Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My cat is losing hair on his ears..?

He was itching about a week ago %26amp; we noticed small scabs on his ear and a small amount of fur gone. We gave him his flea treatment thing %26amp; its about a week later. The scabs have healed, but the patches of fur lost are bigger. How long should I wait until taking him to the vets to get checked out for something else? Has anyone else had this?

My cat is losing hair on his ears..?

When I adopted Willie from the shelter, he was nearly bald all around his neck and ears from scratching ear mites. The vet gave him ear drops to clear them up and in about 2 months his hair is all grown back and he's gorgeous. Don't wait. He's miserable and his hearing could be affected. Also treat any other cats you have. Ear mites are contagious. Also, ask the vet for Revolution like the other answerer said. I use it on my kitty's and it's great to keep ear mites and worms at bay (not so good for fleas).

My cat is losing hair on his ears..?

He probably has earmites. He needs meds to get rid of them. Our cat keeps getting them they totally suck.

Go here for more information::

My cat is losing hair on his ears..?

bring it to the vet now. there might be something wrong with him.

My cat is losing hair on his ears..?

Sounds like ear mites. Get something like tresaderm - drops you put right in the ear. Your cat will absolutely hate it, but it will take care of it. For on-going maintenance use Revolution drops that you put on the cats skin. It will control a multitude of things - fleas, heartworm, round worms, mites, etc But for an initial infestation of ear mites it is not strong enough.

My cat is losing hair on his ears..?

It is more likely he has ear mites. You can get a solution at the pet store, but the easiest thing to do is put a few drops of vegetable oil in each ear. This is perfectly safe and won't harm the cat (cats actually like it) and it will kill the mites.

My cat is losing hair on his ears..?

Take your cat to the vet now, while the problem is simple. Don't wait until it is serious. If it is ear mites, think of how miserable he must be, with things crawling in his ears.

I had a dog with ear mites. My vet prescribed an ointment that I put in his ears.

For his comfort and health, please take him to the vet as soon as possible.

My cat is losing hair on his ears..?

This sounds like it could be ringworm to me. I had a young cat that had this, and that's what happened to her. She was itching her ears a lot and developed bald patches. Watch your own skin for red circles, as ringworm can be passed from cat to human (trust me).

I would suggest taking him back to the vet immediately. This is not a life threatening problem, but it can get out of hand very quickly. I myself had 15 ringworms and my cat had a number of them, as well as the dog, my two brothers, and my cousin. If it is ringworm, the sooner you start treatment, the better.

A lot of the other people answering are mentioning ear mites. My cat also had these. The best way to see if this could be the problem is to look in the cat's ears for "coffee grounds." When the cat scratches, dark dirt-looking things will come out of his ear, and they can be seen on the inside.

Another symptom of an ear problem is that the cat's ears will stick straight out instead of being upright, and he'll shake his head a lot. My cat would also cry when she scratched her ears because they hurt her so much.

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