Sunday, July 26, 2009

MY Cat is losing HAIR!!!?

My cat is losing hair abelow the tail and her legs. She is 2 years old. She Is all white. She has just started to lose some on her belly.....well most of it. I havent found any fleas. I did try a flea collor and flea got rid of the fleas...but i dont know what to do about her losing hair. Please help i dont want my cat to look like a naked mole rat.......

MY Cat is losing HAIR!!!?

Hair loss in cats can be caused by stress (self-induced), parasites, allergies, toxicity and systemic disease. The only way to find out for sure is from your veterinarian.

I would urge you never to use over-the-counter flea products on your pet again (collars, baths, dips, topicals, sprays and powders, etc.). They are frequently harmful to pets causing hair loss, seizure, respiratory and/or cardiac distress. They also are not very effective at eradicating fleas. There are safe flea products available through your veterinarian such as Frontline, Advantage and Revolution.

MY Cat is losing HAIR!!!?

Its probally just a stage for a cat because my cat always loses hair and she doesnt look like a naked mole rat

MY Cat is losing HAIR!!!?

I am realu\y sorry but if your cat is losing harie then she will

die soon that is really bad try to excercise her more shell get more haire aventually inless she already died good luck.......................................

MY Cat is losing HAIR!!!?

Cats need REAL meat, at-least once a month.

I give mine meat once a week.

Hamburger, tuna, chicken or pork...whatever.

It gives them a very nice coat and they're healthier.

If this doesn't work it could be allergies.

MY Cat is losing HAIR!!!?

Normally when an animal loses hair it can mean a number of things. For one, maybe your cat is stressed and this is the stress release your cat has. Some cats when stress won't eat, or they get into trouble. Hair lose is quite common in stressed out animals.

Another you should look into is maybe the cat is bored and is pulling the hair out. Parrots do it, and dogs they will lick and bite their pads when they are bored. Invest in some new toys for the little one.

Finally and this one is something that should be looked into first, is that maybe there is something medical wrong with your cat. My ferret lost all her hair and we found out that she had cancer in her intestines. I am not saying that is what your cat has but it is something that you should look into.

It could also indicate that she has a skin problem and again the vet can give you a definite answer.

Good luck!

MY Cat is losing HAIR!!!?

Take her to the vet, ignore all the other idiots telling you to try this or try that. The vet is the only one who will be able to run tests to find out what is wrong. It could be something as simple as a vitamin deficiency to ringworm to something even worse.

MY Cat is losing HAIR!!!?

Um Psych0bug is right. Give that poor thing some real meat.

Most skin problem happen because of a poor diet.

MY Cat is losing HAIR!!!?

As many people have already mentioned, it could be caused by a number of things such as parasites, stress or an allergy that's making her loose her hair. However, if she's spayed it could be a hormone imbalance. Many years ago my cat began losing hair on her lower belly and the inside of her back legs. When I took her to the vets he explained it's what they call "falling trouser syndrome" which sometimes happens with female cats who've been spayed. It was easily treated with hormone tablets and once the problem had cleared up it never returned, even after she stopped taking the tablets.

I'm glad to hear you're going to the vets this week. I hope it's just something mild that can be easily treated. Good luck.

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