I'm so totally worried cause I'm just 14 yrs old and I've lost SO much hair..earlier i had really thick hair but now sadly i don't have too much left although I've got no bald patches or anything like that thankfully..I'd be really glad if you guys could suggest what i could do to stop this hair fall..
Do these products in the market like Dove Damage control and stuff really help?
Waiting for replies..
I'm losing my hair!!!?
Eat healthy, like almonds and other nuts, vegetables and fuits. Drink a lot of water and avoid using many products such as mousses and creams and straighteners. Brush your hair carefully before you wash it to avoid large chunks of it falling out when you break through the knots.
Visit a specialist, but be careful. Sometimes the pills they give you may not suit you, and you might begin to lose even more hair! Try visiting a teenage health website as well.
Good Luck!
I'm losing my hair!!!?
its normal to lose about 100 to 125 hairs a day. if you think youre losing more, see your doctor
I'm losing my hair!!!?
Losing strands of hair daily is perfectly normal. Hair losing its thickness or texture has also been considered a normal thing in genetics.
However if you do want to do your best to avoid losing your hair, then i suggest you start eating more Peanuts, Egg, Fish, Red meat, Fruits and try to excersize daily. a 30 min walk is good enough. And also avoid stressing yourself, pick up a hobby such as dancing.
I'm losing my hair!!!?
it is normal to lose 100+ hairs a day.. it could also be a sign of puberty..and your body is changing.. I would not worry to much about it.. it is just thinning out not falling out to the point where there are bald spots... I keep my hair strong with neutrogena shampoos..and conditioners. they also have a hair mask that will strengthen it up some too..
I'm losing my hair!!!?
There are a number of things that can contribute to hair loss. You may want to go to your doctor to make sure you don't have an underlying physical problem contributing to your hair loss.
Of course, hair loss or breakage, can occur with excessive chemical or heat usage. The best thing to do in those instances is condition, condition, condition. Deep condition your hair once a week, and use a conditioner whenever you shampoo. You will probably need to get split ends cut off as well.
I'm losing my hair!!!?
Alot of girls your age will loose hair at various times, its a hormonal thing and can also be brought on by stress. I used to get it too, dont worry its not a permenant thing it justs lasts a few weeks. I advise to brush hair before you go out to minimise the number of hairs that might fall embarassingly onto your clothes. However if you start to get bald patches definately go to see a doctor as it could be somthing more serious.
I'm losing my hair!!!?
try PANTENE HAIRFALL CONTROL shampoo. its effective for me
I'm losing my hair!!!?
do you use...
peroxide in your hair?
meaning colouring products?
do you colour your hair yourself, or at the hairdressers?
either way, if you colour your hair too much it will start to fall out...especially if its a really light colour!
fact: did you know its natural to loose 100 hairs a day?
i loose hair alot too, but im sure everyone does, if your really worried, maybe go see a hair dresser and ask her about it.
or you can try looking for products in the shops that are specially formulated to "put strength" in hair
I'm losing my hair!!!?
ryan do you fancie leigh hawley and if you do ask her to marrie you
I'm losing my hair!!!?
* Haircare -- natural homemade tips to Hairloss/Hairfall
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