Sunday, July 26, 2009

Losing hair....very upset!!!!?

im a healthy 28 yr old and ive noticed my hair thinning right above my forehead.i know there is hair loss diseases but i dont htink i have any. i have thick curly hair, so i have it pulled back everyday for work. i wear gel and hairspray. i highlight it bout twice a year and i flat iron it a few times thruout the year. im wondering if any one of those are damaging my hair. this may seem petty but for most woman i know this would be upsetting as it is for me. ive cried and cried. im too young to be losing my hair like that. and its embarassing. my husband says he never noticed but i do. just need some ideas of why this may be happening and what can i do to help my hair

Losing hair....very upset!!!!?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- Hairloss/Hairfall

Losing hair....very upset!!!!?

ok well the gel and hairspray are probably the biggest reason if you put all that in your hair then once a week while in the shower put vinigar in your hair let sit for a minute then wash out with shampoo like a regular shower this gets all the chemicals from the gel and spray out of your hair wich could help stop some of the hair loss and highlighting hair can be damaging and flat ironing is probably a big reason to

Losing hair....very upset!!!!?

I think the highlighting, gel, and hairspray may be factors that lead to your hair loss. Try Rogaine for Women, I heard it works really well, and maybe you could try speaking to a hair consultant at a beauty/hair salon nearby. Good luck, and I hope all goes well ;]

Losing hair....very upset!!!!?

try not to use gel or hairspray at all.. and u should try to keep your hair as natural as possible. when u tie ur hair make sure u have a parting otherwise ur hairline will recide.. good luck!

Losing hair....very upset!!!!?

Be careful, this problem COULD be attributed to malnutrition or an illness you have not yet been diagnosed with. I would look at my diet, try to eat healthy grains and proteins (protein helps hair growth) Unless it runs in your family, I would highly reccomend that you go see a doctor.

Losing hair....very upset!!!!?

They're a LOT a VERY Happy BALD People !

PERSONALLY; "EYES" PREFERS an XCESSIVE Amount of Hair MYSELF ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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