Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Omg i'm losing hair and i'm only 13!!!?

i'm losing about bunch of hair it's like i have hairloss problem and i wash my hair everyday and wit shampoo and condisioner

wat's da problem???

Omg i'm losing hair and i'm only 13!!!?

You should only wash your hair every other day unless you have a very oily scalp.

Are you eating correctly? Not getting the correct vitamins and nurtients out of your food can cause hair loss. It can also be genetic.

And, on average, you shed 200-300 hairs a DAY!

EDIT TO ADD: It could also be hormones caused by puberty - if thats the cause they will level out and your hair will once again go back to normal.

Omg i'm losing hair and i'm only 13!!!?

never wash your hair every day ur suposed to every other day or its better every 2 days!!!!!!!

Omg i'm losing hair and i'm only 13!!!?

it might be ginetic

Omg i'm losing hair and i'm only 13!!!?

don't have a cow yet dude... i shed like crazy and i don't have any balding issues...

some people just shed alot... when you shed, the shed hair is replaced.

Omg i'm losing hair and i'm only 13!!!?

are you eating?

it could be lack of protiens.

or maybe it runs in your family

Omg i'm losing hair and i'm only 13!!!?

umm... mayb ur balding

Omg i'm losing hair and i'm only 13!!!?

you might be washing it a little too much. if you shampoo AND condition everyday, it gets rid of some of the vitamins and naturally produced oil your body makes for your hair to stay healthy and strong. try shampooing every other day, and conditioning a little less. it may also be a medication you're taking (if you're taking one). don't freak, if it gets worse, see a doctor.

Omg i'm losing hair and i'm only 13!!!?

ok? thats weird! i'm 13 2 but my dosn't fall out.

go to the hair dresser or docter and find out if it is your shampoo %26amp; condishiner or if it is your health?

Omg i'm losing hair and i'm only 13!!!?

Thats interesting. It could be hereditary, or you are using the wrong kinds of shampoo and conditioner. i am also losing hair but not alot. People recomend that you use organic shampoos and eat healthy. Eating healthy helps keep hair healthy, losing hair is the first sign of an unhealthy diet.

Omg i'm losing hair and i'm only 13!!!?

There can be a few possibilities as to why you are loosing hair.

1) You're not really supposed to wash your hair every day.

2) The shampoo/conditioner may be too harsh for your scalp

3) I don't know if you're stressed out, but I remember back like when I first started high school (13/14yrs), I was really stressed and stress leads to hair loss.

You should talk to your parents/guardian and tell them what is happining because you never know. I wish you wellé–³?br>Omg i'm losing hair and i'm only 13!!!?

hey! ok so yes only wash your hair every other day at the most! it's even better if you wait two days. The hair loss thing may be genetic, but also keep in mind that the human head loses about 800 hairs EVERYDAY!!! It's nothing to be all that stressed about.. don't worry! keep your confidence : ).

xx. Lauren

Omg i'm losing hair and i'm only 13!!!?

well your hair is supossed to shed once a year so yeah, my hair sheds but i aint going bald..dont worry, but if you straighten your hair alot or dye it then maybe thats the problem but dont wash your hair everyday, wash every other day

Omg i'm losing hair and i'm only 13!!!?

like they said before you could not be eating right and you allways lose hair

Omg i'm losing hair and i'm only 13!!!?

You're prolly using the wrong brand of conditioner.

Omg i'm losing hair and i'm only 13!!!?

my dad wwent to highschool with this guy (the thing in fantastic four) and was on his gymnastic team and he lost his hair in high school. 13s a little early though maybe your shedding????? good luck. i wash my hair and condition every day and itlooks better every day.

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