I am a 24 year Male from Vadodara, India. I was having good hair-growth. But since last 2 months, i m losing my hair very quickly. Almost 30 to 40 in a day. I found that the water which i drank from water-purifiedr of my company was having carbon. so i stopped drinking it since a week, also I stopped using any shampoos instead i m using "Aritha" soap. This took good effect, but its not much helpful and not a considerable improvements. can anyone suggest me how can i stop losing hair, and regain the lost ones. thanks.
Please help me to stop losing my hair, and regain the lost ones?
Stop stressing over the small stuff. Stress causes so many odd things in a person. Stess does cause one to lose hair. Try not to think of your problems as much. Think about ways to solve the things that are bothering you.
Please help me to stop losing my hair, and regain the lost ones?
If you're losing your hair due to hereditary baldness, just let it go, shave it off, bald men are sexy!!!
Please help me to stop losing my hair, and regain the lost ones?
Rogaine!! I know some men who use it and it really does help with their hair loss..
heres a site-
Please help me to stop losing my hair, and regain the lost ones?
You may suffer from chemical poisoning in the air or ground. Any factories making pesticides or herbicides in your city?
Please help me to stop losing my hair, and regain the lost ones?
my dad had the same problem, which was caused by a bacteria produced by some shampoos, if you use them a lot. He consulted a doctor and she prescribed him oil from the castor-oil plant. It had miraculous result. You should try too... There is another treatement, which is, however, efficient only in time. Some pharmacies do a special, green shampoo, out of nettles. If the castor-oil treatement has results in less then a month, the one with nettle shampoo takes more than 6 month. But you can combine both and have the ideal result.
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