He lost the hair on his legs and now is starting to lose it on his body. Otherwise he seems to be healthy and happy. We're just really confused because there are no sores or scales to go along with the hair loss. He's not itching or biting at it either. Anyone with any advice please tell me.
Can anyone give me an idea why my cat might be losing his hair on his legs and the rest of his body?
This condition is often called "alopecia" - the loss of hair caused by obsessive ove-grooming, scratching or chewing, hair follicle diseases that cause the hair to fall out, or the failure of hair to grow after normal loss. There are 2 general types of Alopecia: (a) pruritic (itchy skin diseases) and
(b) non-pruritic.
General causes of pruritic alopecia are:
(1) Fleas and flea allergy - Cats (and dogs) with flea allergy tend to lose hair over the rump, on the back, hind legs, tail and belly.
(2) Atopy - An allergy to airborne allergens such as pollens and molds, and food allergies tend to cause alopecia of the face, ears, feet, and other areas.
(3) Scabies - Infestation with the Sarcoptes mange mite is an intensely itchy skin problem that causes alopecia of the ears, elbows, hocks, and other areas.
(4) Other parasites such as Cheyletiella or lice cause pruritus and alopecia.
Non-pruritic Causes of Alopecia:
(1) Hyperadrenocorticism - Cushing's disease is an increase in the production of a hormone called cortisol by the adrenal glands. These cats tend to lose hair in a symmetrical pattern and their skin will have a thin appearance. In addition, they have suppressed immune systems and are prone to pyoderma.
(2) Other endocrine (hormonal) diseases such as imbalances in sex hormones produced by the adrenal glands can cause alopecia.
(3) Autoimmune skin diseases are disorders where the body's immune system attacks a component of the skin. These diseases can cause alopecia and may or may not be pruritic.
My best advice is for you to take kitty to a vet for a proper diagnosis. As you can see, there are many possible causes why cats can go bald in spots and large areas. Knowing what causes it will determine what treatment is appropriate. But if I am allowed to hazard a guess - and this is a guess - I would say that your kitty has food allergy. Check what you have been feedin him lately and be sure to discuss this with your vet.
Can anyone give me an idea why my cat might be losing his hair on his legs and the rest of his body?
It could be a skin dermatitis. I would have him checked by the vet just to be sure. Is he licking these areas a lot? Did he lick all of the fur of, or did it just fall out?
Can anyone give me an idea why my cat might be losing his hair on his legs and the rest of his body?
Your cat might have fleas or has really bad allergies. Just because they do not itch or bite does not mean that they do not have anything wrong. In adddition, if you bath your cat it might be allergic to the shampoo.
Can anyone give me an idea why my cat might be losing his hair on his legs and the rest of his body?
it could be because of their diet. when cats have a bad diet, they shed and lose clumps of hair when they scratch. and they get knotted clumps of hair on their body
Can anyone give me an idea why my cat might be losing his hair on his legs and the rest of his body?
It could be shedding, flea's and also cats are prone to ringworm and that also makes them shed. It could also be caused by stress.
Can anyone give me an idea why my cat might be losing his hair on his legs and the rest of his body?
first i would be going to the vet to be sure it is nothing major..
however cats and dogs that eat alot of dry foods that have tons of grains like corn meal, wheat flour...ect....can develop allergies to these, hair loss is normal symptom. and if the cat is outdoors at all he can become sun burnt. if the skin is dry try aloe vera or vitamon e oil..
good luck
Can anyone give me an idea why my cat might be losing his hair on his legs and the rest of his body?
My cat had the same problem. After seeing several vets, she was diagnosed as neurotic...believe it or not. Whenever she was stressed she would lick until her fur was gone. She did it mostly when I was gone, as she was missing me. I did not notice the behavior because she was happy and stress-free when I was home. I would check out medical issues (i.e. allergies) and then consider lots of toys to entertain him or possibly a playmate.
Can anyone give me an idea why my cat might be losing his hair on his legs and the rest of his body?
Perhaps he is sheding. Cats do that this time of year, right before summer. If you feel it's more serious than that, i would suggest taking your cat to the yet.
Can anyone give me an idea why my cat might be losing his hair on his legs and the rest of his body?
Marilyn has a point our cat which also ahad a neurological problem actually chewed her fur off on her feet and tail. but after awhile she got over it. it was usually caused by something stressfull. like i first seen it when i moved in with my wife( her cat) and i was new so that stressed her. then we had a child, she did it again the we moved , yet again she did it. after that however she had not done it up to when she died of old age.( 20yrs).
You should take it to the vet so it can be properly diagnosed though
Can anyone give me an idea why my cat might be losing his hair on his legs and the rest of his body?
my kitty cat(b4 it died yesterday) was sheading like CRAZY! we figured out it was because she was really really sick!:( but u might wanna take him to the vet and get some meds. for him!:) hope i helped!:)
Can anyone give me an idea why my cat might be losing his hair on his legs and the rest of his body?
that cat has mange
you need to shoot it
Can anyone give me an idea why my cat might be losing his hair on his legs and the rest of his body?
All I can tell you that your cat is very sick and you need to call the Vet or take it right straight to the vet. You would like to know why your cat is so sick. I was in the same place as you but it turn out that I had to put my cat down and it hurts so much. I lost my cat the day before Valentines Day she was very sick and it had to do with her kidney if I was you have her or him check out please get ready what the vet has to say to you. Good luck
Can anyone give me an idea why my cat might be losing his hair on his legs and the rest of his body?
i suggest asking a vet about this. It may be a allergy.
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