Monday, July 27, 2009

My mini pincher pups have a rash. losing hair in different spots?

bald spots missing hair in different spots

My mini pincher pups have a rash. losing hair in different spots?

I believe they're right... mange. Get the pup to the vet, you will have to get meds. If you let it go it will get worse.

My mini pincher pups have a rash. losing hair in different spots?

This sounds like mange. Get them to a vet, asap.

My mini pincher pups have a rash. losing hair in different spots?

Yep, Mange....and your breeding dogs?

My mini pincher pups have a rash. losing hair in different spots?

Likely mange.. The vet will have to do a skin scraping.. Get it done, so that you can clear up the problem before it gets out of hand. Crappy immune system maybe.. Might want to spay/neuter your dogs.

My mini pincher pups have a rash. losing hair in different spots?

You need a vet to diagnose this. It could be mange, allergies, hot spots alot of different things. Since they are pups, the safest thing to do is have a vet take care of them.

My mini pincher pups have a rash. losing hair in different spots?

It could be many different things I would not say for sure its mange .I just love when people say yep that's what it is .

Take your dog to the vet and they will tell you for sure what it is .good luck :)

My mini pincher pups have a rash. losing hair in different spots?

It sounds like demodectic mange, which is a hereditary skin condition, that suppresses a dog/puppy's immune system. Min Pins are prone to have such condition, simply because of careless owners who keep breeding their dogs, passing it from generation to generation.

You need to get professional vet care for your puppy as soon as possible.

My mini pincher pups have a rash. losing hair in different spots?

Definately sounds like mange. I saw it quite a few times when I worked for a groomer. It's highly infectious, and people can get it! Get them to a vet ASAP. With any luck it's not mange and is some type of allergy but you won't know unless a vet checks them. Best of luck!

My mini pincher pups have a rash. losing hair in different spots?

Sounds like an allergy to something. Maybe to certain grass outside or bushes or trees. Treat the symtoms and try a little childerns benadryl. If the symtoms persist take your dog to the vet for more powerful allergy meds.

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