I gave birth almost 5 months ago and my hair just started falling out about 2 weeks ago and I'd say a good 1/3 or more has fallen out so far. Do you think this could be pregnancy and hormone related or something else? :(
Did anyone start losing hair after giving birth? How much? When did it start? End?
My hair started falling out about 6 months after giving birth and it is still falling out like crazy 12 months after birth. If your hair is getting too thin, go see your doctor. Make sure you are still taking vitamins. A lot of times it is all the extra vitamins that we take that makes us soooo healthy...then when we give birth we quit the vitamins and then lose the benefits. If you are really concerned go see a doctor, my friends mother lost almost all of her hair after she had her daughter, and it never grew back. To this day her hair is so thin you can see her scalp.
Did anyone start losing hair after giving birth? How much? When did it start? End?
Oh gosh I do remember losing hair after I gave birth! It's normal. I read in a magazine that hair loss should have stopped 12 months after giving birth. Don't worry!
Did anyone start losing hair after giving birth? How much? When did it start? End?
It's a normal result of hormone fluctuations. I think it ended for me about four or five months post partum. You can go ahead and test, but your body might still be adjusting. They say it takes up to two years for your body to fully recover from childbirth.
Did anyone start losing hair after giving birth? How much? When did it start? End?
Yes, my son is 9 months old and I remember when he was about 5 months old my hair started falling out. I think it still is. Completely normal.
Did anyone start losing hair after giving birth? How much? When did it start? End?
My daughter is 4 months old, and my hair is falling out in clumps in the shower still! I don't mind because I have thick hair, so I have some to lose, but it keeps clogging the drain!
Did anyone start losing hair after giving birth? How much? When did it start? End?
During pregnancy women tend to not shed as much hair as normal. After pregnancy with the shift in hormones we lose the hair that didn't shed during pregnancy. It usually starts between 1 and 3 months postpartum. It can last a few months.
Did anyone start losing hair after giving birth? How much? When did it start? End?
Im loosing TONS. My god I plug sinks (and not ones that I even wash my hair in. Just living near them). I plug the bath tub regularly. I started loosing them at 4 month and my DD is 5 months and Im still loosing like crazy. My pony tail is like 1/2 the size. Its normal I think. It is related to horomones cause you actually dont loose hair (or very much) while pregnant.
Did anyone start losing hair after giving birth? How much? When did it start? End?
I don't remember with my first two children - but with my third - I am STILL losing hair, not quite as bad. But my daughter is almost 10 months old!! Crazy!! I just wonder if it's b/c I'm breastfeeding her - I didn't with my other two this long. Who knows. Crazy hormones!!!
Did anyone start losing hair after giving birth? How much? When did it start? End?
Your hair will come back. Remember all that thick, shiny from pregnancy? It wasn't yours to keep (you know, like the nice skin and big boobs). Your follicles have suddenly let go of all that hair. Give it some time to grow back. After my second baby, I cut bangs to hide my receding hairline.
Did anyone start losing hair after giving birth? How much? When did it start? End?
my hair was never thick but i still had plenty. when my daughter was 3 or 4 months old i started shedding bad. she just turned 1 year old and although im not shedding anymore my hair still lacks alot of its former body and shine. my obgyn told me at my 1 year check up last week that this is normal but if it still happening in 6 months she wants to check my hormones. and maybe have to send me to a dermatologist
Did anyone start losing hair after giving birth? How much? When did it start? End?
i lost my hair after giving birth to my daughter , i was told by My Dr its hormones , w/ me i lost a little at a time and then for some reason it starting coming out more thick in clumps( i got worried ) .. If this is bothersome to you and your not breastfeeding , you try adding more protein to your diet continue on prenatals or another vitamin w/ alot of biotin in it , i did this , my hair didnt completly stop falling out but it wasnt no where near coming out as bad .. Just a suggestion but more than likely it is hormones :)
Btw it went on for about a yr .. give or take a month .
Did anyone start losing hair after giving birth? How much? When did it start? End?
Oh my Gosh....yes!!!!!!!!!!! I could roll a ball of hair the size of a golf ball or bigger, every day!!!!!!!!!! My cousin told me that she went though the same thing. Are you breastfeeding? My cousin breastfeed and I''m brest feeding. She said her hair stopped falling out when her baby was 6 month, funnuly enough, that is when she stopped breast feeding. But it could be just because we just had babies.
Did anyone start losing hair after giving birth? How much? When did it start? End?
it's normal, my hair came out after giving birth to my son...its just hormones.
Did anyone start losing hair after giving birth? How much? When did it start? End?
mine is still falling out....i am going to end up bald
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