and carbs. Beef and chicken can cause allergies. Carbs that contain wheat, corn and other common grains can pe a problem too.

Look for ingredients like duck, venison or lamb....and no rice!

Potatoes and sweet potatoes are good.

I know all this because it took me 2 years to figure out what was wrong with my bichon's skin. Vets wanted to give him antihistamines and steroids. Not a good alternative.

Here's a website to get you started. Good luck.

Please give me advice about my dog, losing its hair.?

The wisest thing is have your dog checked with a vet.

Please give me advice about my dog, losing its hair.?

I think you need to see a vet for this, good luck

Please give me advice about my dog, losing its hair.?

Please take him to the vet

Please give me advice about my dog, losing its hair.?

Sounds if your dog has sarcoptic mange, take him to a vet. I have used weak potassium permanganate with indifferent success on one of my dogs....they may sell mange medication at your pet store...states vary the laws about meds.

Please give me advice about my dog, losing its hair.?

He has some kind of skin ailment. The vet should give him medicine for this.

Please give me advice about my dog, losing its hair.?

You are feeding him too much chocolate

Please give me advice about my dog, losing its hair.?

The right Food for your Dog

Please give me advice about my dog, losing its hair.?

This happened to my pug (female) during times of stress. The vet thought it might have been a microscopic pest called Mange. They tested her and found none thankfully, but that may be something to ask the vet about.

Please give me advice about my dog, losing its hair.?

Maybe its sheding dogs go through it every year if you think its not that then take your dog to a vet.

Please give me advice about my dog, losing its hair.?

Bring your dog to his vet to have it checked out. He might have a mite problem, or may be allergic to some of the ingredients in the food or his shampoo, or some other dermatological condition. In any case, the vet should be able to give you much better advise than here.

Good luck.

Please give me advice about my dog, losing its hair.?

Maybe, he has a hott spot from itching

Please give me advice about my dog, losing its hair.?

Have ypou had your dog tested for a disease called sebaceous adenitis? It is a skin disease leading to progressive loss of hair and hair follicles. The methodof diagnosis is a microscopic examination of a skin punch biopsy by an approved veterinary pathologist. Maybe this is your dog's problem. Good luck.

Please give me advice about my dog, losing its hair.?


Dog Feeding Info (top 10 foods according to the WDJ and specific health diets)



Please give me advice about my dog, losing its hair.?

Chronic hair loss in dogs is often caused by allergies. If the hair loss is around the base of the dog's tail it may be an inidcation that it's allergic to flea bites. Make sure your dog is kept free of paracites and get him allergy-tested by your vet.

I am 36 yr old female & am losing my hair,have lost half inch of my hair line?

I have lost half inch of my hairline,I am under quite a bit of stress %26amp; am trying my best to releive the stress but my hair is still receding.|I have psoriasis in my head %26amp; am trying to excercise,eat healthy food %26amp; take hair supplements,is there anything else i can do?

I am 36 yr old female %26amp; am losing my hair,have lost half inch of my hair line?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- Hairloss/Hairfall

I feel like if I start losing my hair or losing my looks that I'll lose my beautiful girlfriend

I feel like if I lose my hair (which it's starting to) that I'll lose my girlfriend. She's GORGEOUS, desired by many guys.

I feel like if I start losing my hair or losing my looks that I'll lose my beautiful girlfriend?

the fastest way to lose her is to project that insecurity.

I feel like if I start losing my hair or losing my looks that I'll lose my beautiful girlfriend?

if she is with you for looks than your with the wrong person... otherwise if you want to keep her just ask her to marry you.

I feel like if I start losing my hair or losing my looks that I'll lose my beautiful girlfriend?

Man, if all she's interested in is your hair, you'll be better off without her anyway!! How superficial can she be?

I feel like if I start losing my hair or losing my looks that I'll lose my beautiful girlfriend?

If all she's after is your looks then she doesn't deserve you. If all you want is to have a gorgeous woman on your arm that is only after looks then maybe you deserve each other.

I feel like if I start losing my hair or losing my looks that I'll lose my beautiful girlfriend?

If she is just into you for your looks, then she is shallow and you don't need her.. A good relationship is not based on just good looks.

I feel like if I start losing my hair or losing my looks that I'll lose my beautiful girlfriend?

if she loves you she doesnt care what you look like.

I feel like if I start losing my hair or losing my looks that I'll lose my beautiful girlfriend?

If she only wants you for your looks you don't need her anyway! Beauty is only skin deep. Her beauty will fade as well. Will you love her less when her looks start to go?

I feel like if I start losing my hair or losing my looks that I'll lose my beautiful girlfriend?

You probably will.

I feel like if I start losing my hair or losing my looks that I'll lose my beautiful girlfriend?

If she's only with you for your looks why bother. I bet that she's with you for so many other reason's what if she got sick and gained a bunch of wait and her hair fell out would you leave are you with because of her or because lot's of other men want her?

I feel like if I start losing my hair or losing my looks that I'll lose my beautiful girlfriend?

I had a friend with the same problem, his girlfriend is beautiful. she looked alot like Pam Anderson. He was going thru the same things as you, He went in to this depression state, he ended up pushing her away because of it. She always stood by him with or without hair, but because of his actions... they parted.This was in his early 20's, he's 30 now, bald as ever. He has another beautiful GF and is married to her. All three are all my goood friends. The Pamala Anderson look a like still loves him tho. Try not to let it show that it bothers you. We all knew my friend was losing his hair, but he was still a great guy. Know what I'm saying?

Why is my dog losing some hair?

My dog is a mutt part shiba inu and i am worried!

he had two scabs son his head at first the size of dimes where

he had lost his hair and it would bleed. We took him to the vet

and they said maybe he got in a fight with another dog but hes

never around any other dogs.

