Monday, July 27, 2009

My dog has pink spots on her thighs and shes losing hair what is this?

it happened before i chamged her shampoo to an oatmeal type.. hair started growing its happening again what is this?

My dog has pink spots on her thighs and shes losing hair what is this?

Could be several things; ringworm (treatable with athlete's foot products), allergies (which can be eased with benadryl.) I would consult your vet because it is possible that she has demodectic or puppy mange, it's not restricted only to puppies, it can also afffect dogs with weakened immune systems. All dogs have the mites on their skin, just when the immunity goes down for whatever reason the mites start proliferating. The diagnosis is made with a simple skin scraping. Treatment consists of either oral pills or dips.

My dog has pink spots on her thighs and shes losing hair what is this?

consult a veterinarian.

My dog has pink spots on her thighs and shes losing hair what is this?

Go to a vet, but it could mean your dog has flea, or a skin irritation that is causing her to lick all her own fur off. A bath w/ an oatmeal shampoo helps to sooth the skin until you can get her to the vet

My dog has pink spots on her thighs and shes losing hair what is this?

A similar thing happened to my dog except the hair was gone and it was pink around her tail.

Anyways, it is most likely allergies (that's what it was for my dog)

Ask the vet, and see if they can give your dog a steroid shot (it works).

Try switching shampoo, and be sure to schedule a vet appointment ASAP or your pup will be miserable. :(

My dog has pink spots on her thighs and shes losing hair what is this?

how often do you bath her? Frequent baths aren't good for dogs skin, I've heard of ppl who say you should only bath a dog with a short coat 2 a year. I think that is extreme, i bath mine once every month or two... or when they get dirty.

She may be allergic to flees. My parent's dog is allergic to flea, she can just have a few on her and she starts loosing hair. Talk to your vet, s/he will be able to make sure it isn't an infection. Good luck

My dog has pink spots on her thighs and shes losing hair what is this?

(Is she scratching herself excessively??)

If she is, it could very well be called "Mange", a type of "bug" that gets under the dog's skin, causing itching, fur loss, and scabby skin. In which case it's contagious to people, and with us it's called "Scabies"... (It happened to my family when I was child.) and you'll have to take the dog to the vet for treatment and prevention

If she's not scratching excessively and her fur loss is concentrated to only one area, I'd like to say she might just be suffering from an allergic reaction, which leads me to believe you might want to change her shampoo again if this has "happened before"...

Good Luck!!

My dog has pink spots on her thighs and shes losing hair what is this?

It is spring and allergy season. I would bet that it is allergies. If it is allergies, the oatmeal type shampoo should be helpful for itch and discomfort. Take her to the vet to confirm. If it is allergies, you can give her Benedryl (please have the vet tell you the proper dosage, as it goes by the dogs weight).

Also, if she does have allergies, be very diligant with preventing fleas (use frontline). I have a dog that is very allergic to flea bites and gets the same symptoms that you described.

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