Monday, July 27, 2009

Why do men grow extra hair in their ears at a time when they're losing hair everywhere else?

Going deaf through old age is bad enough through loss or damage to the cilia inside the ears (have I got this bit right?), but clogging up the ears with extra hair on the outside seems a bit too much. somehow...How and why does this benefit man in an evolutionary sense, or in any sense at all, really?

Why do men grow extra hair in their ears at a time when they're losing hair everywhere else?

Curiously these things are caused by the same thing. Testosterone. Through some strange mechanism, testosterone causes body hair, and prolonged exposure to testosterone causes 'male pattern baldness'; that is losing hair on the scalp.

This is why it is rare to see a bald woman, because their testosterone levels are a fraction of a mans.

Why do men grow extra hair in their ears at a time when they're losing hair everywhere else?

It probably wasn't a problem in days gone by, because if you got to live to 40 you were one of the lucky ones. With modern science we can live longer and all sorts of problems that evolution didn't worry about start popping up.

Why do men grow extra hair in their ears at a time when they're losing hair everywhere else?

Hairy ears cannot be explained by standard evolutionary theory. Instead we have to resort to what I like to call 'Unintelligible Design' - which states that God is a spoilt 3 year kid throwing a tantrum and she does pretty much anything she damn wants.

Why do men grow extra hair in their ears at a time when they're losing hair everywhere else?

Men grow more hair inside their ears as they age to block out the constant nagging from wifey!

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