Hi, my 2 year old kitty has a small dark spot under her chin. She is losing just a bit of fur near the spot. When I try to clean the spot, some "dirt" comes off that sort of looks like coffee grinds but more black and smaller. It doesn't seem to bother her, as she never scratches or fusses with it. It's been there for a while, and it's just recently I noticed a bit of fur missing. I've never seen anything like this, any clues? Thank you for helping!
Cat help- dark spot under chin and losing hair?
I have seen this before...
It is probably feline acne, from the way you are describing it.
As one person said, keep the bowls clean. And if you are using plastic bowls, change it to either ceramic or stainless steel (but keep them cleaned on a regular basis).
There is some soap that is designed to give a good deep down clean from the vet..one is called Surgical Scrub and another is called Hibitane (but there are many varieties). It is not actually for sale but most vets would probably give you a small bottle. Use soap with some water to clean and keep the area clean about once a day until it clears up.
Sometimes the cat may have the acne for ages, whereas others may only have it for a short period of time.
Hope this helps :)
Cat help- dark spot under chin and losing hair?
Sounds like chin acne. Make sure your using glass or ceramic bowls for food and water (not plastic). Clean the bowls often. Keep the chin scrubbed clean. If persistent see a DVM.
Cat help- dark spot under chin and losing hair?
The dirt you are describing is most likely dried blood. Check your cat for parasites and bites. A healing wonund will do what you described, but so will parasites. If your cat goes outside it may have been infected with a parasite, some are pretty nasty and disgusting. What you describesounds liek what was happening on my cats neck before we figured it out. I had a cat that got a Cuterebra fly in its neck. The larvae are laid inthere and can grow and nd up killing the cat. Look closely at th area to see if you notice a small opening in the skin. If you do go to the vet to get it removed or if you think you can do it yourself make sure you squeeze it out, not pull, you do not want ot leave any part of it in the cat. Google it to see what I mean.
Cat help- dark spot under chin and losing hair?
It's from kitty's bowls, seriously. I think it's the plastic bowls that cause this. Switch to ceramic and it should clear up. If it doesn't, time to see the vet! Since it has been there for a while, if it's not from her bowls, it probably won't go away on it's own. My cat had the same problem. I read in a cat care book that plastic bowls will cause this, so I switched to ceramic, and voila! No more dirty chin! Make sure to wash kitty's bowls every day, too. You wouldn't want to eat from dirty dishes, would you? Neither does kitty! Good luck!
Cat help- dark spot under chin and losing hair?
Occasionally cats can get "chin acne" - an irritation on their chin from an allergen or even from their food bowl. Try switching to a stainless steel food dish. If that doesn't help, your vet may be able to prescribe some cream or ointment to help with the irritation.
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