NOW we found just last night that there is a 2-3 inch long like

spot right near his tail where he is lossing all his hair. Its not

bleeding but it looks like hes rubbing the skin away.

I know we need to take him to the vet

but any other suggestions?

Why is my dog losing some hair?

Change vet.

Sounds like ringworms/mange,.. he needs to go under an ultra-violet light at a vet's and be checked for that.

Is he itchy?

I would have said fleas if it was just at the base of his tail,..but the oddness of the loss of hair on his head, makes me think it's another type of parasite.

Why is my dog losing some hair?

maybe u should go see a vet.;...

Why is my dog losing some hair?

Sounds like it could be mange

Why is my dog losing some hair?

i got alot of dogs nothings gonna happened its normal but if it has a very bad disease i forgot the name go and take it to the veterinarian OK bye see ya

Why is my dog losing some hair?

tell the vet it is urgent

i don't know whether this website will help but try

i wish you luck

Why is my dog losing some hair?

Going to the vet is the best idea/suggestion. Take care.

Why is my dog losing some hair?

try giving him a bath in a tea tree pet shampoo it is a medicinal herb which heals and disinfects and it will deter fleas and the likes also get some tea tree oil at the supermarket you can also use it on yourself if you get scratches and rashes and things like that and if its some kind of lice it will suffocate them and your dog will heal Good luck if it doesn't get better soon take him to the vet it could be a skin thing that needs antibiotics

Why is my dog losing some hair?

I would wonder about hot spots. Emu oil is great for those, my folks use it on their newfoundlands. They also switched food to Innova and that pretty much cured it.

It could be a food allergy.

Thyroid is another cause of hair loss, but the skin usually isn't reddened and irritated.

I am losing my hair and I am just 16!!! What do I do?

I lose upto 30 hair every time I brush them.

I can clearly see my scalp now.

I am losing my hair and I am just 16!!! What do I do?

Try Rogaine. It can help you. Ask your doc about it.

Good luck!

I am losing my hair and I am just 16!!! What do I do?

This could be a nutritional deficiency or an indication of other health problems. See your doctor.

I am losing my hair and I am just 16!!! What do I do?

i used the Hair Loss Treatment Pill

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I am losing my hair and I am just 16!!! What do I do?

its called prematur balding. its perfictaly normal. to prevent im sarry but id talk to a docter

I am losing my hair and I am just 16!!! What do I do?

Definately go see your doctor and ask what the best way forward is. It's not unusual for people even in their 20's to be almost completely bald. It's not a BAD thing, it's just genetics. So you have to decide what you want. If you want to try to keep your hair, there are some things that might work, like Rogaine.

I am losing my hair and I am just 16!!! What do I do?

Same age I was when I started losing mine. Sorry about that but it may be gone by the time you're in your mid-20's. It never really affected me once I was past the initial shock.

Or maybe rogaine will work for you. good luck

I am losing my hair and I am just 16!!! What do I do?


I'm losing my hair...have been since I was 16. Now it's finally noticable...I want surgery

Most men in my family lost theirs by 20 or 21, so I'm actually hair was always voluminous and very thick, so it took a while for it to be noticable. I can't swim or let a girl run her fingers through it because someone would know. I even have to be careful when it's windy.

Trust me, I would look quite awful with a bald head, as attractive as some women may think it is. I wish to get micrografts and so a cost of about $6,000 by the time I'm done. Has anyone here had it done? Does anyone have any suggestions, perhaps herbal remedies?

I'm losing my hair...have been since I was 16. Now it's finally noticable...I want surgery. Thoughts?

It would look worse. They remove hair from the back and sides of your head and you will end up withe lines along your scalp from where they've removed the implants.

Bay rum, Rosemary oil and almond oil in equal measures rubbed into the scalp dusk and dawn can help. As can garlic oil alone applied the same way.

I'm losing my hair...have been since I was 16. Now it's finally noticable...I want surgery. Thoughts?

can us woman be the judge of the bald head ummmmmm

I'm losing my hair...have been since I was 16. Now it's finally noticable...I want surgery. Thoughts?

Hair growth and fall is hereditary.Baldness is incurable.But I donot think you are badly affected.From 16 your hair is falling and you have reached 21,the hair fall is normal only.Some hair fall always,but baldness come when hair fall rate is more than rate of growing.You can do so many things to prevent hair loss:-

i)Avoid all tensions-Tension is a major reason for hair fall

ii)Get your scalp checked by doctor and ensure that there is no infection.

iii)Take vitamin tablets containing Zinc(Zevit)

iv)Massage your scalp daily with few drops of almond oil daily

v)daily comb your hair( brisk) for a few minutes

vi)Do not use chemical based shampoo(use if necessary herbal only)

vi)Forget the feeling you are loosing hair

Personality is not based on hair only,it is over all.Some women consider shven head/bald as sexy.In case you are too much worried you have hair transplant or have a wig.Be confident and you will become never bald.

I'm losing my hair...have been since I was 16. Now it's finally noticable...I want surgery. Thoughts?

Getting hair implants was quite the trend for the company I used to work for. In the end, the only ones that looked good where the guys that kept buying more and more plugs. You will continue to go bald so unless hair is worth over $100K to you over your lifetime. Just shave it now.

Believe me I know. I am 29 and I shave my head with an electic razor at least once a week because I hate having a bald spot. Rather be bald than spend $100K on plugs or have a bald spot.

I'm losing my hair...have been since I was 16. Now it's finally noticable...I want surgery. Thoughts?

I llllllooovvveee my hair i personally think im ugly but i think my hair is the best feature about me i am however adopted so idk if ill lose my hair but its a scary thought.... i say get the surgery!