his hair is thinning, and the color looks dull. It is not completely bald or anything, it just looks thinner than the rest of his coat. the rest looks full. other than that he is a very happy and energetic dog. he is up to date for his shots.
he spends time outside a lot, but doesn't have fleas. I wash him once a week with pet shampoo that kills tics and stuff...
we live in LA, so its not extremely cold here. the house is warm. he sleeps in my room.
Also, I feed him dog food, and sometimes people food...when he begs for it too much, I can't say no.
I don't want to take him to the vets yet, because it doesn't seem serious. I was wondering if you have any knowledge about this problem.
My 5 mnth old long hair chihuahua is losing hair on his head!!!???
What do you feed him? Why wash him so much? Does he seem to be loosing all his fur slowly, like growing out of his puppy fur?
My 5 mnth old long hair chihuahua is losing hair on his head!!!???
the vet would have the answer, but it might be a type of alopecia or stress sympton. skin problems duer to heat, cold, lack of proper nutrition and water might contribute. if you really care for the dog,and if it were mine i would take it to the vet.
My 5 mnth old long hair chihuahua is losing hair on his head!!!???
Washing your dog every week is unhealthy. It dries out the skin. The hair on his head could be thinning due to dry follicles.
At most, your dog should have two baths a month, not one every week! It is very bad for your dog's coat!
My 5 mnth old long hair chihuahua is losing hair on his head!!!???
The Food you feed him may be a bad choice
My 5 mnth old long hair chihuahua is losing hair on his head!!!???
Mange mites, ringworm, skin irritation/infection, allergies, etc. It could be any of the above. You need to take him to a vet for a skin scraping to which one it is and get started on the appropriate medicine.
My 5 mnth old long hair chihuahua is losing hair on his head!!!???
why r u feeding him people food anyways?
My 5 mnth old long hair chihuahua is losing hair on his head!!!???
sorry to tell you this but needs to see a vet if not a flea allergy you don't have to see then for them to be there.
Could be mange -- dogs normally have a mite present on there skin but in some cases it can get out of control and cause the hair to thin . This is called demodexx and can be diagnosed and treated by a vet.
There is another type of mite called sarcoptic mange and this is contagious to people. in both cases can cause them to be itchy.
May be an allergy to something in the house or in its food.
Only way to truly find out is by your vet,
My 5 mnth old long hair chihuahua is losing hair on his head!!!???
You don't consider a possible thyroid or skin problem SERIOUS?! Oh stop being so cheap and get that dog to the vet! People like you make me gag. And why are you washing him so often? Maybe it's the pet shampoo you use too much that is becoming toxic to him. You know when people get too many toxins in their system (aka poisons) their hair will fall out too. GET THAT DOG TO THE VET! And be sure and tell the vet what you are using and how often.
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